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Legendary Ring. Why is there no outrage?

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> @Vulf.3098 said:

> > @Torolan.5816 said:

> > Of course raids can have valuable items. Give them 10 gold per run, an exklusive skin and a title, I don´t mind.


> People will still come to the forums to whine, cry and moan about that. There is no winning here.

> Every time there is a Legendary added to a specific game mode people complain because they do not want to do the content. It is really sad to be honest.


That the content is not good enough for people to like it, and they need to be bought with shinies? Yes, it is sad.


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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> I also love that people are complaining here about raids, but in WoW they would shove over 15 bucks in the company's throat and just raid for everything.


> Story.

> End tier.


> Anything. Guess the gw2 community has quite the attitude and stuck up nose.


Nice! So do you think more about that, it may be one from many reasons people are here in GW2 not in WoW ?

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> @intox.6347 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > I also love that people are complaining here about raids, but in WoW they would shove over 15 bucks in the company's throat and just raid for everything.

> >

> > Story.

> > End tier.

> >

> > Anything. Guess the gw2 community has quite the attitude and stuck up nose.


> Nice! So do you think more about that, it may be one from many reasons people are here in GW2 not in WoW ?


Comparing gw2 to WoW is a self defeating argument. WoW is the biggest most iconic MMO the west has ever had and raids there are mandatory. Here you aren't required to do raids in any way, legendary items aren't a requirement and never will be.

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> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> That the content is not good enough for people to like it, and they need to be bought with shinies? Yes, it is sad.


Yes this legendary ring will definitely make the raiding population skyrocket. I seriously doubt it will have an effect at all because the people who are complaining about it in this thread will still not go into raid to do it while the rest simply do not care.



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> @Vulf.3098 said:

> > @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > That the content is not good enough for people to like it, and they need to be bought with shinies? Yes, it is sad.


> Yes this legendary ring will definitely make the raiding population skyrocket. I seriously doubt it will have an effect at all because the people who are complaining about it in this thread will still not go into raid to do it while the rest simply do not care.




Oh. There will be an effect.. There is always an effect when these things happen. But I have to agree with you, It won't increase the raid population.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> Oh. There will be an effect.. There is always an effect when these things happen. But I have to agree with you, It won't increase the raid population.


If people are quitting the game over this then they weren't enjoying it to begin with. The fact that reddit hasn't exploded over this means that people will get over it in about a week.


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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> What I want: the ability to change stats on gear.

> What I DO NOT want: auras.


> While I think it's crap they are still pulling stuff like this, I don't care cause I am not going to waste the money for something that gives auras, cause I DO NOT want them.


Then just go for bloodstone fen ascended accessories, you can change stats for only 100 unbound magic.

Legendary accessories are crafted for their auras and pure cosmetic items. I have no other point to craft them.

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As long as the collection doesn't require more than a raid boss kill from raiding that won't be an issue for me. However, this is not a very good move from the dev team. If the raiding community was known to be generous and offering collection unlocks that would have been fine, but it's not, it's selfish and greedy, which means that it's going to lock out a lot of people interested in long-term progression items.

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Ascended Rings are arguably the easiest piece of endgame gear to get. In a matter of weeks you can have two of every single stat combination of Ascended Rings. Compared to weapons and armor, a Legendary Ring is almost useless in a practical sense. Why would there be any outrage over this? If anything, you should complain about HoT raids still not having a more accessible difficulty to the general playerbase.

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> @xDudisx.5914 said:

> How would pve players react if new legendaries were locked behind pvp/wvw only?


Personally, I'd do WvW for the legendary if I really wanted it, otherwise I'd ignore it like I have for Warbringer and the rank 2000 armor (as much as it being way more legendary than actual legendary armor). Concerning PvP, I'd also do it (I have everything for Ascension but a gift of fortune) but I'd still continue the question of why sPvP needs legendaries when they have stat swapping for free in their mode.

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Don't know what the problem is????? Why can't all game modes give the option for legendary gear? Blocking gear behind certain modes doesn't seem right to me. PVE players invest a lot of time in exploring, killing stuff and quests. WvW players invest a lot of time killing other players and conquering. Raid players spend a lot of time learning raids and killing stuff.


