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Skill or trait you want to see updated the most?


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> @Carighan.6758 said:

> I want Signet of Inspiration changed/removed.


> Too much of this game relies on a mechanic only a single class provides (boon copy, at least in this rather importer form). I don't think it'd be a health mechanic to have readily available, rather I'd remove it.


> **Or**, even better, make it so that it works like this:


> * Recipients get all boons the Mesmer has at the full duration the Mesmer has them right now.

> * All **other** boons are removed before that application.


> In other words, the Mesmer doesn't add her buffs to yours, she replaced yours with hers.


I do honestly believe that SoI is unhealthy for this game in its current state. But if its removed, chrono is left in a really, really bad spot in PvE (though there are bigger problems at play here considering chrono relies on core mesmer mechanics to still have a unique role in raids). Its alacrity and quickness generation can be replaced by other classes now, and both core mesmer or mirage could run distortion share while also providing significantly higher DPS than the chrono could ever hope for, so it would immediately be thrown out of raid comps if SoI were removed imo. A mechanic so game changing, literally, cannot just be removed without giving us something back in return.


@"Wandering Mist.2973" This is more to see what people think are the worst parts of mesmer's current skill/trait design.

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> @apharma.3741 said:

> You could say the class is now a mess-mer


i lol'd


> @AliamRationem.5172 said:

> That's a lot more negative than I'd like to go, but I really can't disagree.


**wall of text that i'm so deeply sorry for rambling on about incoming**


seriously, i didn't want to go there, either, hijacking this thread and all, but it's honestly such a massive disappointment, it's just impossible to ignore

i had such high hopes for something new for mesmer, but all we got was **ANOTHER** dueling line for pvp

(let's be real, the super high dps in pve was a bug, we all knew that, axes hitting the same target multiple times was never intended and we should all have known and accepted that it would be fixed)


people can argue all they want about how "good" mirage is in pvp right now

but really?

who cares?

mesmer did NOT need that, end of story, it was already their selling point with a class mechanic that affects only one target that focuses on single target diversion, deception, mind games, and "domination"


**e-specs were supposed to add something new, all we got was another small scale bruiser spec for pvp that we already had, item drop mechanics that everyone said they hated previously for gaurd/rev, because of how poorly they worked in this game for the type of combat, and not to mention the axes/crystal sands projectiles that move so much that they bug out on terrain**


no matter how many times we say we don't like these mechanics because they don't work in real situations in this game, the balance team does nothing but test on target golems in spvp so they never know how bad it is or SOMETHING, otherwise i have no clue how they can finalize this trash with so much feedback about how atrociously they operate in any real scenario


also, i honestly LOVED phantasms/clones mechanic when the game first came out, personally

i absolutely loved guild wars 1 mesmer since i started playing like over a decade ago (sobbing hysterically at that statement), when i heard there were clones, it was just... i nerdgasmed, it was too good to be true


it was so unique, beautiful, perfectly matching the class, everything, just, it made me cry how perfect it was


but it lost its luster when i got better at the game, when you start realizing in pve it becomes a chore to maintain phantasms and auto attack, in fear of lowering your total damage for pressing any other button on your bar?????? and in pvp how they're just a liability due to AI, how they function, and having an entire class mechanic built around the ability to be CC'd, destroyed, everything, it screams poor mechanic, and that's all well and fine until the real tryhards start realizing this and it becomes useless, at the start of the game, it would have been acceptable


years into this game, and nothing changed... not even the attack speed of clones or buffs/icons on the clones, it's just.... horrifyingly unacceptable at this point


trailing off topic because i'm rambling but still about how this is the balance teams fault:

this game's spvp had the chance to be esport material, like they wanted, but they ruined it with too much RNG in skills, too much lack of **meaningful** balance patches, too much lack of everything

if anything, spvp is even better now than at the start when they tried to push for that esport title........... which is sad, because now nobody trusts them anymore to keep it entertaining because of how they've treated this game


WvW had the chance to be SO freaking amazing, but they just stopped caring about it, they could make GW3 and focus entirely on WvW, and it could be a hit, but they don't seem to care enough for that


they only seem to care about pve, the story, and the gemstore, which is all well and fine, the game's pve health is still important, obviously, i am in no way disapproving of pve'rs who love the story and lore, it's an extremely large portion of the game, i understand, and obviously the gemstore is important to the game's revenue and pushing more content out for a buy once play forever game style, but, as most try to argue with me when i say that, there's different teams..........

