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What is the funniest thing that you have done in WvW?


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I am from Black gate and today (11/29/17) I hid on the north west tower on the red borderland and waited for people to come and take the tower from behind. There was this Yank Bend guy that was attempting to take the tower by himself so he dropped a catapult, but as you all know, nobody can build catapults in one go, so he had to go back to his spawn to get more supply. That is when I came out of my hiding spot and damage the catas to about 10%. When the Yank Bend guy came back and saw the siege at 10% he scratched his head and wonder WTF was going on, but decided to drop more supply on the catapult and ported back to his spawn. Then I came back from my hiding spot and damage the catapult to 10%. He kept doing this for about 5 times until the guy finally realized there was some kind of witchcraft going on and he decided to stay for about 2 minutes to find out WTF was going on with the catapults and why their health was resetting back to 10%. I could not resits waiting a second anymore so I got out of my hiding spot and ambushed him and killed him. He never came back!


OMG that was the funniest thing I have done in WvW. Do you think I deserve to go to hell for this?

What is the funnies thing that you have done in WvW? Please share!

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Not the funniest but it's fun to trap people in double gates by:

- building the gate behind them (huehue, classes with stealth will do this easy)

- being a mesmer or fbrand and pulling a zerg walking near the hole above the double gates (a bit hard to do but you can get lucky)

- letting them chase you into the hole (more fun)


After getting them trapped in there, proceed to use oil on them. You will have a good BBQ.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> OMG that was the funniest thing I have done in WvW. Do you think I deserve to go to hell for this?

Yes, you do deserve worst hell u.u

At least you could have whispered the truth to that poor guy :(

Maybe now he's still wondering if that was a bug like "the resetting catapult bug" xD


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I was and still am new to WvW. When I played WvW for the first time I explored the area and found a lever in town and got curious...so I pulled the lever and almost instantly people got really angry in the map chat and raged "WHO PULLED THE LEVER???". I was terrified "Oh God, what did I do?" and left WvW as fast as possible xD I still don't know what the lever was for? Could someone please explain? And I am sorry to everyone...I will never ever pull a lever out of curiousity...hopefully... xD



![](https://i.imgur.com/3GTNHjj.gif "")




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Got furious that this little thief from Baruch Bay was killing me and letting me go down, then revive without staking me, over and over.


Thought he was trolling me.


He was trying to help me learn how to 1v1 and giving me opportunities for my skills to reset and try again with him.


Made a great new friend after that day and learned to look at fights while roaming in a whole new way.

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Our 5 man was into hills crossing the bridge to get to the lords room. I was jumping as I was running because, well, for no real reason.


On the bridge while I was jumping a platinum something ranger hit me with knock back from just the right angle to knock me off the bridge. He was the only defender...


I laughed the whole way down and ended up messaging him with a compliment...


In TS, my party laughed at me for the next hour..

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> That is when I came out of my hiding spot and damage the catas to about 10%.

Someone did this to me, and I'm almost certain it wasn't you since it happened a while ago. After the second time, I switched to a condition build and laid three traps down on the catapult while putting in the supply. Instead of running back for more supply, I ran right out of sight and hid. When the enemy player came out to damage the catapult again, I finished him off after he hit the traps.

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Back in the days when supervisor was doing 300%+ dmg with RI i capped a camp and have to afk for a minute. Moment i came back i saw 3 thiefs preparing to stealth gank me, they went into stealth i count to 3, dodged 2 times and few seconds later 3 downed bodies popped up from stealth.


Gankers gettin ganked, always fun to do/watch.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Our 5 man was into hills crossing the bridge to get to the lords room. I was jumping as I was running because, well, for no real reason.


> On the bridge while I was jumping a platinum something ranger hit me with knock back from just the right angle to knock me off the bridge. He was the only defender...


> I laughed the whole way down and ended up messaging him with a compliment...


> In TS, my party laughed at me for the next hour..

I'm only Gold, but that was me. Fortunately for me, it was a lag-free moment, so I was able to time the shot properly and escape your allies' retaliatory attacks. You're the only person to have ever sent me a positive whisper for knocking them off a ledge. I've gotten plenty of hate whispers for opening 1 (me) vs 2/3/4 fights with a knock-off-a-cliff shot. Kudos for being such a good sport, a sad rarity in WvW these days.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > Our 5 man was into hills crossing the bridge to get to the lords room. I was jumping as I was running because, well, for no real reason.

> >

> > On the bridge while I was jumping a platinum something ranger hit me with knock back from just the right angle to knock me off the bridge. He was the only defender...

> >

> > I laughed the whole way down and ended up messaging him with a compliment...

> >

> > In TS, my party laughed at me for the next hour..

> I'm only Gold, but that was me. Fortunately for me, it was a lag-free moment, so I was able to time the shot properly and escape your allies' retaliatory attacks. You're the only person to have ever sent me a positive whisper for knocking them off a ledge. I've gotten plenty of hate whispers for opening 1 (me) vs 2/3/4 fights with a knock-off-a-cliff shot. Kudos for being such a good sport, a sad rarity in WvW these days.


Those would be try hards. I laugh if I'm ever knocked off but I've only been knocked off twice. I made a kick hammer rampage warrior build before for a few hours of knock back fun in EoTM.

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Continuing the gravity death theme, there are a few blooper moments I wish I had captured on video.

* I had a great fight with a Reaper on a wide bridge near Air Keep. I appeared to be winning, but then I used my wolf's Terrifying Howl attack. He immediately used Plague Signet and sent me off the edge instead. I had to send him a "Well-played" whisper after that.

* On a few occasions, I've sent myself off a ledge by not paying attention to my enemies' reflects.

* Shortly after gliding was enabled, a group of us were gliding from Overlook to Ogrewatch Cut in response to an enemy breach. Apparently, the first thing they did after breaching was run up the wall and build a bunch of ballistae. A bunch of us got shot out of the air and they proceeded to flip the tower.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > Our 5 man was into hills crossing the bridge to get to the lords room. I was jumping as I was running because, well, for no real reason.

> >

> > On the bridge while I was jumping a platinum something ranger hit me with knock back from just the right angle to knock me off the bridge. He was the only defender...

> >

> > I laughed the whole way down and ended up messaging him with a compliment...

> >

> > In TS, my party laughed at me for the next hour..

> I'm only Gold, but that was me. Fortunately for me, it was a lag-free moment, so I was able to time the shot properly and escape your allies' retaliatory attacks. You're the only person to have ever sent me a positive whisper for knocking them off a ledge. I've gotten plenty of hate whispers for opening 1 (me) vs 2/3/4 fights with a knock-off-a-cliff shot. Kudos for being such a good sport, a sad rarity in WvW these days.


Was one of my favorite moments of the past year.


Kinda wish I knew if more people had the same willingness to laugh at themselves.



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