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Locking New Legendaries Behind Raids


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Na.. when did I say about %

As far as I can see in pve .. there was a period before hot. Everyone was playing with everyone. When more challenging content comes and dungeon reward nerf.. ppl started to separate. People focus on rewarding group content. Those who can't advance due to many reasons stay behind... I'm talking about small group content (not meta events) that can encourage ppl of various play style to play together.

I hv done my precursor ring .. all pve wing 5 achievements (except Dhuum cm :( ).. I hv no objection to wvw or pvp armour to leg armour.. they all hv a voice and being heard.

There are group of ppl that don't do raids don't do wvw, not hard core pvp-er.. but they are vet players that contribute many hours to the game. I can't see leg ring collection via dungeon will hurt the community.

Don't need to say sorry Eramonster :p we all hv views and hv a free voice. (^_-)

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> I would support if arena net make a dungeon precursor ring collection :)

> Arena net should consider this ... One way to find out if this expand and encourage players of all type come back together again to play together. Atm we are separating .. the gab is greater on each update.. I don't think this is healthy for mmo pve

> One ring (via dungeon collection) rule them all


That would be pretty cool. But I very much doubt it would happen.

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> @"Jukens.1693" said:



> Raids are not available to everyone Anet, unlike Fractals, Open World, WvW and PvP. Whatever put in the raids won't incentivize me to run this content, they don't exist for me period. No instead it just pisses me off completely. There is no telling how many more legendaries Anet is going to put in there for the %1.



How exactly are raids not available to you? Is it a work issue where you are only on for odd hours or do you just not want to do them.

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I can understand the anger of the OP. No matter what you are telling but raids are not open to everyone. I tried to get into raids since the day the first raid wing was released. Most people can't get into raids because of the lack of LI. Ofc training guilds exist but what I experienced in one of them : they actually only picked the people who already had raid experience. And in my case : raids are not available for me because I CANNOT use TS or other voice chat programmes. What no one understands : I didn't choose to have a condition that keeps me from using it. So finding a raiding guild is nearly impossible for me. I had one once and I equipped 3 classes for them. They were fine with me not using TS. Then they were not fine anymore and kicked me without saying something . I even tried to pug it but with low Li the chances to get into a group are very low. So yeah what else can I do?

And yes, that Anet is putting a legendary behind raids is just not ok.


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> @"Glael.7643" said:

> I can understand the anger of the OP. No matter what you are telling but raids are not open to everyone. I tried to get into raids since the day the first raid wing was released. Most people can't get into raids because of the lack of LI. Ofc training guilds exist but what I experienced in one of them : they actually only picked the people who already had raid experience. And in my case : raids are not available for me because I CANNOT use TS or other voice chat programmes. What no one understands : I didn't choose to have a condition that keeps me from using it. So finding a raiding guild is nearly impossible for me. I had one once and I equipped 3 classes for them. They were fine with me not using TS. Then they were not fine anymore and kicked me without saying something . I even tried to pug it but with low Li the chances to get into a group are very low. So yeah what else can I do?

> And yes, that Anet is putting a legendary behind raids is just not ok.



I have spoken in Discord maybe once or twice in my whole 800+ LI "career" and it was a pain because my internet is so crappy it lags me out. I just had to be there to listen and after a while not even that because I knew what to do even without someone telling me. Not being able to talk or listen isn't gonna stop you from raiding, I know first-hand.

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Ive read through a few threads about this issue and I guess ill post my perspective. I think the people that are defending arena nets decision to lock content behind raids are overestimating the flexibility of schedules that are chaotic like mine. Im a fairly new player that doesnt raid but does do fractal CMs, WvW, and pvp (I think fractal cms are comparable to raids in difficulty and gear required to run them efficiently on a daily basis, please dont set me on fire if you disagree). So far ive acquired HOPE, infinitum, and im working on the ascension. I do not think its tenable to claim that these items do not require hard work and dedication. I would like to get the legendary ring but the problem ive encountered in getting into raids is that even after learning mechanics (which I have done in public groups) I still need to establish a static group to run them effectively, and having a static group means that I have to allocate time each week that is not flexible. To add insult to injury I also see people selling raids as if trying to take advantage of people in my situation (sure theres no initiation of force but its still very annoying since im competent enough to do this content and id basically be paying people to play with me rather than be paying them for the carry). The reason Im able to work on the other legendaries is because I can work on them whenever I want, for example I can start my own 100cm room , and then it will be finished in a timely manner with the help of people that meet the base requirements I set to join the room. This cant efficiently be done with raids and I think others have adequately discussed why. Similarly with pvp I can queue for matches whenever I want, I dont need to go outside the game to coordinate with some guild or some discord server to get to work on my legendary. Being told that I need to join a guild to get these new legendarys is like being told that I need to join a union to work. I would gladly do two or three times the amount of work or work that is two or three more times more difficult than raids to get legendary armor skins and trinkets if It would mean that I could just work on them when I want to work on them (yes I know wvw and pvp now have legendary armor but the skins are still very deliberately locked behind raids). I could probably go on about this issue but since I want people to actually read this ill stop typing.

