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Legendary Ring. Why is there no outrage?

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> @usnedward.9023 said:

> Legendary items are for Legendary people IMO.


> What does this mean? It means that people put time and effort into grinding whatever they have to grind to get the Legendary shinies. Simple as that or we would all be running around with legendary items.


> Personally I do not own a single legendary item. I have no desire to put the effort into it. I play to play and though I wish I could have some of those Legendary items I just can't focus my time towards it so...... I don't have one. No issue.


False, legendary armor and now ring are only for people willing to play specific classes and builds in an effort to rush to a kill because they are scared of dealing with the actual mechanics. That doesn't make them sound legendary it makes them sound craven and discriminatory.

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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> Please add an way to unlock this collection with a laurel purchase. Back in the days, almost all the best stuff in game required laurels as it was the premium currency. But not much has been added to the laurel vendors since.


> It would be a nice solution: hardcore raiders are not being bothered with non-raiders only wanting a ring and non-raiders can unlock their collection in a way that it compatible with their style of playing GW2.


Maybe tie it to secret rewards paths associated with gem purchases, I mean come on how much money do I have to spend to get a little appreciation ANet, I spend a lot more than a $15 monthly sub.

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> @Matick.4132 said:

> Honestly:


> I don't see anything wrong with putting cool stuff behind an hard earned achievement, or as a big gratitude for killing a god or so.

> **I'd rather have this, then having to buy it in the gemshop!**


Since I play a Reaper the only way this community let's me have nice things is to buy them in the store.


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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @AlexPort.9204 said:

> > but because its the devil raids again the entitled gw2 casual fraction is in arms again...


> It's the sad state of the community at large that people would rather run circles in silverwaste than challenge themselves and get unique loot.


It´s the sad state of the community at large that people would rather enforce the meta and run their head in rather than have fun with easy accessible content.


See how easy it is to also see the other side of that coin? :)

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> @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> > Please add an way to unlock this collection with a laurel purchase. Back in the days, almost all the best stuff in game required laurels as it was the premium currency. But not much has been added to the laurel vendors since.

> >

> > It would be a nice solution: hardcore raiders are not being bothered with non-raiders only wanting a ring and non-raiders can unlock their collection in a way that it compatible with their style of playing GW2.


> Maybe tie it to secret rewards paths associated with gem purchases, I mean come on how much money do I have to spend to get a little appreciation ANet, I spend a lot more than a $15 monthly sub.


This. I wish they’d have some sort of incentive for buying gems. Like a milestone achievement. Nothing overly powerful to keep the whiners down, but something unique.

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> @Rysdude.3824 said:

> > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> > > Please add an way to unlock this collection with a laurel purchase. Back in the days, almost all the best stuff in game required laurels as it was the premium currency. But not much has been added to the laurel vendors since.

> > >

> > > It would be a nice solution: hardcore raiders are not being bothered with non-raiders only wanting a ring and non-raiders can unlock their collection in a way that it compatible with their style of playing GW2.

> >

> > Maybe tie it to secret rewards paths associated with gem purchases, I mean come on how much money do I have to spend to get a little appreciation ANet, I spend a lot more than a $15 monthly sub.


> This. I wish they’d have some sort of incentive for buying gems. Like a milestone achievement. Nothing overly powerful to keep the whiners down, but something unique.


Rift has this I believe.

