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AikijinX 1 Shot Thief/Daredevil Roaming/Outnumbered Vol. 6


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i've been playing around with your (DE) build in SPvP, it works most of the times but i do struggle allot with condies.... this build has almost no way of removing condies and SPvP now days is filled with condi specs... necros guardias, thieves, mesmers... very hard to deal with wile using this spec

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> @Volrath.1473 said:

> i've been playing around with your (DE) build in SPvP, it works most of the times but i do struggle allot with condies.... this build has almost no way of removing condies and SPvP now days is filled with condi specs... necros guardias, thieves, mesmers... very hard to deal with wile using this spec


You might have to forgo BT for trickster. On my own DE spec still in Rifle I stick to SA line. Malicious restoration is not all bad either as long as you time the heals for maximum cleanse. It just has too long an ICD.

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> @Slugonaut.9841 said:

> Thanks @"Turk.5460" S/D feels pretty good compared to where it was before I left. Nice to have options as well, I think I may replace the Scrapper runes though just not sure with what.



For Runes I prefer Wurm over scholar myself though both have benefits. The Wurm can give you a better health pool , you already have plenty of power on tap and the ferocity add helps make up for some of that damage lost out of the #6 bonus. Given its bonuses are always "on" over the duration of the fight I am not so certain scholar outputs more.

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> @Volrath.1473 said:

> i've been playing around with your (DE) build in SPvP, it works most of the times but i do struggle allot with condies.... this build has almost no way of removing condies and SPvP now days is filled with condi specs... necros guardias, thieves, mesmers... very hard to deal with wile using this spec


DE rifle needs to be played strategically, but yes unfortunately the condi removal is limited. My method of attack with everyone is to engage first, burst quick, make them use CD's then reset mark. With rifle you're not supposed to be within range of a condition inflicting individual, but I know that although as ideal as i made that sound, it's not always easy. "Easier said then done". This is especially true with Mirage condi. Mesmers are a huge weakness to my build unfortunately.


Condi Guards, and Necro's are fairly straight forward to fight. In my next montage I have a clip of me fighting kiritsugu Emeya's burn build, and i have plenty of clips of me fighting Necro's in the next montage :)

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AikijinX i wanna ask you something xD

give MY build a try and get back to me and tell me how it worked for you!

[THIS](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU8YnsMBNOh1FDmOBUGjFqCrrnEAOA8ByC5j0LD8BGAA-jZxHQBA4gAQwHAQP2fIgXBgrVGAA "THIS") is the build (Depending on the situation i constantly change between Instant Reflexes and Pain Response.) and i play it like this:


I usually start from stealth but it is not mandatory.

pre cast Binding Shadows > Assassin's Sig > Mark (BS and Mark with hit at about the same time knocking your target down 3sec)

2x TRS > DJ and cast stolen skill wile channeling DJ. = everything without a stun breaker available will die.


Same exact thing works with S/D, just go stealth and after the knock down melt faces.


versus more skilled oponentes or tankier just play like you normally would wile keeping an eye out for BS and sin's Sig CD, if they are off cd use Shadow meld or C&D or the heal to cover your cast and profit.


i've been having great success with it even 1v2's cuz the burst is amazing and can bring someone down in a second.

under the effect of the signet you can quickly finish off a down player without having to stomp and move to your next target.


1 more thing, is is NOT a one trick pony i can still 1v2 without ever using the signet and BS, if you prefere to use a different set of utilities and elite be my guest just, pls come back to me and tell me what u think ;)


aw yes! i played with this build using Runes of Leadership for some time and its very good too! you lose a bit of crit dmg but you'll barely notice and your boons will last longer (quickness primarily).

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> @AikijinX.6258 said:

> > @Volrath.1473 said:

> > i've been playing around with your (DE) build in SPvP, it works most of the times but i do struggle allot with condies.... this build has almost no way of removing condies and SPvP now days is filled with condi specs... necros guardias, thieves, mesmers... very hard to deal with wile using this spec


> DE rifle needs to be played strategically, but yes unfortunately the condi removal is limited. My method of attack with everyone is to engage first, burst quick, make them use CD's then reset mark. With rifle you're not supposed to be within range of a condition inflicting individual, but I know that although as ideal as i made that sound, it's not always easy. "Easier said then done". This is especially true with Mirage condi. Mesmers are a huge weakness to my build unfortunately.


> Condi Guards, and Necro's are fairly straight forward to fight. In my next montage I have a clip of me fighting kiritsugu Emeya's burn build, and i have plenty of clips of me fighting Necro's in the next montage :)


Yeah Scourges are super hard-countered by DE no-stealth rifle. We can DR for days, while they can only Sand Swell once every 25s or so.

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> @"Volrath.1473" said:

> AikijinX i wanna ask you something xD

> give MY build a try and get back to me and tell me how it worked for you!

