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Spellbreaker or Firebrand


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Hi, So I am finally playing GW2 and been reading on specializations, seems I like what I read and see from SpellBreaker and Firebrand. Thing is I'd need to know how they do at lvl 80 in top gear WvW:


1. Which of the two tanks best a) Zerg, b) Roaming and small scale, and c) 1v1

2. Which of the two classes has more defensive skills versus crowd control and conditions?

3. How far apart is their burst, can both burst a single target?

4. Which one has more gap closers, pulls, teleports, speed burst skills, snares etc?

5. Do any of them have invincibility skills, how many and what cooldowns?


Thanks much for your help.

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If you want a class with longevity, go with Guardian/Firebrand.



> Which of the two tanks best a) Zerg, b) Roaming and small scale, and c) 1v1

Guardian probably.


> Which of the two classes has more defensive skills versus crowd control and conditions?



> How far apart is their burst, can both burst a single target?

The current meta specs for both classes are not dps roles, but you can build a roaming dps spec for both.


> Which one has more gap closers, pulls, teleports, speed burst skills, snares etc?

Warrior is more mobile than guardian.


> Do any of them have invincibility skills, how many and what cooldowns?

Yes. Renewed Focus on guardian and arguably Endure Pain on warrior.

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I was going to try to answer your questions one by one but it boils down to what kind of build you have. FB take the healer buff bot roll in a zerg and is great to have in small-scale for support, for 1v1 Dh is probably a better choice. SB is wanted in a zerg for winds of disenchantment and if used right can be game-changing, In small-scale they bring direct damage and boon strip, In 1v1 if played right can be really hard to deal with.

Judging from your questions I would say go Spellbreaker

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> @"CHRIS CORNELL.6147" said:

> Hi, So I am finally playing GW2 and been reading on specializations, seems I like what I read and see from SpellBreaker and Firebrand. Thing is I'd need to know how they do at lvl 80 in top gear WvW:


> 1. Which of the two tanks best a) Zerg, b) Roaming and small scale, and c) 1v1

In terms of sheer tanking, spellbreaker is going to win every time because they have lots of survival-related skills/talents and they have a larger health pool. However, if you're in a zerg I would go firebrand 100% because they help your allies the most.

> 2. Which of the two classes has more defensive skills versus crowd control and conditions?

Firebrand is best against crowd control, but regular guard is actually better than it due to no cast time on virtues. Firebrand is the best at removing conditions but as I said, they have a smaller health pool making them easier to burst down.

> 3. How far apart is their burst, can both burst a single target?

Firebrand has better burst but is extremely susceptible to condi removal as most of their damage is burn.

> 4. Which one has more gap closers, pulls, teleports, speed burst skills, snares etc?

Spellbreaker definitely has the better movement and CC. If you want CC on a guardian, go for dragon hunter.

> 5. Do any of them have invincibility skills, how many and what cooldowns?

Warrior has ignore pain (60 second CD I think) and have another stance skill that pulses resistance (60 second again) and they have a talent that applies an alternate version of ignore pain.


Guardian only has the ult that resets virtues but it's a long CD and only 3 seconds and is mainly used to reset the virtues.


> Thanks much for your help.


If you want to be a support in a zerg/small group, firebrand is the way to go, as is minstrel stats.

Spellbreaker has better survivability, hence why they don't need to use minstrel (I think they might use either berserker or viper). Spell breaker is a DPS spec in WvW, if you want DPS in Zerg/Small group, pick it.


For solo roaming I would not recommend firebrand. Due to the huge popularity of conditions, everyone is running tons of condi clear and your burn would just be swept off. That being said, dragon hunters make good solo roamers. But between Firebrand and Spellbreaker I would go with spellbreaker for solo.

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Firebrand is slow as a rock for running away. Yes, it has some teleports, but not every time there is a target on the direction you need.


I've seen some nice group comps with 1 FB, 1Scourge, 1 SB and 1 tempest. Incredibly hard to beat, but they dont have the mobility of a theif, mesmer, war, etc to disengage and avoid been run over by a zerg or to reset fights.


Abstract: FB great fighter, specially when combined with scourge. Downside: little scape power.

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