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Isn't Spellbreaker a better power spec than Berserker? (PvE)


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The damage increase from Attacker's Insight and Pure Strike is more than the bonuses that you can get from Berserker - and those bonuses are mostly only while in berserk mode.


And I've also been in parties (referring to fractals here) where there is no boon removal and the entire boss is fought while it has protection up... unless I use a CC skill to remove a boon. I'm sure it's not the maximum highest potential damage but I find it ridiculous for people to call you out on running spellbreaker in PvE. Call me crazy, I guess.


They really need to go the same route as they did with Reaper and Scourge though, IMO. Where they (kinda-sorta'ish) made Reaper the power spec and Scourge the condi spec. You might as well make Berserker the condi/CC spec or something and Spellbreaker the power spec.

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I bet Spellbreaker will have some niche in the next raid wing with boon removal, but other than that, I don't think so :/. It's pretty good in open world for the reasons that you list, but other than that Beserker 10% dmg flat increase and the fact that it revolves around torch dmg (and condition dmg which is much stronger than any power build atm).


That, and it's main new burst ability, full counter, revolves around you getting hit. I betcha that if a raid boss next patch requires constant boon removal or AoE interrupts, (which is highly possible after what they have done in CM 100 with boons) it will be a good tank.

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> @Interpretor.3091 said:

> I bet Spellbreaker will have some niche in the next raid wing with boon removal, but other than that, I don't think so :/. It's pretty good in open world for the reasons that you list, but other than that Beserker 10% dmg flat increase and the fact that it revolves around torch dmg (and condition dmg which is much stronger than any power build atm).


> That, and it's main new burst ability, full counter, revolves around you getting hit. I betcha that if a raid boss next patch requires constant boon removal or AoE interrupts, (which is highly possible after what they have done in CM 100 with boons) it will be a good tank.


Chrono can remove boons in autoatack, don't need a necro or Spellbreaker for this.

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Berserker just out performs Spellbreaker by its nature


Major traits:

- Smash Brawler: REDUCE burst recharge

- Blood Reaction: A percentage of precision is given as bonus to ferocity, which is DOUBLED in berserk mode

- Bloody Roar: Taunt enemies when you activate berserk mode. Deal INCREASED damage while using berserk mode


Minor traits:

- Always Angry: Gain INCREASED 7% damage and condi damage when you enter or exit berserk mode

- Fatal Frenzy: Gain boons when activating berserk mode: Fury, Quickness Swiftness


As you probably already know. With berserker you're pretty much 80% of the combat time in berserk mode. So these traits are a major buff to a power warrior. (Yes it is still low compared to other classes & builds, but lets just focus on the power aspect of the warrior for now). As where spellbreaker has only has:


Major traits:

- Pure Strike: Deal 7% increased critical damage, 14% on boonless foes

- Sun and Moon Style: Gain bonusses for each dagger you equip: Mainhand: Interupts grant quickness. Offhand: Heal for 7% of your critical damage (this trait is kinda useless given people normally have a chrono in party + bosses have breakbar but it can be counted for those "if" moments)



- Attacker's Insight: Gain 60 Ferocity + Power (max 5 stacks) when disabling (hard cc) foe or removing boons. Full Counter refreshes all Burst skills on hit.


As you can see, spellbreaker kinda forces you to play with dagger if you want to be somewhat competent in dealing damage. But even then its in those rare occasions where you can potentially deal higher damage. However dagger deals less damage then the axe. As where the Berserker is just more solid and with greatsword, you have the highest damage output (again in power aspect)


The sad truth is that spellbreaker is just not an pve spec. Sure you can have fun with it in open world, dont get me wrong. But dont expect it to be competent in the endgame. The only function spellbreaker has is boon removal, but even that gets outplayed by mesmer if not necro. And both have more functions and / or damage then the spec. Plus the Healing Signet gives warrior usually more then enough sustain in pve. Which you can use with Berserker too. So unfortunately spellbreaker looses in all aspects when it comes to pve. Its made for competitive game modes like pvp and wvw, and that is where it shines at.

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