> [THIS](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU8YnsMBNOh1FDmOBUGjFqCrrnEAOA8ByC5j0LD8BGAA-jZxHQBA4gAQwHAQP2fIgXBgrVGAA "THIS") is the build (Depending on the situation i constantly change between Instant Reflexes and Pain Response.) and i play it like this:


> I usually start from stealth but it is not mandatory.

> pre cast Binding Shadows > Assassin's Sig > Mark (BS and Mark with hit at about the same time knocking your target down 3sec)

> 2x TRS > DJ and cast stolen skill wile channeling DJ. = everything without a stun breaker available will die.


> Same exact thing works with S/D, just go stealth and after the knock down melt faces.


> versus more skilled oponentes or tankier just play like you normally would wile keeping an eye out for BS and sin's Sig CD, if they are off cd use Shadow meld or C&D or the heal to cover your cast and profit.


> i've been having great success with it even 1v2's cuz the burst is amazing and can bring someone down in a second.

> under the effect of the signet you can quickly finish off a down player without having to stomp and move to your next target.


> 1 more thing, is is NOT a one trick pony i can still 1v2 without ever using the signet and BS, if you prefere to use a different set of utilities and elite be my guest just, pls come back to me and tell me what u think ;)


> aw yes! i played with this build using Runes of Leadership for some time and its very good too! you lose a bit of crit dmg but you'll barely notice and your boons will last longer (quickness primarily).


I've run the build before, and it is quite funny to watch. Binding shadows if it doesn't miss, is really great to have as a utility. The vulnerability inflicted is insane, which allows D.J to be a lethal 1 hit K.O. It's a really nice spec. Kind of common. What you see almost every D.E running. But good nonetheless.

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> @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > @"Volrath.1473" said:

> > AikijinX i wanna ask you something xD

> > give MY build a try and get back to me and tell me how it worked for you!

> > [THIS](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU8YnsMBNOh1FDmOBUGjFqCrrnEAOA8ByC5j0LD8BGAA-jZxHQBA4gAQwHAQP2fIgXBgrVGAA "THIS") is the build (Depending on the situation i constantly change between Instant Reflexes and Pain Response.) and i play it like this:

> >

> > I usually start from stealth but it is not mandatory.

> > pre cast Binding Shadows > Assassin's Sig > Mark (BS and Mark with hit at about the same time knocking your target down 3sec)

> > 2x TRS > DJ and cast stolen skill wile channeling DJ. = everything without a stun breaker available will die.

> >

> > Same exact thing works with S/D, just go stealth and after the knock down melt faces.

> >

> > versus more skilled oponentes or tankier just play like you normally would wile keeping an eye out for BS and sin's Sig CD, if they are off cd use Shadow meld or C&D or the heal to cover your cast and profit.

> >

> > i've been having great success with it even 1v2's cuz the burst is amazing and can bring someone down in a second.

> > under the effect of the signet you can quickly finish off a down player without having to stomp and move to your next target.

> >

> > 1 more thing, is is NOT a one trick pony i can still 1v2 without ever using the signet and BS, if you prefere to use a different set of utilities and elite be my guest just, pls come back to me and tell me what u think ;)

> >

> > aw yes! i played with this build using Runes of Leadership for some time and its very good too! you lose a bit of crit dmg but you'll barely notice and your boons will last longer (quickness primarily).


> I've run the build before, and it is quite funny to watch. Binding shadows if it doesn't miss, is really great to have as a utility. The vulnerability inflicted is insane, which allows D.J to be a lethal 1 hit K.O. It's a really nice spec. Kind of common. What you see almost every D.E running. But good nonetheless.


not really, most deadeyes run with Deadly arts or Critical strikes (or both), a few with Shadow arts, with Acro apart from myself and 1 other i haven't seen anyone else.

also they use Sortbow for mobility i use S/D. Most ppl that jump me are not expecting much resistance and get surprised wen i switch to S/D. I get allot of whispers asking about my spec xD

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> @"Volrath.1473" said:

> > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > @"Volrath.1473" said:

> > > AikijinX i wanna ask you something xD

> > > give MY build a try and get back to me and tell me how it worked for you!

> > > [THIS](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU8YnsMBNOh1FDmOBUGjFqCrrnEAOA8ByC5j0LD8BGAA-jZxHQBA4gAQwHAQP2fIgXBgrVGAA "THIS") is the build (Depending on the situation i constantly change between Instant Reflexes and Pain Response.) and i play it like this:

> > >

> > > I usually start from stealth but it is not mandatory.

> > > pre cast Binding Shadows > Assassin's Sig > Mark (BS and Mark with hit at about the same time knocking your target down 3sec)

> > > 2x TRS > DJ and cast stolen skill wile channeling DJ. = everything without a stun breaker available will die.

