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In game mouse-cursor markers

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I dunno about you guys but I tend to lose my cursor every now and then, especially in large and long WvW fights or PvE fights. There are way to get mouse-cursor markers that show where your mouse is already.


But i thought it'd be cool if gw2 had its own set of them. And maybe themed ones, like simple figures like the forum avatars: quaggans, class symbols etc in the options.


What you think?

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With some recent GW2 update with dpi scaling, higher resolution mouse pointers were included in gw2.dat. I extracted them and put a light halo effect around the cursor for better visibility. You can download my mouse pointer package for usage with [Yolomouse](https://pandateemo.github.io/YoloMouse/ "Yolomouse") from here (updated just a few minutes ago, in case you previously downloaded my package):




Note that with Yolomouse, you can zoom the assigned mouse pointers, so you can tune the mouse pointer size exactly to your liking. Included in the package is my pointer set with a halo effect and a set with the original pointers.


And also note that Yolomouse can be considered "safe to use", because it neither plays the game for you, nor gives you any advantage over other players while playing the game. It's a universal tool that can be used for any type of application.

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> @"smsarasin.3468" said:

> I would like to see something like they put into OSX on the Mac. If you wiggle your mouse quickly back and forth the mouse pointer quadruples in size briefly and then shrinks back to normal size. Makes it really easy to spot on the screen. :)


Yeah! It reakky is annoying when you lose your mouse and leaps the wrong direction :´D

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