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What's the deal with the fugly Astralarium stairs??


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I thought it was sort of funny that people actually could get up in arms about some stairs. First world problems and all that. But then I saw the screenshots and I'm a little lost for words. I guess someone's developer tools don't have a clone with offset feature... Hey ANet I could code you one if you're so hard up that you couldn't spare a lowly tools dev whilst everyone works on remonetizing gathering tools :P

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A 15 mins test. I did not use a script for procedural generation but instead I invented a trick on the fly that consist in subdividing a plane so that you got twice as many edges than the number of steps needed, then you select 1 edge every 2 edges, you translate the entire selection and all the steps are instantly created. I dont have the game camera settings so it's really a rough approximation. For use in a video game you would just have to reduce the ramps subdivisions in the modifiers stack (or increase it if you got the Zehtuka 9000 graphic card).

![](https://imgur.com/Jta1kkv.jpg "")


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> @"Yseron.8613" said:

> A 15 mins test. I did not use a script for procedural generation but instead I invented a trick on the fly that consist in subdividing a plane so that you got twice as many edges than the number of steps needed, then you select 1 edge every 2 edges, you translate the entire selection and all the steps are instantly created. I dont have the game camera settings so it's really a rough approximation. For use in a video game you would just have to reduce the ramps subdivisions in the modifiers stack (or increase it if you got the Zehtuka 9000 graphic card).

> ![](https://imgur.com/Jta1kkv.jpg "")

> [imgur](https://i.imgur.com/Jta1kkv.jpg)


I'd poke fun at your presumption that a gamer could do a better job than the developer, but you actually clearly did...

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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > @"Yseron.8613" said:

> > A 15 mins test. I did not use a script for procedural generation but instead I invented a trick on the fly that consist in subdividing a plane so that you got twice as many edges than the number of steps needed, then you select 1 edge every 2 edges, you translate the entire selection and all the steps are instantly created. I dont have the game camera settings so it's really a rough approximation. For use in a video game you would just have to reduce the ramps subdivisions in the modifiers stack (or increase it if you got the Zehtuka 9000 graphic card).

> >

> >


> I'd poke fun at your presumption that a gamer could do a better job than the developer, but you actually clearly did...



The funny thing is that the stairs in the Library they added in HoT are _gorgeous_!

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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > The stairs are terrible, but so are all the low res textures in this game. Sometimes they just resize a small texture for something bigger and then it looks even worse. This game needs a 50 GB ultra HD texture pack.


> No. No it does not.


Why not? The game file size is tiny compared to modern games while having a massive game world. Just shows how low quality textures and models are. They should definitely offer better quality settings.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > The stairs are terrible, but so are all the low res textures in this game. Sometimes they just resize a small texture for something bigger and then it looks even worse. This game needs a 50 GB ultra HD texture pack.

> >

> > No. No it does not.


> Why not? The game file size is tiny compared to modern games while having a massive game world. Just shows how low quality textures and models are. They should definitely offer better quality settings.


It shows that they don't have a bazillion texture maps for each material, sure. It doesn't mean that the textures or other graphical assets are in any way low quality. Upscaling all of that would be a huge undertaking, not to mention that the average gw2 player's rig might not even support it. If it were going to happen, I imagine it would be done for a new expansion, but not for the old world. In the mean time, there are third party tools like reshade that let you throw in all of the vomit inducing bloom and SSAO you like, which bring the game fairly close to a AAA title without the additional 100gb download.

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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > The stairs are terrible, but so are all the low res textures in this game. Sometimes they just resize a small texture for something bigger and then it looks even worse. This game needs a 50 GB ultra HD texture pack.

> > >

> > > No. No it does not.

> >

> > Why not? The game file size is tiny compared to modern games while having a massive game world. Just shows how low quality textures and models are. They should definitely offer better quality settings.


> It shows that they don't have a bazillion texture maps for each material, sure. It doesn't mean that the textures or other graphical assets are in any way low quality. Upscaling all of that would be a huge undertaking, not to mention that the average gw2 player's rig might not even support it. If it were going to happen, I imagine it would be done for a new expansion, but not for the old world. In the mean time, there are third party tools like reshade that let you throw in all of the vomit inducing bloom and SSAO you like, which bring the game fairly close to a AAA title without the additional 100gb download.


This screenshot was made just now at a non selected place I happened to be by chance. Maximum settings (1440p with supersampling) of course. If this is in no way low quality I do not want to see what low quality is for you.

>! Make sure to resize it to its full size

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/htKFuzB.jpg "")

It just looks plain terrible. Granted the new maps (HoT and later) look a bit better, but a trained eye still sees all the sacrifices Anet made.


I tried various Reshade presets. They all made the game look even worse lol

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > > The stairs are terrible, but so are all the low res textures in this game. Sometimes they just resize a small texture for something bigger and then it looks even worse. This game needs a 50 GB ultra HD texture pack.

> > > >

> > > > No. No it does not.

> > >

> > > Why not? The game file size is tiny compared to modern games while having a massive game world. Just shows how low quality textures and models are. They should definitely offer better quality settings.

> >

> > It shows that they don't have a bazillion texture maps for each material, sure. It doesn't mean that the textures or other graphical assets are in any way low quality. Upscaling all of that would be a huge undertaking, not to mention that the average gw2 player's rig might not even support it. If it were going to happen, I imagine it would be done for a new expansion, but not for the old world. In the mean time, there are third party tools like reshade that let you throw in all of the vomit inducing bloom and SSAO you like, which bring the game fairly close to a AAA title without the additional 100gb download.


> This screenshot was made just now at a non selected place I happened to be by chance. Maximum settings (1440p with supersampling) of course. If this is in no way low quality I do not want to see what low quality is for you.

> >! Make sure to resize it to its full size

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/htKFuzB.jpg "")

> It just looks plain terrible. Granted the new maps (HoT and later) look a bit better, but a trained eye still sees all the sacrifices Anet made.


> I tried various Reshade presets. They all made the game look even worse lol


Hahah well OK, yeah, that isn't great. Actually in the beta those building textures made me puke. Also the trees that looked like tall stalks with some weird multicoloured water painting texture on them outside Divinity's Reach... Ouch. But *in general* it's a good looking game. As you said, the expacs are of a higher quality definitely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> The stairs are terrible, but so are all the low res textures in this game. Sometimes they just resize a small texture for something bigger and then it looks even worse. This game needs a 50 GB ultra HD texture pack.


A texture pass would be awesome. Given that the game is mostly CPU bound, let us put our modern GPUs to work with things like higher textures! My 1080 Ti is sitting around bored waiting for the CPU to finish up calculating stuff, lolol

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> @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

> > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > > @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

> > > For you guys thinking the Astralarium stairs are acceptable...

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/zjL2xwW.jpg "")

> > >

> > > [unsized Image for higher detail of eyes bleeding.](https://i.imgur.com/zjL2xwW.jpg "Unsized Image for higher detail of eyes bleeding.")

> >

> > If you're going to criticize someone's work, please use proper spelling.

> Get bent.



I think you mean "ged bended u hethern", right? ;)


(I agree, the spelling complaint is daft, and I think your image post was awesome.)

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