> > >

> > > Same exact thing works with S/D, just go stealth and after the knock down melt faces.

> > >

> > > versus more skilled oponentes or tankier just play like you normally would wile keeping an eye out for BS and sin's Sig CD, if they are off cd use Shadow meld or C&D or the heal to cover your cast and profit.

> > >

> > > i've been having great success with it even 1v2's cuz the burst is amazing and can bring someone down in a second.

> > > under the effect of the signet you can quickly finish off a down player without having to stomp and move to your next target.

> > >

> > > 1 more thing, is is NOT a one trick pony i can still 1v2 without ever using the signet and BS, if you prefere to use a different set of utilities and elite be my guest just, pls come back to me and tell me what u think ;)

> > >

> > > aw yes! i played with this build using Runes of Leadership for some time and its very good too! you lose a bit of crit dmg but you'll barely notice and your boons will last longer (quickness primarily).

> >

> > I've run the build before, and it is quite funny to watch. Binding shadows if it doesn't miss, is really great to have as a utility. The vulnerability inflicted is insane, which allows D.J to be a lethal 1 hit K.O. It's a really nice spec. Kind of common. What you see almost every D.E running. But good nonetheless.


> not really, most deadeyes run with Deadly arts or Critical strikes (or both), a few with Shadow arts, with Acro apart from myself and 1 other i haven't seen anyone else.

> also they use Sortbow for mobility i use S/D. Most ppl that jump me are not expecting much resistance and get surprised wen i switch to S/D. I get allot of whispers asking about my spec xD


Well, Shadow arts with Acro, Quite the risky build in terms of initiative management,And you said you 1vx with this build? I would love to see some footage bro, that would be legendary ! :D

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> @"Volrath.1473" said:

> > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > @"Volrath.1473" said:

> > > AikijinX i wanna ask you something xD

> > > give MY build a try and get back to me and tell me how it worked for you!

> > > [THIS](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU8YnsMBNOh1FDmOBUGjFqCrrnEAOA8ByC5j0LD8BGAA-jZxHQBA4gAQwHAQP2fIgXBgrVGAA "THIS") is the build (Depending on the situation i constantly change between Instant Reflexes and Pain Response.) and i play it like this:

> > >

> > > I usually start from stealth but it is not mandatory.

> > > pre cast Binding Shadows > Assassin's Sig > Mark (BS and Mark with hit at about the same time knocking your target down 3sec)

> > > 2x TRS > DJ and cast stolen skill wile channeling DJ. = everything without a stun breaker available will die.

> > >

> > > Same exact thing works with S/D, just go stealth and after the knock down melt faces.

> > >

> > > versus more skilled oponentes or tankier just play like you normally would wile keeping an eye out for BS and sin's Sig CD, if they are off cd use Shadow meld or C&D or the heal to cover your cast and profit.

> > >

> > > i've been having great success with it even 1v2's cuz the burst is amazing and can bring someone down in a second.

> > > under the effect of the signet you can quickly finish off a down player without having to stomp and move to your next target.

> > >

> > > 1 more thing, is is NOT a one trick pony i can still 1v2 without ever using the signet and BS, if you prefere to use a different set of utilities and elite be my guest just, pls come back to me and tell me what u think ;)

> > >

> > > aw yes! i played with this build using Runes of Leadership for some time and its very good too! you lose a bit of crit dmg but you'll barely notice and your boons will last longer (quickness primarily).

> >

> > I've run the build before, and it is quite funny to watch. Binding shadows if it doesn't miss, is really great to have as a utility. The vulnerability inflicted is insane, which allows D.J to be a lethal 1 hit K.O. It's a really nice spec. Kind of common. What you see almost every D.E running. But good nonetheless.


> not really, most deadeyes run with Deadly arts or Critical strikes (or both), a few with Shadow arts, with Acro apart from myself and 1 other i haven't seen anyone else.

> also they use Sortbow for mobility i use S/D. Most ppl that jump me are not expecting much resistance and get surprised wen i switch to S/D. I get allot of whispers asking about my spec xD


most deadeyes in WvW that somehow survived my first hit(non crit BS :( ) were using acro, but there are not many deadeyes now and most dont survive the first hit., of those play alot with trickery so they might be trying that build from metabattle, wich has no acro tho. i dont understand why that one runs trickery as it says in describtion to hide for pretty much only 1 hit K.O. and in that case you get more damage drom CS.

probably cause of the quality of opponents in WvV its not hard to 1 vs X on most deadeye builds there especially when you can stomp people in 1 vs 5+, with DJ right after down ok but most people you just stomp and their mates wont even try to rez.


