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3 full Halloween armor skins completely unobtainable

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Hello there,

Isn't it strange that there is no way of obtaining these armour skins? With most event skins there is some way of obtaining them after the event has ended. But there is no way we can unlock these skins now. I think it would make sense for the recipes or the crafted armour to not be account bound or that you can buy the recipes from a vendor, even after the event has ended. I mean SAB's vendor sticks around why can those from Halloween? I think it's kind of pointless to make 3 new armour skins (yes I know they are based on existing armours) and then make them completely unobtainable after the event has ended.

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> @Davtachri.5862 said:

> Hello there,

> Isn't it strange that there is no way of obtaining these armour skins? With most event skins there is some way of obtaining them after the event has ended. But there is no way we can unlock these skins now. I think it would make sense for the recipes or the crafted armour to not be account bound or that you can buy the recipes from a vendor, even after the event has ended. I mean SAB's vendor sticks around why can those from Halloween? I think it's kind of pointless to make 3 new armour skins (yes I know they are based on existing armours) and then make them completely unobtainable after the event has ended.


You'll just need to come back next year :D

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> @Davtachri.5862 said:

> Isn't it strange that there is no way of obtaining these armour skins?

Not really; it's consistent with previous festivals.

* Mad King's Memoires and its various sequels was only obtainable during Halloween 2012-3 (and now, finally 2017). It still can't be obtained 11 months of the year.

* Winter's Presence can only be crafted outside of Wintersday if one first completes the necessary achievements during Wintersday


In contrast, the Lunatic Court armors can be crafted all year round; all one had to do was purchase the recipes during the festival, for a total of 21 corn cobs.


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