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Windswept Haven (And possibly other guild halls?) shading bug?


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I've noticed since it came out and haven't said anything, but when I'm decorating in Windswept Haven I've noticed I have this giant black shadow surrounding me. It seems like it doesn't quite register the game lighting sometimes too until I'm right overtop of somewhere there should be a shadow. Kind of hard to explain but has anyone else noticed this? I do have guild wars 2 hook, but even with no settings on I still have this issue so I don't think it's my settings.

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It is not the graphics card fault. I have noticed it on a slope of sand where I suddenly had a huge dark circle around my char, I thought what the hell is this....I changed the shadow settings around a bit and it seems the lower you set the quality of the shadow, the smaller the circle gets. At best setting the circle around you is almost as big as if you had one of those big hot air ballons floating above you, at low setting it practically is gone. In many other areas of the guild hall it is almost unnoticable regardless of size.


Shadow settings on the picture:

Top left "Low", Top right "Medium", Bottom left "High", Bottom right "Ultra" (PS; Rightclick and select "View Image" shows it in full size)


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