> @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> Well, Shadow arts with Acro, Quite the risky build in terms of initiative management,And you said you 1vx with this build? I would love to see some footage bro, that would be legendary ! :D


maybe the ini reg from upper hand is enough.

else if you mainly rely on 1 hit K.Os with BS and DJ its fine, but i am not sure if the damage is high enough for this with 2 defensive lines as well as acro being a waste in this case as you would then mainy camp stealth as i assume as defense. but would also love to see that, i dont think i have fought a deadeye in WvW yet that was not just trying out the spec so i only know what i can do with it and i do good enough with onehits :D


btw are you currently on EU or NA? i fought you last time like 9 month ago, but i didnt make it into your video. your attempts ganking me were mostly unsuccessful as were mine ganking you tho i had a major ping advantage :D

good to see you play more diffrent builds now, i think you were only using d/p + staff in the first one i did watch, waiting for the next.



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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Volrath.1473" said:

> > > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > > @"Volrath.1473" said:

> > > > AikijinX i wanna ask you something xD

> > > > give MY build a try and get back to me and tell me how it worked for you!

> > > > [THIS](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU8YnsMBNOh1FDmOBUGjFqCrrnEAOA8ByC5j0LD8BGAA-jZxHQBA4gAQwHAQP2fIgXBgrVGAA "THIS") is the build (Depending on the situation i constantly change between Instant Reflexes and Pain Response.) and i play it like this:

> > > >

> > > > I usually start from stealth but it is not mandatory.

> > > > pre cast Binding Shadows > Assassin's Sig > Mark (BS and Mark with hit at about the same time knocking your target down 3sec)

> > > > 2x TRS > DJ and cast stolen skill wile channeling DJ. = everything without a stun breaker available will die.

> > > >

> > > > Same exact thing works with S/D, just go stealth and after the knock down melt faces.

> > > >

> > > > versus more skilled oponentes or tankier just play like you normally would wile keeping an eye out for BS and sin's Sig CD, if they are off cd use Shadow meld or C&D or the heal to cover your cast and profit.

> > > >

> > > > i've been having great success with it even 1v2's cuz the burst is amazing and can bring someone down in a second.

> > > > under the effect of the signet you can quickly finish off a down player without having to stomp and move to your next target.

> > > >

> > > > 1 more thing, is is NOT a one trick pony i can still 1v2 without ever using the signet and BS, if you prefere to use a different set of utilities and elite be my guest just, pls come back to me and tell me what u think ;)

> > > >

> > > > aw yes! i played with this build using Runes of Leadership for some time and its very good too! you lose a bit of crit dmg but you'll barely notice and your boons will last longer (quickness primarily).

> > >

> > > I've run the build before, and it is quite funny to watch. Binding shadows if it doesn't miss, is really great to have as a utility. The vulnerability inflicted is insane, which allows D.J to be a lethal 1 hit K.O. It's a really nice spec. Kind of common. What you see almost every D.E running. But good nonetheless.

> >

> > not really, most deadeyes run with Deadly arts or Critical strikes (or both), a few with Shadow arts, with Acro apart from myself and 1 other i haven't seen anyone else.

> > also they use Sortbow for mobility i use S/D. Most ppl that jump me are not expecting much resistance and get surprised wen i switch to S/D. I get allot of whispers asking about my spec xD


> most deadeyes in WvW that somehow survived my first hit(non crit BS :( ) were using acro, but there are not many deadeyes now and most dont survive the first hit., of those play alot with trickery so they might be trying that build from metabattle, wich has no acro tho. i dont understand why that one runs trickery as it says in describtion to hide for pretty much only 1 hit K.O. and in that case you get more damage drom CS.

> probably cause of the quality of opponents in WvV its not hard to 1 vs X on most deadeye builds there especially when you can stomp people in 1 vs 5+, with DJ right after down ok but most people you just stomp and their mates wont even try to rez.


> > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > Well, Shadow arts with Acro, Quite the risky build in terms of initiative management,And you said you 1vx with this build? I would love to see some footage bro, that would be legendary ! :D


> maybe the ini reg from upper hand is enough.

> else if you mainly rely on 1 hit K.Os with BS and DJ its fine, but i am not sure if the damage is high enough for this with 2 defensive lines as well as acro being a waste in this case as you would then mainy camp stealth as i assume as defense. but would also love to see that, i dont think i have fought a deadeye in WvW yet that was not just trying out the spec so i only know what i can do with it and i do good enough with onehits :D


> btw are you currently on EU or NA? i fought you last time like 9 month ago, but i didnt make it into your video. your attempts ganking me were mostly unsuccessful as were mine ganking you tho i had a major ping advantage :D

> good to see you play more diffrent builds now, i think you were only using d/p + staff in the first one i did watch, waiting for the next.




Oh jeez, Did not remember to reply. But yeah man i am back in NA.


Yeah I remember our unsuccessful attempts to gank. D/P - Staff was my thing yes.