so where are the teams to focus on the pvpers?


they're too busy banning the top spvpers for abusing their ranking system simply because they want to play more, because they don't update pvp enough to make players care, so the lack of players causes the higher tier pool of players to not have anyone to fight

(did you hear about that? look it up if not, it was a reasonable ban, that also got lifted, but it was because of the situation of abusing rank, but it's also caused by their own failures with the game that caused a lack of players to be in queue at that rank in the first place, not many want to continue playing a stale game, especially in that tier)


it's disgusting


**all of this falls back on the lack of real balance updates and sheer lack of care for the balance in this game, the mesmers class mechanic and all of their traits/skills that are utterly useless, the failure that was spvp esports, WvW being the literal walking joke of this game, even if it's my personal favorite, it's all tied together, they just don't care enough for balance in this game, and the game suffers in all aspects, unfortunately, even the pve, where mesmers are forced into auto attacking with phantasms or being a boon/alacrity bot**


**again, i do apologize for rambling, but at the same time...... _i just don't_, it had to be said, it's honestly just so despicable how they treat this game, even for something as simple as this thread, the types of comments that come out of this just screams the truth of all of it..... one measly skill/trait change wouldn't make mesmer anymore enjoyable anywhere due to the staggering number of poorly designed ones, even if all you were asking for was just what you'd like to see in a real patch update, sad fact is, you're right, they'll never change the mesmer class mechanic, but honestly, even to your own hope that "it's more likely they'll change one skill/trait", you know what? they probably won't even do THAT, because of how much they don't seem to care at this point**


i still love this game, it's one of the best out there in my opinion, it has and had so much potential that was wasted so hardcore, it's just a disappointment in so many aspects that it's disheartening to see it flop around like a dead fish everywhere that isn't the pve story or the gemstore.....

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The problem wasn't the axe ambush fix itself so much as the fact that ambush damage on all weapons (including axe, once fixed) is simply too low to be competitive. You have to ask yourself why go through the trouble of developing a new elite spec when the mechanics you design specifically for that spec can't compete with phantasm builds that really have no business being included in a Mirage build in the first place?


The centerpiece of mirage is mirage cloak and the ambush attacks it allows. If you want to fix something, at least fix that, ANet! It's maddening that you design such fun mechanics, but then fail to come anywhere close to properly balancing them so that players can enjoy them.

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> @AliamRationem.5172 said:

> The problem wasn't the axe ambush fix itself so much as the fact that ambush damage on all weapons (including axe, once fixed) is simply too low to be competitive. You have to ask yourself why go through the trouble of developing a new elite spec when the mechanics you design specifically for that spec can't compete with phantasm builds that really have no business being included in a Mirage build in the first place?


> The centerpiece of mirage is mirage cloak and the ambush attacks it allows. If you want to fix something, at least fix that, ANet! It's maddening that you design such fun mechanics, but then fail to come anywhere close to properly balancing them so that players can enjoy them.


They can't compete with phantasm builds because the design of most ambush attacks is pure cancer and can't be toned up. A huge factor in their balancing is IH. Because it exists, ambush attacks HAVE to be balanced as if you are running IH and can pop off 4 of them at once, with a single mirage cloak. Considering that you can theoretically obtain mirage cloak roughly every 5 seconds with perm vigor, and that's before you bring in mirrors, they have to be balanced around this maximum.


They are underwhelming in general right now in PvE, but most of them are pure cancer. Sword ambush is daze spam. Staff (if it hits) and scepter are pure condi spam. GS is pure nothing spam, though that's par for the course with that weapon honestly. Axe was good, but in the end is still just spam. The basic design of ambush attacks is cancerous spam. And until that is changed we won't see any real buffs to them outside of potentially re-doing the fix to axe ambush so that its dealing the damage it was supposed to be dealing without the bug (which would put that build at around 33-35k dps I think?). TBH removing IH is the easiest way to remove this cancerous spam aspect of ambush skills.