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> @"Doctor.1384" said:

> Ive read through a few threads about this issue and I guess ill post my perspective. I think the people that are defending arena nets decision to lock content behind raids are overestimating the flexibility of schedules that are chaotic like mine. Im a fairly new player that doesnt raid but does do fractal CMs, WvW, and pvp (I think fractal cms are comparable to raids in difficulty and gear required to run them efficiently on a daily basis, please dont set me on fire if you disagree). So far ive acquired HOPE, infinitum, and im working on the ascension. I do not think its tenable to claim that these items do not require hard work and dedication. I would like to get the legendary ring but the problem ive encountered in getting into raids is that even after learning mechanics (which I have done in public groups) I still need to establish a static group to run them effectively, and having a static group means that I have to allocate time each week that is not flexible. To add insult to injury I also see people selling raids as if trying to take advantage of people in my situation (sure theres no initiation of force but its still very annoying since im competent enough to do this content and id basically be paying people to play with me rather than be paying them for the carry). The reason Im able to work on the other legendaries is because I can work on them whenever I want, for example I can start my own 100cm room , and then it will be finished in a timely manner with the help of people that meet the base requirements I set to join the room. This cant efficiently be done with raids and I think others have adequately discussed why. Similarly with pvp I can queue for matches whenever I want, I dont need to go outside the game to coordinate with some guild or some discord server to get to work on my legendary. Being told that I need to join a guild to get these new legendarys is like being told that I need to join a union to work. I would gladly do two or three times the amount of work or work that is two or three more times more difficult than raids to get legendary armor skins and trinkets if It would mean that I could just work on them when I want to work on them (yes I know wvw and pvp now have legendary armor but the skins are still very deliberately locked behind raids). I could probably go on about this issue but since I want people to actually read this ill stop typing.


Doctor, you did give me a bit of a new perspective on this issue that I have never thought before. It would a different story if you had to gather 9 other people for a pvp match or for a fractal, or for wvw before actually playing those modes. After joining up, you would then have people discussing Meta and changing your build, etc. Your right, it would suck big time if I wanted to make Bolt, but had to gather 9 other people in order to do it and not just once but several times.


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@"Doctor.1384" said did raise a point. But from neutral perspective, just take it as it is like I did.


It's fair one needs to play the content for its rewards. Raid has it's version, so does WvW, PvW are mostly asc(lacks cosmetic value, but easier to obtain and same stat). Simply put it as an entitlement, for players that commited more. Think everyone agrees it doesn't sound right if others can get the same exact reward but did less than what you did. Maybe Anet will place another ring somewhere else, in WvW or PvE? who knows, just like the aurora etc Anet implement as the game goes. Be patience.


Been a casual player for years now, ever since I started working in rl and that limits my playtime to 3hours-ish daily, more on weekends tho. Nothing changed, still obtaining legendary, achievements etc over time. Haven't started on Ad Infinitum, but not in a hurry nor need to. Just no longer able to participate in guild raids due to time and commitment. Like everyone, wanted a set of legendary armor, but its selfish to drag others behind if they can find replacements. What I did instead is cherry picking raids, easy & higher chance of success bosses(escort,vg,gorse etc). 3 encounters to cap my shards for the week(fail atempts included). Instead of giving up, I managed my playtime; Spend a couple hours in a week for 3 encounters to earn enough shards for asc after a week or two; OR farm throughout the week daily, meta events etc. The choice for me is clear.

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