New montage should be up next week :)

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> @"Sketchy McBeardo.2874" said:

> Oh NICE. This is the thread I've been looking for since getting back into WvW. XD


> I notice that between the D/P 1 Shot Build and the S/D DrD & wvw Deadeye builds you switch between Bewildering Ambush and Sleight of hand in the Trickery line. Any particular reason?


Thats an oversight on his part while making the build to link. He's using Sleight of Hand in both.

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> @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > @Volrath.1473 said:

> > i've been playing around with your (DE) build in SPvP, it works most of the times but i do struggle allot with condies.... this build has almost no way of removing condies and SPvP now days is filled with condi specs... necros guardias, thieves, mesmers... very hard to deal with wile using this spec


> DE rifle needs to be played strategically, but yes unfortunately the condi removal is limited. My method of attack with everyone is to engage first, burst quick, make them use CD's then reset mark. With rifle you're not supposed to be within range of a condition inflicting individual, but I know that although as ideal as i made that sound, it's not always easy. "Easier said then done". This is especially true with Mirage condi. Mesmers are a huge weakness to my build unfortunately.


> Condi Guards, and Necro's are fairly straight forward to fight. In my next montage I have a clip of me fighting kiritsugu Emeya's burn build, and i have plenty of clips of me fighting Necro's in the next montage :)


Try taking Infiltrator's Signet or Shadow Step and Blinding Gust. Or just Binding shadow. When I go into WvW with deadeye, the first combo is when I plan on bursting them hard in melee. Activate the Shadow gust, and then infiltrator's signet when its about to go off to get a quick knock down, and lay into them. Most people don't expect a Deadeye to go melee, and thinks they are pretty weak in melee - when they are actually pretty damn scary.


Binding Shadow I take when I am focusing on rifle. I use it for tricky people who can easily get away from a DJ. I cast it, kneel, and DJ. By the time the bullet is in the air, BS will knock them down giving them a few miliseconds to save themselves.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"Sketchy McBeardo.2874" said:

> > Oh NICE. This is the thread I've been looking for since getting back into WvW. XD

> >

> > I notice that between the D/P 1 Shot Build and the S/D DrD & wvw Deadeye builds you switch between Bewildering Ambush and Sleight of hand in the Trickery line. Any particular reason?


> Thats an oversight on his part while making the build to link. He's using Sleight of Hand in both.


You guys will soon see more footage of my Rifle DE in action. More outnumbered Rifle fights. More reason for why I choose Bewildering Ambush over sleight of hand. It was not an oversight, I intentionally used B.A, because of the complimentary touch it adds for this power interrupt build. Nobody wants to have confusion on them, especially while their HP is being sliced down in less than 3 seconds.


Here's 2 clips that'll feature in my next montage that demonstrate the power of double tap: (I have 2v1 vs. double soulbeasts, and double druids in the montage as well. It'll be a nice one to end the year :)



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> @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"Sketchy McBeardo.2874" said:

> > > Oh NICE. This is the thread I've been looking for since getting back into WvW. XD

> > >

> > > I notice that between the D/P 1 Shot Build and the S/D DrD & wvw Deadeye builds you switch between Bewildering Ambush and Sleight of hand in the Trickery line. Any particular reason?

> >

> > Thats an oversight on his part while making the build to link. He's using Sleight of Hand in both.


> You guys will soon see more footage of my Rifle DE in action. More outnumbered Rifle fights. More reason for why I choose Bewildering Ambush over sleight of hand. It was not an oversight, I intentionally used B.A, because of the complimentary touch it adds for this power interrupt build. Nobody wants to have confusion on them, especially while their HP is being sliced down in less than 3 seconds.


> Here's 2 clips that'll feature in my next montage that demonstrate the power of double tap: (I have 2v1 vs. double soulbeasts, and double druids in the montage as well. It'll be a nice one to end the year :)

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mzvI53hJQBg6SZG_fbhJ01cFV_ntvyzA

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wovXm44RLLsNEawQh41FMNkmw3qK8MYe


BA is especially noticeable if you are in grievers. You are not giving up a heck of a lot in Grievers from a damage POV albeit it a bit lacking on the defensive side of things. It works with s/d especially well but a lot depends on the inherent condition apps a given weaponset has and how often those are used by a given playstyle. I would not go all grievers but you might want to give it a try on that DE build version.

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > @"Sketchy McBeardo.2874" said:

> > > > Oh NICE. This is the thread I've been looking for since getting back into WvW. XD

> > > >

> > > > I notice that between the D/P 1 Shot Build and the S/D DrD & wvw Deadeye builds you switch between Bewildering Ambush and Sleight of hand in the Trickery line. Any particular reason?

> > >

> > > Thats an oversight on his part while making the build to link. He's using Sleight of Hand in both.

