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Smaller wvw maps and multiple instances.


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Divide wvw map and you will get camps, towers, keeps, and stonemist.


parties to 8 can que up vs at least 5 to 8 players and fight over a camp.


parties of 9 to 20 can fight over a tower.


parties of 21 to 35 can fight over a keep.


parties of 36 to 50 can fight over sm.


Instead of one big map, there will be multiple instances of maps varying in size.


sieges still can be built, but for the price of walking yaks or slapping yaks to gain some.


creeping, kiling monsters can give buffs ala pvp.


and each match may last until the minimum player on each team is met.


like 5 to 10 for camps 15 to 30 for towers. 30 to 1 hour for keeps. and 1 hour to 2 hour for sm.


Would be nice if you fet spiked you spend 2 minutes in the spirit zone, ala pof, then revive.


May work if designed well.


Could work for guilds vs or servers versus or mega servers versus.


Also an option to concede when odds are overpowering.


Supposing one side loses players, ppl can still join back in like the old eotm or wvw or pvp

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Thats sound more like bigger spvp then smaller wvw :D Maybe good idea... but separate... not transform this we have. If this happen, i prolly quit wvw and most players do... why ?

It will be for elitists only... sounds like open world bosses you can only make in 15 ppl in max 7 minutes with some mechanics... how it sounds ? Like raid lol :D So if in instance can compete 10 vs 10. You want good party... exp ppl ... proper builds... so you and your friends now met CakeWalk party in lead with Vaanss and you are doomed. (that was example only).

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If people want an actual "competitive" wvw'ish modus, this is basically the only way. I think I've suggested it before, basically make a pvp variant, where you cut of sections of the maps though a bit larger (with 1 keep, couple of towers, and 2-3 camps) and select the number of players 10-20+, and go at it.


It bypasses most of the problems WvW has with being competitive. Evens out the teams, allows to focus the action, sets a time limit to it. The only thing you'll lose is the 24/7 part, which can be a sad thing, but is essentially one of the main reasons WvW will never be competitive.


But as someone else said, it wouldn't save WvW, it would just give us a WvW'ish game mode in PvP. Which begs the question what to with the existing WvW ? Unless you had planned to just dump it instead. Doubt that would be popular either.


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