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I kinda meh'd out on this game around mountgate, not coz of mountgate but because of something that happened irl. So I stopped playing. When I saw they had introduced a legendary ring I was like "sweet! maybe that will get me back into the game!" but then I came here and saw it was unlocked via raids. Still I was not deterred, I just made plans to buy a raid boss sometime in the future to unlock it. Hoping that it would be like Aurora and the rest of the collection would just be like stuff to occupy me. But I read the thread some more and see the collection items are tied to raids too. Sigh. There used to be a time when I spent $300-$500 a month in gems, this was also not counting the fact I gave away gem cards to friends ingame for various things like birthday and christmas presents, I'd spend the money I bought gems with on presents for friends, gemstore items, gold etc every month but I find myself unhappy with this game more and more so now I barely spend $50 a month. Also helps that most of my close friends either left or barely play. I've made almost every legendary I could want except the wvw armor. I just barely finished the body and got like 1/4th of the tickets needed for the legs and was like...ugh I can't do this. I love playing wvw but the effort to acquire a legendary set in wvw is way more than that for raiders (in tickets) and it doesn't even have a legendarylike skin if you're not rank 2000. But beyond that, I think GW2 suffers from a real lack of endgame content and rewards I was in almost this exact same rut when they released aurora and the shining blade and I thought cool! something to do. But when I finished I had nothing to do. There was a serious lack of content with PoF. Which was covered up by the fact that "oh! it's ok! LS is coming out in a few months." Uhh... that's great but there's nothing to DO. My endgame is having a goal that I work toward. I built more than 4 guild halls and 17 or 18 legendaries including the fractal backpack, wvw bodypiece and several HoT gen 2 weapons. You should see my private guild hall, it is decorated to the max, I have dumped so much money, gold, time spent gathering festival currency for decors in it. So the fact that I'M saying I'm bored and have nothing to do is a big thing. And so instead of giving people like me, something to do to occupy our time they release the latest shiney locked behind raids. I don't have the skill for raids and I never will. One of the things that has made gw2 hard to quit for me so far is because it is such a casual friendly game where people don't scream at you for dying or messing up in dungeons. When I roam in wvw I roam with a small group of guildies who all understand dying is what you do in wvw. But in raids, dying blocks progression because everyone can't carry the weak players. So what happens? The insults come out, people get yelled at for not using x skill or doing x thing or doing x tactic. I was talking to someone I know who was training some noobies in a raid and he's like "I'm normally a patient person but we did x over and over and over and I couldn't help it I just started screaming at them and I felt bad but...."


And that's why I don't raid. I don't wanna be screamed at by someone on the internet even if they're my "friend". Hell, especially if they're my friend. I deserve better than to be belittled by anyone much less some person online. In another game, I was in a guild raid and the leaders just started screaming at people and calling everyone useless and I'm like "hey, chillax with that there's no need to yell at people and call names" and they justified losing their temper like because its a high pressure situation and we shouldn't take it personally and didn't apologize. I fail to see when people shouldn't take being called useless personally. It's abuse.


I realize GW2 is a MMORPG, that's one of the things I like about it. I adore my friends. But I feel it's extremely unfair to put people in extremely toxic environments because they happen to desire an item that will give them an endgame goal in a game where there's practically nothing to do endgame. The only reason I feel wvw isn't as toxic as pvp (and thus makes me able to enjoy it) is half the population doesn't understand how to, or care to bother their opponent. Some of the rest aren't jerks and yeah you do meet a few toxic whisperers in wvw but not nearly on the level of pvp where people will rage at you the second you enter a map just because of what class you're on.


I also feel like I would have less problem with them releasing a legendary ring bound to raids, if they had released a different legendary ring you could unlock like aurora. Stuff like that wouldn't matter if we have options but we don't. Which just reinforces that the gemstore is the true OW PVE endgame. And tbh I've spent thousands on the gemstore. Bought 6 ultimate copies of HoT for myself and several for others. But i only bought I copy of PoF and 1 for a friend. I'd like mounts for my alt accounts coz they're convienent but I have no reason to play because I'm tired of gemstore endgame.

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I don't do raids.


I don't see the problem of offering a legendary ring. It's not like you need it for pve. And ascended trinkets are easy enough to get.


Honestly, ,i think it's in line with rewards suited to raiders. They're usually min maxers after all. I'm only surprised they didn't require like a ridiculous count of 100 raids or something.

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> @Taygus.4571 said:

> I don't do raids.


> I don't see the problem of offering a legendary ring. It's not like you need it for pve. And ascended trinkets are easy enough to get.