> >

> > You guys will soon see more footage of my Rifle DE in action. More outnumbered Rifle fights. More reason for why I choose Bewildering Ambush over sleight of hand. It was not an oversight, I intentionally used B.A, because of the complimentary touch it adds for this power interrupt build. Nobody wants to have confusion on them, especially while their HP is being sliced down in less than 3 seconds.

> >

> > Here's 2 clips that'll feature in my next montage that demonstrate the power of double tap: (I have 2v1 vs. double soulbeasts, and double druids in the montage as well. It'll be a nice one to end the year :)

> > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mzvI53hJQBg6SZG_fbhJ01cFV_ntvyzA

> > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wovXm44RLLsNEawQh41FMNkmw3qK8MYe


> BA is especially noticeable if you are in grievers. You are not giving up a heck of a lot in Grievers from a damage POV albeit it a bit lacking on the defensive side of things. It works with s/d especially well but a lot depends on the inherent condition apps a given weaponset has and how often those are used by a given playstyle. I would not go all grievers but you might want to give it a try on that DE build version.


I appreciate everyone's suggestions, and what they feel I should run. I love all the feedback and brainstorm ideas.!!


However this build is supposed to push power numbers, not condi. This is a power interrupt build, with supplementary confusion to top off my Mark (Steal ability). Like i said before, nobody wants to be caught with confusion on them, all while their HP is quickly dropping, so they have to decide what to do first in a split second. Heal, Cleanse Condition, Dodge, or Die. It's very hard for people who don't have passives on them to survive, and act quickly. Because if they survive the first burst, ill just use "Mercy" and refresh my Mark, and burst them again.

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> @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"Sketchy McBeardo.2874" said:

> > > Oh NICE. This is the thread I've been looking for since getting back into WvW. XD

> > >

> > > I notice that between the D/P 1 Shot Build and the S/D DrD & wvw Deadeye builds you switch between Bewildering Ambush and Sleight of hand in the Trickery line. Any particular reason?

> >

> > Thats an oversight on his part while making the build to link. He's using Sleight of Hand in both.


> You guys will soon see more footage of my Rifle DE in action. More outnumbered Rifle fights. More reason for why I choose Bewildering Ambush over sleight of hand. It was not an oversight, I intentionally used B.A, because of the complimentary touch it adds for this power interrupt build. Nobody wants to have confusion on them, especially while their HP is being sliced down in less than 3 seconds.


> Here's 2 clips that'll feature in my next montage that demonstrate the power of double tap: (I have 2v1 vs. double soulbeasts, and double druids in the montage as well. It'll be a nice one to end the year :)

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mzvI53hJQBg6SZG_fbhJ01cFV_ntvyzA

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wovXm44RLLsNEawQh41FMNkmw3qK8MYe


Do you interchange them? Your footage of you in WvW playing DE Rifle showed daze when you marked your opponents.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > @"Sketchy McBeardo.2874" said:

> > > > Oh NICE. This is the thread I've been looking for since getting back into WvW. XD

> > > >

> > > > I notice that between the D/P 1 Shot Build and the S/D DrD & wvw Deadeye builds you switch between Bewildering Ambush and Sleight of hand in the Trickery line. Any particular reason?

> > >

> > > Thats an oversight on his part while making the build to link. He's using Sleight of Hand in both.

> >

> > You guys will soon see more footage of my Rifle DE in action. More outnumbered Rifle fights. More reason for why I choose Bewildering Ambush over sleight of hand. It was not an oversight, I intentionally used B.A, because of the complimentary touch it adds for this power interrupt build. Nobody wants to have confusion on them, especially while their HP is being sliced down in less than 3 seconds.

> >

> > Here's 2 clips that'll feature in my next montage that demonstrate the power of double tap: (I have 2v1 vs. double soulbeasts, and double druids in the montage as well. It'll be a nice one to end the year :)

> > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mzvI53hJQBg6SZG_fbhJ01cFV_ntvyzA

> > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wovXm44RLLsNEawQh41FMNkmw3qK8MYe


> Do you interchange them? Your footage of you in WvW playing DE Rifle showed daze when you marked your opponents.


No I don't interchange. I only use Bewildering Ambush currently. (Those clips where I had daze equipped were when I was just testing out the concept of the build. I had the concept of the build actually pre-beta, then during beta testing week i tested some things out, and after beta testing ended and during the first week of PoF release, I tested out the final results of my concept.) I decided having a good complimentary/annoying condition like confusion, while pumping out hard/fast DPS is more lethal than sleight of hand, since I have mercy, and CD without SoH i have already forgotten it exists. I don't even notice it being gone.

