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Let’s Talk About Marketing...

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  • ArenaNet Staff

My name is Mike Silbowitz and I am the Head of Global Marketing here at ArenaNet. I got the opportunity to chat with some of you this week during our Reddit Dev Celebration and really enjoyed the discussions and feedback on how to best create assets to support our Guild Wars 2 releases. I’ve met with our Marketing Team to discuss your feedback and we look forward to implementing many of your constructive and insightful suggestions over the course of the next few months.


Because of the positive experience I had chatting with you all this week, I wanted to continue to test the waters and include you in the feedback process for one of our unreleased marketing assets. You have a lot of knowledge about and experience with Guild Wars 2, so why not tap your expertise and passion in reviewing a video we plan to use to engage potential new players? This unreleased video features positive accolades from our loyal fans while displaying gameplay in a way that will hopefully resonate with a new audience who may not have the rich history and knowledge you already possess. This would go live this month, targeting views by people who have never played our game, or those who may have stepped away from GW2. Any constructive feedback you can provide about this video, either positive or negative, will help us present GW2 in the best light possible.




I really hope you enjoy this sneak peek of the video and look forward to incorporating as much of your constructive feedback as possible in making something we all can be proud to share with our friends as an example of why they need to play GW2.


Thank you and Happy Wintersday


Mike Silbowitz a.k.a "Sibs"

Head of Global Marketing @ ArenaNet

Reddit: AnetHoGM

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One thing I have learned from quotes for promotional items is that if they don't come from actual well known critics, they are usually cherry picked because of that. Even when from an established critic still often cherry picked but at least have a little more weight. Movies do this all the time when they don't get decent reviews from established critics, "Best action movie I ever watched - Movie238Guy@twitter.whatever", "So glad I watched this movie! - Amazon review from Someperson"


Trying to view this as a potential new customer I don't really care what name.7852 has to say as I have no idea who they are where they stand in the gaming community.

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The video is very nice. I really like the attention to details, such as the way the ArenaNet vanishes like sand on the wind.


However... When the text begins, my first reaction was, "Who is Amsel Diabolic?". Without previous information, it would be hard to guess if that's a review site, a streamer, or just a random player.


I would suggest adding something in the beginning of the video telling the viewers that it will show the players' opinions.


If that's not possible, I would suggest at least having the first line of text from someone whose name ends with a number (for example, "John.3456"), since some players know that's how our GW2 user names are written. I think not everyone would get it this way, but would be better, IMO, than starting the video with Amsel Diabolic.

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First, I would not use quotes from the forum, use narration with a Gaelic/Celtic voice (It is just perfect for narrating). Using quotes makes it look like you are only cherry picking and showing the stuff that's favorable to you. It's why I never watch videos that people post of themselves from youtube, they are always edited to make themselves look good. Use lines from the game, many of your trailers have great narration, use that instead. Using narration also makes it easier for viewers to focus on the visual aspect of a video rather then having to split their focus by trying to read words and pay attention to visuals at the same time.


Second, I never see GW2 advertised anywhere except for the occasional online link. If you had the resources to produce a television ad, it could bring in a lot of interest and new players. Maybe try hooking up with Steam, that can connect a ton of potential customers to GW2, and other Anet/NcSoft games.


Third, marketing needs to focus on changing consumer emotions and thoughts. That music is good, but you need to add something stronger that makes the blood flow. Music is a powerful tool that can affect how people feel and think, and more importantly how they associate those feelings with a product. The visual aspect needs to display what a player can do. You can be sexy, heroic, and embark on great adventures in a huge world. Showing some npc's walking around does not do that. Showing a player exploring a beautiful map, and suddenly getting attacked by an enormous beast ambushing them while the music shifts from peaceful to heart pounding and combative, does that. It makes people more interested.

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Whatever comes of this, I want to thank you for engaging with the community and trying to gather our input. My suggestion from what we see there is to show more of the "fun" of the mounts. What we see there is just "people riding mounts," which is somewhat cool, especially where the jackal is leaping with the streaming sand, but in gameplay terms, it's kind of boring, people have ridden mounts in games before. Instead, show some footage of a Jackal in a jumping area, like the one in SE Crystal Oasis or the shattered pyramid in the NE Crystal Oasis, and show him multi-teleporting in different directions, through portals. Show the Raptor rocketing across a wide gap, or the Springer leaping up onto a high ledge, and then leaping off of it to fall a dizzying distance and land with the spinning attack into a pack of enemies. Show off the *fun* of the mounts, rather than just "you can ride them in a straight line from point A to B." I think that would be much more exciting to a new player.