This is literally besides the point. Some people like having legendaries because it means every time they release new stats, all they have to do is change the legendary gear and don't have to mystic forge gear a thousand times until you find a build for you. Especially with hardened leather being at the high price it is now. Which is why when originally legendary armor was locked behind only raids SO MANY PEOPLE WERE PISSED. And now with the upcoming release of a set of legendary trinkets and rings etc people are like "cool, i won't have to grind whatever current currency to get trinkets, just stat swap." But anet's like "hold up a sec, lol, you raid bro?"


Not only that, the creation of legendaries gives people long to semi-long term goals to keep them logging in every day. And when you lock the only one of it's slot behind raids after already giving raids the only legendary armor with effects. I'm sorry it's kitten. I already have more than enough ascended trinkets! You're right they ARE easy to get. Unfortunately, I wanted to build the legendary ring so that if i needed to tweak my build for wvw I wouldn't have to mindlessly farm living world currency for a week or more to get it. I'd rather put my hard work into an investment not throw away trash that I'm going to have to toss next stat change. Next elite spec. Next balance patch.


And as I've said before, with them releasing the ring like this. It now means I have nothing to do until Christmas. Which is a problem for me and no incentive to log in. And you might be like whatever to that but I'm industrious and I've done a lot of stuff in this game that other people haven't. I'm an ach hunter. GH builder. I've built and decorated a private gh. I've built 17 legendaries. Despite my heavy PVE leanings I'm almost rank 900 in wvw. I've accomplished a lot in the three years i've been playing this game. And if I tell you *I* have nothing to do. You can bet people with a lot less drive are bored as well.



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I think Anet is trying to force people to do Raids.

Currently PvP and WvW are almost dead due to the imbalance and abandonment they have now, so people only have PvE, making a legendary is a way to keep you entertained, but as the new legendary ring is within a content that almost nobody plays, then the game will become more boring.

If this continues, trying to make us play their clumsy raids, the correct thing would be to reduce the price of the expansion and leave the raids as additional content. (and if some day you regret and want to play the raids, give you the option to "upgrade" the account).


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Its not the difficulty of the raid or requirement to change ur build or stats that's hard about raiding it's getting into them that's the problem. You stand around for 1hr in lfg only to join a group that disbands after 30 min, yells at other players or you and out of 10 pugs there is always a few who have no idea what they are doing or care. Or you have to join a guild and show up at a dedicated time every week like an employee.


This is why we like fractals, you get in right away, very little thinking involved. most of the time there is no drama or people yelling and it's highly reliant on some level of personal skill, and it's varied.and doesn't require team speak because it's so gimmicky with 1 shot kills.

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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> @"Alehin.3746"

> Of course raids can have valuable items. Give them 10 gold per run, an exklusive skin and a title, I don´t mind. For me personally the fun stops when stats and the ability to fix them come into play, and I also very much dislike the message this sends about raids as the crown of all things in GW2. My outrage about the legendary armor was much greater though, an ascended ring is so easy to come by and so cheap compared to an armor therefore i don´t mind too much about the item itself.


Well, raiding is far from being the crown of gw2. OWPvE is way bigger and will always be, but i don't see the point of giving OWPvP the legendary armor set on top of all the legendary weapons and other stuff the "game mode" already have. Tbh i wish all other legendary items were more challenging to get, but i think that would shoo away even the carebears that don't leave LA.


> And if the natural demand for raids is weak, why advertise them? It´s like you advertise for a butt kicking given to you before you obtain anything.


Not really sure what you mean with this, but honestly i don't see why anet tried to make raids in such a casual game, people get triggered by everything that isn't easy, i feel like people get really mad when they remember that raids exist and theres no infantile mode. lol

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All the raidphobic snowflakes on this thread should band together and form a raiding guild, the raids are not hard, you don't need to be meta, and you don't need to treat each other like garbage. However as for the larger toxicity of raid guilds it IS a thing, I get that, but NO ONE SHOULD PUT UP WITH ABUSE! However the correct solution is not to just abandon the game mode, find like minded people and band together, or do like I do and give like you get it, if you dish it 2x as hard as they give it either you get kicked or you win, either way you win. You can also go the pug route, but you will have to be prepared to face extra scrutiny and skepticism, you do need a thick skin and a good attitude.


