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Any new players/Someone who can help me?


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I'm comming back to Guild Wars 2, after a few years.

I only have great memories of this game, and I'd like to play it again.

A lot have happened since I last joined, and I was hoping if anyone, who has spare time, to explain me, what Gw2 is about, how to gear up, great ways to level up, how to do one thing after another.


I have some few questions, please feel free to correct me if these questions are simply wrong, and does not represent Gw2 in any way.



I like leveling, compared to a lot of other games.

But I do love PvP even more.

- What is the 'best' / 'fastest' way to level up?


**PvP - Classes


When I joined Gw2, years back, I loved PvP.

I loved damage dealer types classes and I felt quite OK at it. Not good, not bad.

- What classes are the most optimal for damage dealing?



**Gearing up!**

I remember being really confused with leveling up - Where to go, after a zone was finished, so whenever I entered a new one, I'd die fast because the mobs where high level, and really strong.

- What stats do I need, as the different type of classes?

- What does the different stats do?

- As a new player, what do I need to craft, to help me leveling?

- What is the best combinations of weapons, as the different classes? (PvP/PvE wise)




I mostly always played alone, so I feel kinda lonely. If anyone wants to have me on their friendlist, please feel free to add me, I would really appreciate it :)!


If you just want a friend, feel free to add.

Thanks a lot.

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# Welcome back to Tyria!

Much has changed, especially for starting characters!


"Best" way to level means different things to different people. If you want to max out as swiftly as possible, buy the 80 booster in the gem store. If you can't go the gems route, the two fastest in game seem to be crafting and tomes of knowledge. If you don't have in game currencies, either, but still want to level as swiftly as possible, do the Story (starting with Personal Story) and Map Completion (especially Hearts). Finally, if you are going straight to PvP, everyone is "normalized" there, and max level. ;)

Now, that said, it is highly recommendable that you do not rush your leveling! There is a -lot- to see, and a lot to learn, and the process of leveling through normal play helps you take that all in and digest it.


Unlike most other MMOs, there is no "one best" class. Classes are balanced, regularly re-balanced, and designed with "play your way" in mind. There are also many different types of damage to be dealt. Condition damage has become quite important in recent times, for example. I'll leave further discussion of this to those more invested in the specifics. ;)


> I remember being really confused with leveling up - Where to go, after a zone was finished, so whenever I entered a new one, I'd die fast because the mobs where high level, and really strong.

If you follow the Personal Story, it will help guide you around to areas more status quo, instead of status no, and now there is a nice little compass that helps steer you around a bit to suggested locations while Mapping. Also, on early maps there are NPCs at map exits that will verbally try to warn you as you near that the next area is tougher. A lot has been reworked for starting characters.

> - What stats do I need, as the different type of classes?

This depends on what you want to be doing with the different classes, and where you want to be doing it (for example; Ranger, Mapping in PvE versus Ranger(Druid) Support in Raids). The best advice is to take your time leveling up and play around with everything, to see what works best for you. The next best advice is to join a Guild with shared interests and ask what their preferences/recommendations are. If you're really in a hurry, you could use one of the build sites.

> - What does the different stats do?

The Official Wiki is your best friend. Bookmark it. You can also access it from in game by typing /wiki into the chat bar, and it will open it in your browser.


> - As a new player, what do I need to craft, to help me leveling?

Crafting is definitely not a requirement for leveling. Through regular play, most, if not all, of what you'll need for gear will drop as you go. The general recommendation is to check your gear every 10 levels until you hit level 80. If you find yourself lacking something during a gear check, the Trade Post can easily and reasonably provide you with what you need. Save your mats for when you get to 80, and do your crafting then. There's a lot you'll want to make at that point; for appearance, achievements, and the modes of play you'll be indulging in.

> - What is the best combinations of weapons, as the different classes? (PvP/PvE wise)

I refer again to "play your way". ;)

> I mostly always played alone, so I feel kinda lonely. If anyone wants to have me on their friendlist, please feel free to add me, I would really appreciate it :)!

I highly recommend joining a Guild! There are so many that are specific to new and returning players, you never have to feel alone in this game if you don't wish to. There is a section here in the Forums just for this purpose. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild


Guild Wars is quite a different Beast from other MMOs. <3

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> @Matias.7641 said:


> Friends!

> I mostly always played alone, so I feel kinda lonely. If anyone wants to have me on their friendlist, please feel free to add me, I would really appreciate it :)!


> If you just want a friend, feel free to add.

> Thanks a lot.


If you like join my GW2 discussion room on Discord (text chat), get to know players and make plans to get things done ingame.


discord: https://discord.gg/58nMVjm

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Metabattle in wiki can help you as far as pvp goes with builds & whats "meta" so you can get an idea of where to go from there. You don't have to copy the builds, as myself even just uses them as guidelines. My tip to you, turn off team chat in pvp when things get toxic & set status to offline. Feel free to add me if you want some pvp training! My official pvp days are over for now, but I'd be willing to show you rotations & such.

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I think the outright fastest way to level right now is WvW on an active map. every wvw rank up gives you a level up tome, on top of the WvW reward track giving level up tomes throughout it's completion. You can easily level to 80 in a few days of WvW, especially if your WvW rank is low, as low ranks are gained very quickly, each resulting in a leveling tome

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