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Contested WP


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I think it is about time that WP being contested when 1 person runs around structure needs to be fixed , WP to me should only show contested when actual siege has touched the structure. Then you actually know you have enemy . Just an opinion. Just an addon thieves get revealed for 5 secs by the guards if you do it more than 3 times just an opinion :)

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This is a tricky issue. Allowing only siege damage to trigger a contest on the waypoint, or swords to pop would actually hurt defenders because what if the walls/gates are already down before anyone has noticed and the attackers are fighting the lord. You need the swords to pop when the guards are being attacked so it can alert defenders. It is annoying yes because of how easy it can make a wp unusable, but it is also useful.


Basically, Scouts are important.

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There are systems in place that can scale up lords based on player count, so they have a way to detect how many are in a given area around a structure....why not use this for contesting, so a single person hitting guards or even the gate doesn't do anything, but 2-3 people will. This keeps that single thief from keeping a WP contested 24/7 as getting 2-3 people to do this for extended periods will be hard. Contesting will also happen as soon as any siege dmg is done. Pvding is hard now, with hardened gates, and even without 2-3 people are not going to be PvDing even a paper tower anytime soon, and anymore than that will make it contested, this would work even if one person hits guards or gate and the others are just in the area.


I have seen the current system abused and maybe even botted, one match up there was a person who would go straight from spawn to bay and attack guards, after I noticed I waited and like a clock here it came, I tried fighting them and they did not try and fight, would go straight for guards (die) and then after the contested time frame passed....Here it came again. I killed it....A LOT, but who wants to sit there doing that? It's never going to get tired and only wastes your time.


There are a number of things that could be done to mitigate this, though I am not sure there will ever be a perfect "fix". However, I would not expect anything any time soon.

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There's indeed no perfect solution, but I do think its trivially easy for a single player to make a WP permanently contested in WvW. I think that at a minimum a guard should have to be killed, or any siege damage from anything but a treb done to a wall/gate in order to contest the WP, and it should become uncontested relatively quickly. Say within 60 seconds after the guard dies/the siege damage is done unless those actions are repeated. It should require actual investment on 1 server's part to keep a WP permanently contested in WvW, right now its just trivial.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> There's indeed no perfect solution, but I do think its trivially easy for a single player to make a WP permanently contested in WvW. I think that at a minimum a guard should have to be killed, or any siege damage from anything but a treb done to a wall/gate in order to contest the WP, and it should become uncontested relatively quickly. Say within 60 seconds after the guard dies/the siege damage is done unless those actions are repeated. It should require actual investment on 1 server's part to keep a WP permanently contested in WvW, right now its just trivial.


I can agree.


Back when the WP was opened for a short time at the end of the contested timer made sense for the longer contested timer, and really could have been even longer as it was more or less a short EWP every few minutes. However with that fixed, after the team has moved off and there is no longer any siege dmg, there doesn't really need to be such a long and so easy to trigger contested. Hell maybe just make it contested like it is now, but WP is not contested unless it's as we said here.


And while we are at it, how about we make the swords on keeps/towers bigger? With all the stuff in the way and on a T3 keep, it can be very hard to notice them.

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> @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > There's indeed no perfect solution, but I do think its trivially easy for a single player to make a WP permanently contested in WvW. I think that at a minimum a guard should have to be killed, or any siege damage from anything but a treb done to a wall/gate in order to contest the WP, and it should become uncontested relatively quickly. Say within 60 seconds after the guard dies/the siege damage is done unless those actions are repeated. It should require actual investment on 1 server's part to keep a WP permanently contested in WvW, right now its just trivial.


> I can agree.


> Back when the WP was opened for a short time at the end of the contested timer made sense for the longer contested timer, and really could have been even longer as it was more or less a short EWP every few minutes. However with that fixed, after the team has moved off and there is no longer any siege dmg, there doesn't really need to be such a long and so easy to trigger contested. Hell maybe just make it contested like it is now, but WP is not contested unless it's as we said here.


> And while we are at it, how about we make the swords on keeps/towers bigger? With all the stuff in the way and on a T3 keep, it can be very hard to notice them.


As far as the swords go, they can put OJ's on it with the same condition met that creates them.

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