The thing about gw2 raids is that they are not really a hard DPS check like many games, they are more about knowing the mechanics. Also keep in mind because this is uniquely challenging content that requires coordination of ten people, there really needs to be a commensurate reward for that. HOWEVER I do believe that all slots should eventually be obtainable in legendary form from all game modes. BUT I also believe that raids do require something special and unique as a reward even if it's only cosmetic.

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> @Alehin.3746 said:

> > @Torolan.5816 said:

> > @"Alehin.3746"

> > Of course raids can have valuable items. Give them 10 gold per run, an exklusive skin and a title, I don´t mind. For me personally the fun stops when stats and the ability to fix them come into play, and I also very much dislike the message this sends about raids as the crown of all things in GW2. My outrage about the legendary armor was much greater though, an ascended ring is so easy to come by and so cheap compared to an armor therefore i don´t mind too much about the item itself.

> >

> Well, raiding is far from being the crown of gw2. OWPvE is way bigger and will always be, but i don't see the point of giving OWPvP the legendary armor set on top of all the legendary weapons and other stuff the "game mode" already have. Tbh i wish all other legendary items were more challenging to get, but i think that would shoo away all the carebears that don't leave LA.


> > And if the natural demand for raids is weak, why advertise them? It´s like you advertise for a butt kicking given to you before you obtain anything.


> Not really sure what you mean with this, but honestly i don't see why anet tried to make raids in such a casual game, people get triggered by everything that isn't easy, i feel like people get really mad when they remember that raids exist and theres no infantile mode. lol


A good product will sell well or at least steady after you give it a boost advertiser. Some things turn even synonymous for the category of stuff it is, like Tempo is for tissue.

It is also true that a horrible product with tons of advertising beats a superior product or gets advertised so hard that people buy it regardless if they want/need it. The tactic around raids in GW2 falls in my perception in category 2.

This is further enforced by your own perception that this is not/ was not a raiders game and a majority or a sizeable minority(subjective of course) rejects raids.


I have the dedication for the game, the equipment and probably the skill to be a raider, but I simply reject the concept because it stands opposite to what I love about GW2 and what lured me here in the first place. An infantile raid would indeed change nothing about this.

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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> > @Alehin.3746 said:

> > > @Torolan.5816 said:

> > > @"Alehin.3746"

> > > Of course raids can have valuable items. Give them 10 gold per run, an exklusive skin and a title, I don´t mind. For me personally the fun stops when stats and the ability to fix them come into play, and I also very much dislike the message this sends about raids as the crown of all things in GW2. My outrage about the legendary armor was much greater though, an ascended ring is so easy to come by and so cheap compared to an armor therefore i don´t mind too much about the item itself.

> > >

> > Well, raiding is far from being the crown of gw2. OWPvE is way bigger and will always be, but i don't see the point of giving OWPvP the legendary armor set on top of all the legendary weapons and other stuff the "game mode" already have. Tbh i wish all other legendary items were more challenging to get, but i think that would shoo away all the carebears that don't leave LA.

> >

> > > And if the natural demand for raids is weak, why advertise them? It´s like you advertise for a butt kicking given to you before you obtain anything.

> >

> > Not really sure what you mean with this, but honestly i don't see why anet tried to make raids in such a casual game, people get triggered by everything that isn't easy, i feel like people get really mad when they remember that raids exist and theres no infantile mode. lol


> A good product will sell well or at least after steady you give it a boost advertiser. Some things turn even synonymous for the category of stuff it is, like Tempo is for tissue.

> It is also true that a horrible product with tons of advertising beats a superior product or gets advertised so hard that people buy it regardless if they want/need it. The tactic around raids in GW2 falls in my perception in category 2.

