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Suggestions: Temporarily Free Mount Skins

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Yesterday Mike O'Brien wrote, on Reddit, a long post about the mount skins ([here](

)). One of the things he said is:


> Mike O'Brien

> Also, GW2 isn’t setup to support an enjoyable experience of browsing through a large catalog of style items, so players tend not to do that.


I disagree a bit. For weapons and armors that's true; for mounts, however, I think we have an easy way to browse mount skins. Right here:


![](https://i.imgur.com/wZurz27.png "")


The Mount screen in the Hero pannel.


The thing is, there is no reason to use that screen. Most players have only the basic, standard skins, so they have no reason to go there. Those who buy a specific skin would access that screen to change from the basic skin to the one they have bought, and then, again, they would have no reason to ever return there. What could be the in-game catalog for mount skins and a way to entice players to buy new things is left mostly useless and unused.


At the same time, players keep complaining that we have no new mount skins accessible in-game. Other than the basic skins (which have only a single dye channel), everything else requires using the Gem Store (and either paying 2000 gems or gambling). It would be nice if we got skins we could earn in game, but apparently ArenaNet isn't going to do that (they never did it for gliders, other than the legendary back packs).


I suggest a way to try to remedy both issues:


**Make mount skins available for free for a limited time.**


That's how it would work:


* When ArenaNet releases a new skin, they would release two: a premium one (like the Forged Jackal skin and the new raptor skin) and a more basic looking one (just a texture change)

* The more basic looking one would be available to all players for a limited period of 15 days. Players would not get the skin for free - they would simply be able to use that skin for free during a period of 15 days, and after that the skin would be locked again and players would only be able to continue using it if they buy it at the Gem Store

* The premium skin would not be made available for free

* The mount screen in the Hero pannel would be changed so players can buy the skins there directly, without having to open the Gem Store first


Advantages of this system:


1. In order to change from the basic skin to the one temporarily free, players would have to go to the mount screen in the Hero pannel. This means players would periodically be exposed to the catalog of options there, increasing the likehood of them buying something. Making the process of buying directly from that screen easier would also be likely to increase sales.

2. Players would have more free options for mount skins, even if temporarily. While of course ArenaNet would not release a new skin every 15 days, this would allow players to use skins other than basic ones for a time, alleviating a bit the fact that no mount skin can be earned in game.

3. Making premium mount skins available (for sale only) at the same time the simpler designs are temporarily free would allow the players who want to feel "premium" to buy skins no one else has. If ArenaNet made all skins temporarily available for free, "premium" buyers would lose the feeling of being the first ones to have something expensive.

4. The fact the skins are available for free only temporarily, with long periods of no free skin available in between, would prevent players from not buying new skins just because they know they will get to use something for free later.


Players would be exposed to the "large catalog" of mount skins, like Mike O'Brien said; ArenaNet would thus be able to sell simpler skins, instead of only those priced at 2000 gems; players would get access (if only temporarily) to new skins without having to use the Gem Store; and people who want "premium" stuff would still have exclusive items available to them and no one else. It's a win-win situation.


What do you think?

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> Players would be exposed to the "large catalog" of mount skins, like Mike O'Brien said; ArenaNet would thus be able to sell simpler skins, instead of only those priced at 2000 gems; players would get access (if only temporarily) to new skins without having to use the Gem Store; and people who want "premium" stuff would still have exclusive items available to them and no one else. It's a win-win situation.


> What do you think?


This will give players the possibility to play the game with the skins.

Would be better a training area with parked mounts which can be used ( as at the beginning of pof or during the personal story, to help you if you haven't managed yet to get your mounts ), with obstacles and so on. Like a SPvP lobby but for mounts. A theme park.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> This will give players the possibility to play the game with the skins.


That's the idea.


The issue with making a training area is that people simply wouldn't go there. Just like we currently do have a way to see the mount skin catalog, but people don't really use it (because they have no reason to).


And, from the players' point of view, being able to play the game with the skins is better than just having them available in a restricted area.