Raids unfortunately for me is very hard, only because I have no Li (so getting a group is a serious problem) and memory issues from a car accident last year ( I struggle to remember rotations and boss mechanics). If it wasn't so strict with builds, rotation and Li of course this medium in the game would be much more popular to the majority of the gw2 population but unfortunately I really don't see this changing in the future, and with all that I think anet is going down a path that see's less and less customers sticking around because we all feel like we should get rewarded for stuff we do in game (let it be harder to acquire via collection base items or such). I for 1 prefer to solo content, I don't mind collections but spending a large amount of time trying to get a set group of players to do their set rotation isn't fun to me but each to their own

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Let's see there are several game modes in Guild Wars 2, there's WvW, PvP, Open World, Fractals, and Raids. Oh and then there is the most challenging and rewarding mode of them all, trolling the official forums and reddit and raging/counter raging over irrelevant minutia. Anet should give legendary items out for winning at that first!!!

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jesus christ... they told us at the release with aurora that probably every part of the game will get a legendary trinket. so prepare for a fractal, pvp, and wvw one "next", to get a full set of legendary trinkets in the end.


you dont play the game modes you dont get the rewards. have pvp/wvw players bitched so much about aurora and its connection to open world season 3 maps?


but because its the devil raids again the entitled gw2 casual fraction is in arms again...

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> @Vulf.3098 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > Oh. There will be an effect.. There is always an effect when these things happen. But I have to agree with you, It won't increase the raid population.


> If people are quitting the game over this then they weren't enjoying it to begin with. The fact that reddit hasn't exploded over this means that people will get over it in about a week.



I see this a lot, but there is no truth to it. Some people simply do not like a game mode, or do not like to deal with the people that game mode attracts., and being forced to do that game mode or do without, is a very legit reason to move on to another game that either does not have that game mode, or does not lock things behind it.

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> @xDudisx.5914 said:

> How would pve players react if new legendaries were locked behind pvp/wvw only?


Little known fact. WvW used to be required for Map completion to make any of the original legendary weapons.. the tears and salt over this by the PvE players was epic until Anet finally caved and removed it. That answers that question. Don't let the big talk fool you, it's all bravado, and no bravery.

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WvW is still required for a lot of legendaries.


> @STIHL.2489 said:

> I see this a lot, but there is no truth to it. Some people simply do not like a game mode, or do not like to deal with the people that game mode attracts., and being forced to do that game mode or do without, is a very legit reason to move on to another game that either does not have that game mode, or does not lock things behind it.


Pretty much every MMO I have played has something locked behind PvP or raiding.

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> @Crossaber.8934 said:

> So more and more good stuff locked behind Raid, looks like the game is no longer the original GW2.


I don't get this statement ... when did Anet ever say this wouldn't happen? If anything, people should be more outraged at the fact they can farm ascended trinkets simply by logging in to the game than having to succeed in numerous raids for a relevant reward ... If anything, I think a legendary trinket is a little cheap as a reward for numerous raids.

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> > @Crossaber.8934 said:

> > So more and more good stuff locked behind Raid, looks like the game is no longer the original GW2.


> I don't get this statement ... when did Anet ever say this wouldn't happen?


Pretty much from day 1. you know when their mission was "fun first" and their goal was to go against the tedium of gear treadmills and typical gear grind of other MMO's.. that was the founding core principle of the game, from inception.


> Mike O'Brien

> So if you love MMORPGs, you should check out Guild Wars 2. But if you hate traditional MMORPGs, then you should really check out Guild Wars 2. Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs. It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill; it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun; and of course, it doesn’t have a monthly fee.


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Legendary armor with skin along, already attractive enough to keep players to go RAID single handed.

Why do we need another legendary ring bound to new raid?

I get it most Raid player has already get their full legendary through HoT raid... but how long will a legendary ring kept them raiding? Those players are known as killing content 1000x faster than content creation... this is not gonna kept them for long. Is it really worth the time creating contents that only a small portion of player that burn years of contents in couple days?


With most attention bound to pve and raid, pvp and wvw players felt like we are 3rd class citizen.

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