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[NA] Essentially New Player LFG


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Played Guild Wars 1 for years, pre ordered GW2 but never was able to get into it due to a mix of computer problems, time restraints and not having a group of friends to play the game anymore. I was a guild leader of a very large alliance in GW1 and the community in that alliance and friendships I made were the biggest reason I loved the game and played for so long. Looking to be able to join an active yet not demanding guild with an active voice chat(TS or Discord) with members who are friendly and helpful in order to be able to get into this game again because it has been very hard to want to play consistently when playing solo. I have both expansions and will be starting a new character shortly, any tips are appreciated!

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Heya, Forenzik! You could consider MIST: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17685/na-pvx-we-dont-have-a-guild-we-have-a-family


We're a PvX guild that has regular events, an active Discord, and very helpful members. We're the most active during late afternoon and evening hours, CST/EST. You're more than welcome to check out our recruitment post above and try us out to see if you like us -- I think we'd be a good fit! =)

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