Keep in mind that the idea is not to make all skins available for free all the time; one skin would be made available for free for a limited period of time, and in order to use it later players would have to buy it. Think of it as a "try it before you buy it" promotion.


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Hmm. Interesting! So a sort of "mount rental" system. I might take it at a slight angle. Let players rent a mount for a day (or week or some limited time) for a nominal fee. Pick 1-3 random mounts from the entire pool of currently available mounts as the rental options. Change them every 1-7 days. If you want a mount permanently, you buy it from the gem store.


That's my take, but I really like the idea of having some available temporarily. The key would be NOT giving too much control over what's available and hitting the sweet spot of having it long enough to be worth picking up (but not too long).

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You know, the mount rental could fit in nicely with the idea of mount adoption. Have an actual mount stable, an area with obstacles and stuff like Shirlias said, where players could try out whatever mount skins were there - see if they like how they look, move, dye, etc. Player pays a small in game fee to get in the gate, there would be events like races, etc, and the chance to try mounts the player doesn't have - like the griffon. The mounts can't be taken out of the mount ranch though unless there is something like a "rent this week's trail mount skin for a day" thing (and you must own that mount - no taking out griffons if you have no griffon). If going with the rent-a-mount (which could only be done once per week per account), at the end of the day the player can return to the ranch and choose to "adopt" that mount skin for gems if they like - guaranteed that get that mount too if some of the lootboxy mount skins are used. That eliminates the RNG so many hated but still means you need to wait for the week that mount skin is featured to get it without RNG involved.


I know, I'm dreaming, but it sounds neat.

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> @Aerlen.5326 said:

> You know, the mount rental could fit in nicely with the idea of mount adoption. Have an actual mount stable, an area with obstacles and stuff like Shirlias said, where players could try out whatever mount skins were there - see if they like how they look, move, dye, etc. Player pays a small in game fee to get in the gate, there would be events like races, etc, and the chance to try mounts the player doesn't have - like the griffon. The mounts can't be taken out of the mount ranch though unless there is something like a "rent this week's trail mount skin for a day" thing (and you must own that mount - no taking out griffons if you have no griffon). If going with the rent-a-mount (which could only be done once per week per account), at the end of the day the player can return to the ranch and choose to "adopt" that mount skin for gems if they like - guaranteed that get that mount too if some of the lootboxy mount skins are used. That eliminates the RNG so many hated but still means you need to wait for the week that mount skin is featured to get it without RNG involved.


> I know, I'm dreaming, but it sounds neat.


Yeah! More or less i was thinking a similar scenario.

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You say players don't go to that Mount Skin window. I'm not sure that's the case. Just like with the Miniatures window, the Gliders window, the Finishers window, etc., players would/could/do go to the Mount window to preview Mount skins. Since they do go there, that's why there are links to the Gem Store on any locked skin/mini/glider, etc.


Regardless, good luck on the suggestion.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You say players don't go to that Mount Skin window. I'm not sure that's the case. Just like with the Miniatures window, the Gliders window, the Finishers window, etc., players would/could/do go to the Mount window to preview Mount skins. Since they do go there, that's why there are links to the Gem Store on any locked skin/mini/glider, etc.


> Regardless, good luck on the suggestion.


There were issues with the preview, like touch of madness focus.

Having the chance to try it ( and maybe dye it ) would be a totally different thing.


Though i am not positive that this will ever happen.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You say players don't go to that Mount Skin window. I'm not sure that's the case.


Based on Mike O'Brien statement, either players don't go there, or they don't go enough. I like to use it to preview mount skins myself, but that's it - unless I'm thinking specifically about previewing things, there's no other reason to go to that screen. If we had another reason to go there, I think it would at least be more used than it is today.


That screen could use some improvements, too. Like Shirlias said, being able to dye mounts there would be nice.



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i m not a big fan of temporary, but have to pay almost the same price as 5 big maps with lots of stories, interactive npcs and content for just 30 new skin textures?

if it was 30 new mounts with each having different skills, abilities, animations, effects, sounds, maybe... but only after i get the 5 big maps...

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