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Please do not use real-world names for items

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But the demons that exist in Ars Goetia don't exist in Tyria. It's literally just a similarity in name. Just as Abaddon was named for a "real" demon/angel/antichrist, but is none of those things in GW. Angels and antichrists don't exist in Tyria. Demons do, but are not the same as demons in Christianity.

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> @Squee.7829 said:

> Asura are literally Vedic demons. You get to play as one.


Yeah, and Bifrost is from Nordic religion, and revering spirits like the Norn do is common in shamanism and so on.


That's not the point.


No one is saying that mentioning demons in games is bad, or that it will make demons real or whatever. Demons aren't real.


Demon worship, in other hand, is very real, and nocive. Unlike Nordic religion or shamanism or dead religions that either don't do anything or have peaceful cults, demon worship is real, today. And today it can lead to people doing bad things. The Ars Goetia is a direct reference to a book for real world demon worshippers, and while it's not a scandal to have something named like that in GW2, it's unnecessary and the issues with the name are bigger than the benefits it brings (which are none).

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Anet, please quit naming unique items after historical items from the real world. Tyria is supposed to be its own unique world and should have no connection with planet Earth. The new legendary focus titled Ars Goetia is actually a 17th century book about summoning demons. It was later revised by Alister Crowley in the 20th century. Why do you have to connect Tyria with this kind of crap? I prefer fantasy pretend world.


> just google ars goetia and you will see what I am talking about


Ars Goetia is just as real as the Excalibur or Mjolnir to people who believe that God and the Bible are myths.


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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

>Why is Anet giving a shout out to a book about demon summoning?


Why do you care, unless as I asked before, you actually believe demons are indeed real?


I ask again: Do you actually think demons are real? Is that why you are so worried about this?

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Exactly, so why name the book the Ars Goetia? Why have any connection at all. Why is the Ars Geotia getting this homage? Why is Anet giving a shout out to a book about demon summoning?


You are literally making an issue out of nothing, I'll bet 99% of GW2 players wouldn't even know it was connected to a real world item, but thanks to you, now everyone that frequents the forums will know. Next time, think before posting something like this...if you don't like the name because of it being connected to something you perceive as bad in the real world, don't post about it and let everyone else know.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Well, the Ars Geotia is real and exists. Excalibur and Mjolnir are only referred to in myth and legend.


So are Terry Brooks novels, and they're every bit as powerful as a book about fake demons. But, more relevant, there are real world artefacts in many games.

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And the vedas were not meant to be fantasy, but again, Asura. Back to my original point, genies, elves, and dwarves were not originally written to be fantasy. Hell, there are still Bedouin people that believe in good and bad djinn (although, they're nomadic people and won't likely be found playing computer games). But they ARE fantasy. The vast majority of the world knows and accepts this and make no deal of it.

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Yes, genies, elves, etc. were not originally written to be fantasy. Those things have long been reduced to myth and legend and no one regards them with seriousness. The Ars Goetia is something that still exists and there are still people involved in the occult that practice black magic. While I don't believe the book has any power its intentions are sinister. I just question why Anet would choose this for a legendary name.


Would you be comfortable having a kid read Alladin and then being given a copy of the Ars Goetia to look at?

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The Vedas are still 100% relevant to the world today. They're still a thing that exist. I'd argue Ars Goetia is not. Just like the necronomicon, 99.9% of Christians will not believe in it. It's something you'll only find in the hands of edgy goth kids and people dumb enough to believe in occultism.


Which, by the way, occultism is not dangerous. I don't know where you got the idea they were. Just as gypsies curses are not dangerous. Never have been. Because they rely on powers that are. Not. Real. Might be dangerous to some poor neighbors cat or goat, but have literally no affects on people.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Yes, genies, elves, etc. were not originally written to be fantasy. Those things have long been reduced to myth and legend and no one regards them with seriousness. The Ars Goetia is something that still exists and there are still people involved in the occult that practice black magic. While I don't believe the book has any power its intentions are sinister. I just question why Anet would choose this for a legendary name.


> Would you be comfortable having a kid read Alladin and then being given a copy of the Ars Goetia to look at?


Yes, because I suspect that if I had a child they would know the difference between fantasy and real life. For your information, I've read the Goetia; the esoteric complexities typically exceed a child's understanding. Typically. And you know what? I didn't summon a demon. In fact, I read it, said "okay", and picked up a book on Merlin.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> there are still people involved in the occult that practice black magic.


No there isn't! Demons, the occult and "black magic" isn't real! It never was!


Seriously, are you one of the 90's "satanic panic"-parents who has come back through a time machine or something?



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> @Tsakhi.8124 said:



> Yes, because I suspect that if I had a child they would know the difference between fantasy and real life. For your information, I've read the Goetia; the esoteric complexities typically exceed a child's understanding. Typically. And you know what? I didn't summon a demon. In fact, I read it, said "okay", and picked up a book on Merlin.


Nice try, demon. Give Tsakhi back!!

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Why not have something completely Tyrian? I just wonder why Anet is giving an homage or a shoutout to an occultic book about demon summoning?


Because it is a cool little reference that fits with the theme of the item.


Now kindly return to the 90's.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> In Hindu mythology Asuras are demonic beings. In Tyria, Asurans(note the spelling difference) are not. Ars Goetia is spelled exactly the same in both instances.


I repeat: Because it is a cool little reference that fits with the theme of the item.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Why not have something completely Tyrian? I just wonder why Anet is giving an homage or a shoutout to an occultic book about demon summoning?


Read back to my first post on this thread. There are probably a few Tyria specific things, but originality is getting harder and harder as the years go on. Literally everything you ever read has been done before and you'll see references literally everywhere.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> In Hindu mythology Asuras are demonic beings. In Tyria, Asurans(note the spelling difference) are not. Ars Goetia is spelled exactly the same in both instances.




There is no spelling difference. Just tense.

In both Tyria and the Vedas the "people" are Asura and their culture or possessions are Asuran.

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