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Rangers and downed state


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My main is a ranger and I love playing a ranger.

This is not a complaint, but rather a what do you do thing.

When doing bounties or other meta events, I sometimes get downed. More often than not, some kind person will rez me. The thing is, because of my pet I can usually rez myself.

While I certainly appreciate it, I feel bad because they took the time to do it when its not needed.

Typing in chat would not work. Too much time taken and they probably would not see it anyway.

I don't know what the solution is, but I wonder what other peoples thoughts are about this.


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You just have to know what the players profession is and what their downed skills are capable of as well as take all of that in within the context of the fight.


There really isn't any solution except to just have awareness (both the rezzer and the downed). Same can be said for my thief, when I'm on my deadeye, and I come to rez you, your best choice of action is to stop doing anything and wait for your self aid skill to come up because I can stealth you and myself so mobs will ignore us. Too many times, players will still attack stuff to rally, cancel stealth and mobs will rush you and attack, slowing the rez.

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> @"Sister Saxifrage.7361" said:

> Meh, it'll get you up faster, maybe out of an incoming AoE that would have killed you. Rezzing is still the right choice in many high-pressure situations, and in open world it's not that big a deal either way; the only important behaviour is waypointing if full dead.


Actually, I agree and its probably the best way to handle it. And yes, fully dead they should waypoint unless its almost over.



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well gw2 is not that new. i guess alot people have played much content and by now realised that ones rangers pet can help to rezz. if a person rezz another it seems ok for the rezzer. i dont think anything else. its not that the event extends another 30 minutes because they rezz me. no no no. sorry but community is too sensible nowadays. in some situations it even happens that the rezz of the pet is not enough.

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> You don't have to worry, I never revive anyone anyway.




I occasionally do it, because as a thief i have to manage to be alive during fights.


Btw the faster you go up the better for the squad.


Also during meta fights i tend not to notice the class i am rezzing but only if there is somebody Downed.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Razor.6392 said:

> > You don't have to worry, I never revive anyone anyway.


> :lol:


> I occasionally do it, because as a thief i have to manage to be alive during fights.


> Btw the faster you go up the better for the squad.


> Also during meta fights i tend not to notice the class i am rezzing but only if there is somebody Downed.


If someone is really close to me I'll revive. Otherwise no. I feel like I contribute more by just dpsing down in meta events (namely world bosses).

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