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> @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > > @"Sketchy McBeardo.2874" said:

> > > > > Oh NICE. This is the thread I've been looking for since getting back into WvW. XD

> > > > >

> > > > > I notice that between the D/P 1 Shot Build and the S/D DrD & wvw Deadeye builds you switch between Bewildering Ambush and Sleight of hand in the Trickery line. Any particular reason?

> > > >

> > > > Thats an oversight on his part while making the build to link. He's using Sleight of Hand in both.

> > >

> > > You guys will soon see more footage of my Rifle DE in action. More outnumbered Rifle fights. More reason for why I choose Bewildering Ambush over sleight of hand. It was not an oversight, I intentionally used B.A, because of the complimentary touch it adds for this power interrupt build. Nobody wants to have confusion on them, especially while their HP is being sliced down in less than 3 seconds.

> > >

> > > Here's 2 clips that'll feature in my next montage that demonstrate the power of double tap: (I have 2v1 vs. double soulbeasts, and double druids in the montage as well. It'll be a nice one to end the year :)

> > > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mzvI53hJQBg6SZG_fbhJ01cFV_ntvyzA

> > > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wovXm44RLLsNEawQh41FMNkmw3qK8MYe

> >

> > Do you interchange them? Your footage of you in WvW playing DE Rifle showed daze when you marked your opponents.


> No I don't interchange. I only use Bewildering Ambush currently. (Those clips where I had daze equipped were when I was just testing out the concept of the build. I had the concept of the build actually pre-beta, then during beta testing week i tested some things out, and after beta testing ended and during the first week of PoF release, I tested out the final results of my concept.) I decided having a good complimentary/annoying condition like confusion, while pumping out hard/fast DPS is more lethal than sleight of hand, since I have mercy, and CD without SoH i have already forgotten it exists. I don't even notice it being gone.


I gave Bewildering Ambush a try just for kicks, unfortunately it does not really work with Marauder/Zerk gear. I personally found the stability-ignoring daze and shorter cooldown more useful. Especially when there is a ranged-skirmish where Mercy is best saved for finishing someone off. I also found that SoH was much more useful when fighting D/P DrD's.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > > > @"Sketchy McBeardo.2874" said:

> > > > > > Oh NICE. This is the thread I've been looking for since getting back into WvW. XD

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I notice that between the D/P 1 Shot Build and the S/D DrD & wvw Deadeye builds you switch between Bewildering Ambush and Sleight of hand in the Trickery line. Any particular reason?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thats an oversight on his part while making the build to link. He's using Sleight of Hand in both.

> > > >

> > > > You guys will soon see more footage of my Rifle DE in action. More outnumbered Rifle fights. More reason for why I choose Bewildering Ambush over sleight of hand. It was not an oversight, I intentionally used B.A, because of the complimentary touch it adds for this power interrupt build. Nobody wants to have confusion on them, especially while their HP is being sliced down in less than 3 seconds.

> > > >

> > > > Here's 2 clips that'll feature in my next montage that demonstrate the power of double tap: (I have 2v1 vs. double soulbeasts, and double druids in the montage as well. It'll be a nice one to end the year :)

> > > > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mzvI53hJQBg6SZG_fbhJ01cFV_ntvyzA

> > > > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wovXm44RLLsNEawQh41FMNkmw3qK8MYe

> > >

> > > Do you interchange them? Your footage of you in WvW playing DE Rifle showed daze when you marked your opponents.

> >

> > No I don't interchange. I only use Bewildering Ambush currently. (Those clips where I had daze equipped were when I was just testing out the concept of the build. I had the concept of the build actually pre-beta, then during beta testing week i tested some things out, and after beta testing ended and during the first week of PoF release, I tested out the final results of my concept.) I decided having a good complimentary/annoying condition like confusion, while pumping out hard/fast DPS is more lethal than sleight of hand, since I have mercy, and CD without SoH i have already forgotten it exists. I don't even notice it being gone.


> I gave Bewildering Ambush a try just for kicks, unfortunately it does not really work with Marauder/Zerk gear. I personally found the stability-ignoring daze and shorter cooldown more useful. Especially when there is a ranged-skirmish where Mercy is best saved for finishing someone off. I also found that SoH was much more useful when fighting D/P DrD's.


I would love to get some practice friendly 1v1's in with you if you're up for that. I can show you the potential of the build if you'd like that brotha ! :) I promise you it's really strong, and does well to compete with SoH.

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> @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > > > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > > > > @"Sketchy McBeardo.2874" said:

> > > > > > > Oh NICE. This is the thread I've been looking for since getting back into WvW. XD

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I notice that between the D/P 1 Shot Build and the S/D DrD & wvw Deadeye builds you switch between Bewildering Ambush and Sleight of hand in the Trickery line. Any particular reason?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thats an oversight on his part while making the build to link. He's using Sleight of Hand in both.

