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I was blocked from a PVP ((LOFT) Dailies Room, and I don't know why?

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I had the LOFT Dailies Room as one of my favorite rooms, I always start my game going to before I get into serious game play. One day last week, I kept getting kicked out of the room. I figured it must be a glitch or something, so I kept going back in the room, only to get kicked again. Still thinking that something must be wrong, I kept going back in, till I couldn't get back in because I was blocked. I didn't know what to do. I never tried to go to support before, I wanted to know what is going on, what did I do to deserve this? So I went to support, but it only had two options, both were not what I wanted, both were Reporting the PVP room. It was really driving me up the wall not knowing what I could have done to get blocked. So I made the reports, hoping I was get a response, and I'll have a chance to explain. Nothing happened. I asked one of the admins. I usually see in the room, why I was targeted, what did I do to get blocked. The Admin. got angry at me for making a report on the LOFT Dailies Room, they said they knew who was the one who blocked me, and they told me next time follow the rules in the PVP rooms. I was taken back because I don't know what the hell I did wrong, what did I do? I don't chat, I follow the rule to tag and jump, my pet is not on attack, WHAT DID I DO?

Help me, I never been in this situation, I'm a long time player, I don't know who I'm supposed to talk to in this kind of situation. Maybe putting a Report wasn't a great idea, but I didn't know what to do. :(

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I've been banned from the LOFT dailies room from trolling it, and I know personally that dailies servers are very uptight about their rules. If you must know, a good idea would be to start your own dailies room if you have the gold. You could even copy the info from LOFT so people come to you and have the same situation where you are not blocked. Anyway I hope you have this fixed D:

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A few FYIs: Using the /report or Bug Report system in-game will garner no response (as indicated on the Bug Report window).

Unless you told the owners of the room you reported them, they have absolutely no way to know you made a report. Blocking or removing someone from a private PvP room is not against the rules; the CS Team never gets involved in player disputes (that include nothing against the EULA/ToS).


You might consider reading the Forum Rules, as well (accessed via the 'Legal Documentation' link below).


Good luck.

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I am in the guild LOFT. The way to get banned is not following the rules of the room. Stomping folks, grabbing objectives, killing outside of the portal etc. Rules of the Room are in the message of the day when you enter. If you were blocked you were given several warnings to cease whatever action you were doing. I am just a member but also help advise players of the rules of the room, after 5 warnings, I call the admin in or mods. Then you get DAS BOOT. =)

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