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As already said - highlight quotes should be rather from the respected critics/well known sites, otherwise it has less-to-none weight for "uneducated" viewer. But - the community opinions and reviews have their weight, too, and in this case there should be a ton of them (like a massive "wall" of positive quotes or something like that, it is sometimes seen in such kind of promotion videos). Just personal opinion how I perceive those videos. :)

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Also aside from just cinematic show some actual game play. When I am shopping for games I see tons of epic cinematic views. That doesn't really show me how the game play looks though when I am in the game. So I then go to find player created videos that show what actual in game play looks like. I want to see what a fight looks like for real in game with all actual the in game graphics, effects etc. So maybe throw in a few seconds from an actual in game legendary bounty fight or something like that.

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I love it as is, it's a really powerful video IMO.. the music, the images, if I wasn't already a fan, only knew it existed and little more than that, this would totally make me want to try it out. The only tiniest thing that might be missing is a few seconds of an actual combat scene, rather than, or in addition to, people just drawing their weapons. The combat here, with the motion and fluidity is one of many things I like here. The jackal scene is perfection, with him running across the sand, was my favorite snip.

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This is probably the most important info I can give to anyone trying to sell any product...




It’s great to display positive reviews, but there also needs to be as much “what’s in it for you and you and you” feature highlights as possible. More and more people are becoming wary of cherry picked positive reviews, and more savvy to marketing tactics, so providing info that is more “substantial” for potential customers is better.


Edit- Probably the most effective marketing for old players is seeing old issues being addressed, and a game that has evolved in a positive direction, in the xpac you want them to buy.

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Actually, on consideration, I think the player quotes could work well in conjunction with more meaty, from-the-company info.



"Five sprawling new maps, filled with adventure and mystery." (And then the player quote)

"Mounts that let you travel the world as never before" (and then the player quote about mounts)

"Face a rogue god, bent on destruction." (Then the I Love The Story quote)



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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> Instead, show some footage of a Jackal in a jumping area, like the one in SE Crystal Oasis or the shattered pyramid in the NE Crystal Oasis, and show him multi-teleporting in different directions, through portals.


Showing the Jackal entering the sand gate in the [Teratohedron](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Teratohedron) and then exiting it at the sand bridge would be great, IMO. It would show the Jackal's most unique ability, the teleportation, and also showcase one of the most breath taking moments of using a mount (the sand bridge high in the sky is really unique).



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Another thing. When I was looking at videos of MMOs a few years ago and decided to start playing Guild Wars 2, I was charmed by a GW2 promotional video in which a British actor with a sexy voice described what was new and better in GW2. I remember him talking about Dynamic Events, which was radically different from traditional questing. That plus the lovely graphics and combat and interesting races and classes made me buy GW2.

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I get that the goal of the video shown is to entice new players to join the game, but I feel that you could add Living World Season 4 onto it. If future assets aren't ready yet, add existing content surrounding Palawa Joko. Include his funny quips from The Departing mission and add some of the Twilight Oasis fractal, while throwing in some Anet commentary about how Season 4 will revisit the legend of Joko and reveal more about his origin (assuming that's the direction you're taking). That sort of direction entices new players while also catering to GW1 players who might have ignored GW2 for being too different from the original.


New players will see that you're a company dedicated on churning out new content for the player so they won't feel "done" after they've finished the initial game and expansions. Old players will see that you're paying attention to unresolved lore and possibly come back to take a look.


It's a win-win.

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I like it, but I feel like it doesn't have any information for **potential new players**. Quick list of the top things that could be improved


* "Its a beautiful map" - Let the art speak for itself. I have never seen an MMO whose art quality comes anywhere near close to that of GW2. Personally I think it speaks for itself, if you guys feel that it doesn't, maybe a small disclaimer at the bottom stating that this is actual in game footage, and not some CGI trailer?

* "Mounts are the best addition so far" - Well, as a player, I'm quite aware of how amazing mounts are in GW2, AND also of how different they are from other games. But stepping back, if I knew nothing about GW2, but I had heard about WoW (or even played it before), and saw this, I wouldn't know that WoW mounts aren't even in the same league as GW2 mounts, because there is nothing to say that. What would probably be going through my mind is that GW2 is playing catch up by just now adding a feature that WoW has had for years. Add onto that the fact that you just show players traveling on mounts, no movement abilities or engage abilities, and I would seriously be wondering why I would want to consider a game whose "greatest feature so far" was the addition of a mount that I don't know can do anything other than run quicker than the base runspeed (does this mess of a paragraph make sense? If not I'll try to reword it). I guess TL;DR - You have a quote about how great mounts are, but then you don't show how they are truly unique in GW2 from mounts in any other game.

* "Loving this expac so much!" - I think this is great. It also doesn't say anything about the game. Why is the expac so great? What features make it so amazing?

* "New storyline is great!" - I like this a lot. It doesn't give any spoilers at all, yet still says that the storyline is really good

* 2 more comments show up talking about how great the expac is - Look I get it, I really do. You want to sell that the expac is amazing. And I really do think it is! But so many comments in such a short video all saying the same thing feels forced to me. IDK, maybe this one is just me.