> This is further enforced by your own perception that this is not/ was not a raiders game and a majority or a sizeable minority(subjective of course) rejects raids.


> I have the dedication for the game, the equipment and probably the skill to be a raider, but I simply reject the concept because it stands opposite to what I love about GW2 and what lured me here in the first place. An infantile raid would indeed change nothing about this.


I see. The infantile mode wouldnt change for you, but a lot of people ask for it since forever because they want to experience raids without putting effort into it, specially after the wing4 release.

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> @Kapax.3801 said:

> I think Anet is trying to force people to do Raids.

> Currently PvP and WvW are almost dead due to the imbalance and abandonment they have now, so people only have PvE, making a legendary is a way to keep you entertained, but as the new legendary ring is within a content that almost nobody plays, then the game will become more boring.

> If this continues, trying to make us play their clumsy raids, the correct thing would be to reduce the price of the expansion and leave the raids as additional content. (and if some day you regret and want to play the raids, give you the option to "upgrade" the account).



This game has such a small amount of raids in LFG compared to ff14 and wow it makes me question why they even make raids.

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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > > @AlexPort.9204 said:

> > > but because its the devil raids again the entitled gw2 casual fraction is in arms again...

> >

> > It's the sad state of the community at large that people would rather run circles in silverwaste than challenge themselves and get unique loot.


> It´s the sad state of the community at large that people would rather enforce the meta and run their head in rather than have fun with easy accessible content.


> See how easy it is to also see the other side of that coin? :)


See though here's the thing, no one is forcing you to group with those people who play meta. You dont like meta no problem. Create your own off meta group and go get your shiny.


See how easy that was for a solution. Especially considering how many people claim to want the shiny but don't want to be forced to play with that crowd you should have quite an easy time forming your own groups.

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You remember how crazy the 'Sneetches' in the Dr. Suess movie went. Logic is not a factor - only desire.


I'm ok with Legendaries needing 'Legendary Effort'. We don't decide what the effort will be and it doesn't matter. I still have great fun driving my Pinto Wagon (the engine isn't ascended 'yet') . . .

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > @Crossaber.8934 said:

> > > So more and more good stuff locked behind Raid, looks like the game is no longer the original GW2.

> >

> > I don't get this statement ... when did Anet ever say this wouldn't happen?


> Pretty much from day 1. you know when their mission was "fun first" and their goal was to go against the tedium of gear treadmills and typical gear grind of other MMO's.. that was the founding core principle of the game, from inception.


> > Mike O'Brien

> > So if you love MMORPGs, you should check out Guild Wars 2. But if you hate traditional MMORPGs, then you should really check out Guild Wars 2. Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs. It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill; it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun; and of course, it doesn’t have a monthly fee.



That makes no sense. It's not a gear grind, you don't need a legendary ring.

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> @thrag.9740 said:

> Will I ever get the wvw legendary backpack ? Or armor? or the pvp ones? No, because I don't play those game modes, and that is just fine, and so is this.


Not to be whatever about this or anything but one hole in your point is that while you may not get the legendary stuff from those game modes, you can indeed get legendary armor/backs from the other modes as well. WvW, PvP, and PvE all have a legendary backpack for example, but they do _not_ all have legendary trinkets so you can't exactly compare the two since one has an alternative and the other currently does not.

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For those who may be more curious about what else is required or who are saying its fine if you only have to defeat one raid boss I did see this earlier talking about further parts of the collection and based on the post it seems to be tied at least partially to the new raid wing as well so if this is a problem for you you probably shouldn't start investing towards it.


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> @Jthug.9506 said: BUT I also believe that raids do require something special and unique as a reward even if it's only cosmetic.


And they have way to much rewards "we" cant get.


As A WvW Player this "big triple release" had only 3 things that impacted the game for me.

A Rune that sucks.

A Sigil which is good.

A Leg. Ring which i cant get.


So the ONLY thing the Patch had as a longlasting impact on me was a new sigil. That it.

The rest is more or less a "one time game experience" aka some hours of gameplay.


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