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home instance chests and Silver Waste lost bandit chest, HOT rewards like acid chak

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The Acid etc don't go into your bags anymore. They added a wallet for them and they go into the wallet automatically. And you have to have lost bandit keys a well as the shovels. You can view the wallet from your inventory. As well you can add any you have in your bags to the wallet to open up more storage space.

From the patch notes

"A new Keys category has been added to the wallet, and it contains a currency version of several existing items. These items can be consumed to convert them into the new currencies. Content that once required these items to be in a player's inventory will now check for the currency instead. This change affects the following items:


Zephyrite Lockpicks

Bandit Skeleton Keys

Pact Crowbars

Exalted Keys

Vials of Chak Acid


Trader's Keys"


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