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[SUGGESTION] Helm Toggling for during cutscenes


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This is something that has been bothering me for a while, and as I can't seem to find any information on the topic I figured I would have to ask directly. I've noticed that quite a few NPCs have Helmets on during cutscenes (as would their field model) but whenever the player Character appears in a cutscene their helmet is removed automatically without any input from the player. This autonomous decision makes playing as our character a little jarring especially lore-wise where during the character creation the player character chooses a headpiece that has a meaning, and in cases such as the Revenant, class serves a purpose. This is also a problem for the player who wants to wear a full set of wardrobe gear only to have the headpiece missing in those instances. An example of an NPC wearing a full helmet that I can think of during a cutscene was during the Silvari questline, the Green Knight wears his full ensemble during the cutscenes. So I don't really know why that is not an option if it isn't already. Anyway, I would like to hear all of your Input on this matter.

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This has been talked about and suggested for so long, and most likely when Vanilla GW2 was still "_new_" to most of us. Which was like 5 years ago. :tongue:


Short story, ANet wont bother fix/add something that old since... cutscenes are no longer in use in Expansions and Living World seasons.

And since they haven't in 5 years, there is no use.


My guess is why the PC always removed their headgear in cutscenes is because they wanted us to see our PC talk, like with their mouth. If that makes any sense. :)


I do miss the older cutscenes, you were able to see their facial emotions, body language and the best thing of all, armor details. ;)

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