> > > > >

> > > > > You guys will soon see more footage of my Rifle DE in action. More outnumbered Rifle fights. More reason for why I choose Bewildering Ambush over sleight of hand. It was not an oversight, I intentionally used B.A, because of the complimentary touch it adds for this power interrupt build. Nobody wants to have confusion on them, especially while their HP is being sliced down in less than 3 seconds.

> > > > >

> > > > > Here's 2 clips that'll feature in my next montage that demonstrate the power of double tap: (I have 2v1 vs. double soulbeasts, and double druids in the montage as well. It'll be a nice one to end the year :)

> > > > > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mzvI53hJQBg6SZG_fbhJ01cFV_ntvyzA

> > > > > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wovXm44RLLsNEawQh41FMNkmw3qK8MYe

> > > >

> > > > Do you interchange them? Your footage of you in WvW playing DE Rifle showed daze when you marked your opponents.

> > >

> > > No I don't interchange. I only use Bewildering Ambush currently. (Those clips where I had daze equipped were when I was just testing out the concept of the build. I had the concept of the build actually pre-beta, then during beta testing week i tested some things out, and after beta testing ended and during the first week of PoF release, I tested out the final results of my concept.) I decided having a good complimentary/annoying condition like confusion, while pumping out hard/fast DPS is more lethal than sleight of hand, since I have mercy, and CD without SoH i have already forgotten it exists. I don't even notice it being gone.

> >

> > I gave Bewildering Ambush a try just for kicks, unfortunately it does not really work with Marauder/Zerk gear. I personally found the stability-ignoring daze and shorter cooldown more useful. Especially when there is a ranged-skirmish where Mercy is best saved for finishing someone off. I also found that SoH was much more useful when fighting D/P DrD's.


> I would love to get some practice friendly 1v1's in with you if you're up for that. I can show you the potential of the build if you'd like that brotha ! :) I promise you it's really strong, and does well to compete with SoH.


HMU when you're matched with FA, gurl!

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > > > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > > > > > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Sketchy McBeardo.2874" said:

> > > > > > > > Oh NICE. This is the thread I've been looking for since getting back into WvW. XD

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I notice that between the D/P 1 Shot Build and the S/D DrD & wvw Deadeye builds you switch between Bewildering Ambush and Sleight of hand in the Trickery line. Any particular reason?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Thats an oversight on his part while making the build to link. He's using Sleight of Hand in both.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You guys will soon see more footage of my Rifle DE in action. More outnumbered Rifle fights. More reason for why I choose Bewildering Ambush over sleight of hand. It was not an oversight, I intentionally used B.A, because of the complimentary touch it adds for this power interrupt build. Nobody wants to have confusion on them, especially while their HP is being sliced down in less than 3 seconds.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Here's 2 clips that'll feature in my next montage that demonstrate the power of double tap: (I have 2v1 vs. double soulbeasts, and double druids in the montage as well. It'll be a nice one to end the year :)

> > > > > > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mzvI53hJQBg6SZG_fbhJ01cFV_ntvyzA

> > > > > > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wovXm44RLLsNEawQh41FMNkmw3qK8MYe

> > > > >

> > > > > Do you interchange them? Your footage of you in WvW playing DE Rifle showed daze when you marked your opponents.

> > > >

> > > > No I don't interchange. I only use Bewildering Ambush currently. (Those clips where I had daze equipped were when I was just testing out the concept of the build. I had the concept of the build actually pre-beta, then during beta testing week i tested some things out, and after beta testing ended and during the first week of PoF release, I tested out the final results of my concept.) I decided having a good complimentary/annoying condition like confusion, while pumping out hard/fast DPS is more lethal than sleight of hand, since I have mercy, and CD without SoH i have already forgotten it exists. I don't even notice it being gone.

> > >

> > > I gave Bewildering Ambush a try just for kicks, unfortunately it does not really work with Marauder/Zerk gear. I personally found the stability-ignoring daze and shorter cooldown more useful. Especially when there is a ranged-skirmish where Mercy is best saved for finishing someone off. I also found that SoH was much more useful when fighting D/P DrD's.

> >

> > I would love to get some practice friendly 1v1's in with you if you're up for that. I can show you the potential of the build if you'd like that brotha ! :) I promise you it's really strong, and does well to compete with SoH.


> HMU when you're matched with FA, gurl!


We're matched right now. I am on Maguuma. > @"Kupson.9624" said:

> AikijinX what do you think about running agro DD glass cannon thief in wvwvw?


Very risky to play Dagger/Dagger (DD) glass cannon thief in this meta. In the past the risk for playing D/D wasn't as substantial due to SA coating and carrying, and being the backbone to that build. But with all the changes to SA, and this condi meta still being extremely strong, mixed with all these passives traits, Reveal debuffs, and cancer, playing D/D is way too risky at the moment.

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