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depends on how you look at it, right?


i'm a pvper, and that greatsword ambush can be scary with 3 clones in pvp, each clone can crit upwards to around 1k, and your own to like 3k, that's still roughly 6k cleaving, depending on armor/gear/build/situation, that's a lot considering the weapon type, and the fact that it's a beam that hits even more targets than normal, it's technically 9 targets, able to hit quite a number multiple times, not actually 9, but positioning allows for some weird mechanics, plus beams being immune to projectile manipulation: the basic auto is trash in melee range, the ambush, however, is not, the greatsword itself is a burst weapon, mirror blade is an extremely heavy hitting skill when mixed with shatters, with it's own problems of a bad bouncing mechanic


Sword ambush is just simply insane for interrupt builds, nuff said, i main interrupt power build with Severence sigil, Sigil of Draining, Power Block, and occasionally to add insult to injury, Chaotic Interruption, and..... it's just terrifying to watch people blow up


Staff ambush had its damage increased, i use power, i avoid condi like the cancer it is, but it's respectable considering the defensive aspect of it, you need to consider the defensive measures of this weapon when you count for what it's actually doing, along with AoE might/fury


Scepter even has a high damage coefficient, i can crit 9k Confusing Images with soldier gear, and the ambush hits for about 4k, which is alright, but the scepter is just a joke for how clunky it is, so it's hard to gauge there


Axe power damage is laughable, i agree, so not much to be said there


you need to look at the larger picture, not just the ambushes by themselves


but this all falls back onto how i mentioned Mirage is only a dueling pvp build

so all of this is tailored to the fact that it's being used in pvp


it might be underperforming in pve, but...... again, that's the issue here, right?

we got another dueling pvp spec.....

this is the main problem, the axe ambush fixed in pve means that, yet again, we're pushed away from multiple ways to play in pve (even though the damage was so bloated why would you run anything else, but, separate topic)

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actually, Ori, you bring another valid point

all it is is cancer

it brings more condi builds


as if mesmer really needed them, amiright?



still strengthening my argument, i'm so sorry this is what this thread turned into, but it's hard to be sorry for the painful truth

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@"Alpha.1308" 1st of all, I love your posts lol. They are so vivid and vibrant. And I agree with what you're saying. Anet's "balance" patches are atrocious. I can't even recall the last time we got any meaningful changes.


OriOri asked for a single trait/skill/skill category, but frankly it was really hard to choose just one. Look at the number of different suggestions in this thread (and other threads). It's the evidence of how many things are wrong with the profession. There are tons of things that are underwhelming/outdated/boring or simply not working at all from the start (Mesmer's class mechanics as an example), yet they don't seem to do anything about it. And it's not only mesmer obviously, each and every other profession suffer from it too.

I'm frustrated and sad, the forums are full of complaints about Anet's ~very frequent and meaningful (/s) "patches". How can they ignore it all? :disappointed:


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I have to butt in here, I don't think that there is anything wrong with mesmer outside of the phantasm/shatter interaction (and how best to solve that has been a very colorful discussion in the past). Yes, some thinks are woefully weak, underwhelming or otherwise unfun. Others are performing much too well (Looking at you EM). Some GM traits make perfect balance impossible to achieve.But I don't think this is anything wrong with the class, its just stuff that could be better.


I didn't make this thread to complain about mesmer, and I won't stop anyone from doing that if that's what they want to do. I was mostly just curious as to what the biggest pain points are to everyone

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thanks bart, nice to know ramblings of spending hours typing them up don't go completely unread


and ori, i mean, i don't disagree, i don't think i ever mentioned the class itself was bad, it's super unique to this game, and i keep saying that i love it, because i do, and it would function so well if it weren't for the class mechanic being a mess, but.... honestly, the class mechanic makes the class, and tying in everything else, is what makes it disappointing

(uhh.. drawing a blank as to what "EM" is)


e-specs were supposed to add something new, chrono brought us our much appreciated support spec (that's already more or less gone or lowered to the point of unnecessary, leaving it into just being yet ANOTHER dueling line) , mirage didn't add anything we didn't already have save for a small amount of shiny new toys (re-targetting, new dodge, new skill on dodge) meanwhile everything else got a rework to their class mechanic this expansion, while we got what looks like a core mesmer line, being the only class tied to a liability for a class mechanic, even ranger got to get rid of their pet, and even that functions better than phantasms at this point


i know it wasn't to complain about mesmer, but it's so hard to look at it and not complain at this point, going ignored for literally years about a borked mechanic is exhausting, and the simple fact is, asking the community for one small trait/skill change... even THAT is too far-fetched for anet at this point it seems, that it makes it a stretch to even ask the community for it, because we all know they don't seem to care, we're all just frustrated, and it's sad

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