Non comment related comments

* It focuses entirely on PoF. Now there is nothing wrong with this, but it doesn't mention, not even at the end, that the core game is Free. I think this is huge marketing honestly. Telling people that they can try the core game for free, and only have to pay for the expansions, means that they don't have to drop money on the game to try it. I know that other games offer free trials, but GW2 **IS** free if you play the core game. This should be included in every trailer you guys make that is intended for non players to watch in my opinion.

* Features, features, features. The only feature mentioned in the trailer is mounts, but it doesn't talk about why they are so much better in GW2 than in any other MMO. It doesn't talk about their purpose, their movement abilities, the griffon, nothing.

* No mention of the amazing combat system that GW2 has. Regardless of the quibbles that people might have over balance, I don't think anyone would say that the underlying combat system is not one of the best made.



Basically, to sum it all up, you have a very pretty trailer which doesn't sell GW2. It doesn't mention any features outside of mounts, but even those it makes no mention of why they arne't your boilerplate MMO mount. It doesn't mention that the base game is F2P. It doesn't tell a viewer why they should give it a try.

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Thank you for engaging with the community! I hope to see more of this (particularly with pvp and wvw).


A strong selling point for guild wars 2 that has been a quality for a long time is the joy of adventure, in my opinion. The maps of gw2 are quite fascinating and often gorgeous in their aesthetics and their details. There are often little hidden areas and npcs with interesting dialogue and interaction with characters. For anyone like me, who enjoys exploration, and adventuring, and discovering things, this is a really strong selling point for the game - and something that I hope will continue to be nurtured by Arenanet.


I wish you all the best!

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the video is beautiful and well done - But knowing myself as a consumer it wouldn't have enticed me to try - I would have become mildly enticed by the beautiful graphics - I'm pretty much immune to the quotes / endorsement aspect because these are business endorsed , not player endorsed.


when I search for new games, I usually look for videos of players actually having fun...as a consumer....I know most of these beautiful graphics are most likely not what I'll find in the game - despite knowing as a gw2 player these are actual graphics - what caught me is that each player character you showed in that video is alone. as a gamer, I want to see people having fun, that's what makes me want to play.


There are several other game developers that make fantastic cut scene type videos, but I'll go to "let's play" videos and watch the reactions of the players ....those are the videos that leave me saying "omg, I have to play this game!"

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Showing off the Jackal is always a plus, it's probably the coolest of all of the mounts in my opinion, maybe you could even show off the different skins for the mounts. My favorite part of the trailers is that quick scene where Joko's and Balthazar's minions are charging into each other, it was also used in a previous trailer for maybe a second longer. I think though I've just always been a fan of watching scenes of large battles in game going back to GW1 when you could play the story of Turai Ossa and watch the massive battle unfold in the background.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Actually, on consideration, I think the player quotes could work well in conjunction with more meaty, from-the-company info.


> Like:

> "Five sprawling new maps, filled with adventure and mystery." (And then the player quote)

> "Mounts that let you travel the world as never before" (and then the player quote about mounts)

> "Face a rogue god, bent on destruction." (Then the I Love The Story quote)




This would be my preferred way to go! Maybe get some V/O for the lines describing the types of new content, but then the player testimonials can stay just as text?

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> Other posters have provided suggestions about things to add to the video (or to replace some of the existing vignettes). How long of a video are you aiming for? A minute seems short for a Youtube video, but placed on other platforms might be just about the right length.


Agree as far as Youtube goes, 1 and 1/2 minutes to 2 with the right content, cinematic and actual footage of in game play might help. Just don't go all WoodenPotatoes mode with drawing it out too long. Sorry WP ;)


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The music is fantastic. The visuals in the video shows the enviroment and action briefly, but I wish the video was longer; more gameplay could be showcased and we get to see more of what the game actually is about. Speaking of seeing, I think the inclusion of the random qoutes (and the font used) steals the viewers attention from what is actually shown in the video. Rather than seeing your game, you want them to read text instead.


In addition I have to agree with the sentiment that the inclusion of qoutes at all feels uninteresting, and slightly risky. By including them into your media, you are making a promise to potentional new players based on opinions from, to us, unknown sources. And as we all know opinions differs. Flufflynn, one of the individuals in the video, sure seems excited but should I base a potentional purchase around his/her opinion? Can the video alone deliver on the promise that new players will find the game just as great as each of the **8** qoutes included in the video?

As a customer I don't want you to show me what other people are saying about your product, I want you to show me the product itself.

It shouldn't be the opinions of Amsel Diabolic, Cyrin.1035, MrSedus, Flufflynn, Emma Dobbs, Frostfang.5109, Annaliese Cook and Hevoskuuri.3891 that works to excite new players, it should be Guild Wars 2 itself.


Do as you did in the early days before Guild Wars 2 was released, **SHOW** potentional new players what you are offering.



Don't rely on biased qoutes to sell your game.

Show your game. Trust your game.

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