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Why do this to the warrior?????


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**Reduced duration from 9 seconds to 4 seconds.**

Increased adrenaline gain per pulse from 3 to 7.

**Resistance per pulse has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second.**

Reduced recharge from 60 seconds to 30 seconds.

Fixed a consistency issue where effect application would sometimes be delayed.



**Increased recharge from 8 seconds to 12 seconds in PvP and WvW only.**


This isn't balance. Condi Mesmer, Condi Scourge, Condi Enginners, CONDI EVERY!@#!@$!@$

Why are you balancing the game so badly? Trolls from Reddit???? Please, undo this crap

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Warrior nerf was justified, but they have still left to nerf scourge and mirages, balance deadeye to be more usable in at least one game mode, and be rid of all the passive nonsense that plagues this game, including passive endure pain, passive elixir s, passive shroud, etc etc etc. Too many awful players get carried by these passives and they are NOT healthy for the game balance. However, the passive nerfs will never come because it has been this way since the beginning of gw2.


So, you crying about your favourite class means nothing in terms of balancing issues. Just because something is more broken than your favourite class, does not justify your favourite class being balanced to be made broken as well.

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First, I'm not crying. Please respect!!

Second, it's not my favorite class. I play with ALL, except thieves.

Third, go play against all others, with a warrior (vanilla, zerker and spellb.). Then come back here to tell me which class you died, power or condition? Then we talk.

They should be the melee masters. Go fight against a condi Thief or a condi Mesmer, maybe a scourge too. Play WvW and PvP, then we talk.

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Question: Why do this to the warrior?

Answer: because almost nobody plays warrior, so Anet just does not care about warriors. Anet cares about the people that give them money!


From a business point of view, it is obvious that Anet will adjust and tweak the game in favor of the majority. If most people were warriors do you think they would get nerfs? Of course not, because that would kill the $$$$$$$$$ flow to Anet's bank!


4 seconds of resistance on base berserker stance is a joke.

Before the nerf, berserker stance gave 9 seconds resistance after nerf it gives 4 seconds resistance, that is a 55.6% decrease (that is way too much nerf!)

The cooldown was reduced from 60 sec to 30 sec, that is a 50% decrease in time.

In other words, berserker stance not only got nerfed, it got over nerfed!


It is time we warriors rise our voice and let Anet know they cannot do stupid stuff like this just to appease the majority, we deserve to have fun too even if we are a minority.

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Anet allows WvW for all free accounts. With this, toxic players play only with the OP classes. In addition, the game is full of cheaters, both in WvW and in the PvP season.


As for the warrior, I do not want to be forced to fill my utiliy skills with only resistance skills. Any condition remains much longer than 9 sec and confusion + torment is absurd. Go to WvW, do roaming and see for yourself.. only have thieves and mesmers with cancer builds.

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Firebrand has 15 skills from Functions keys. (5 from F1 + 5 from F2 + 5 from F3) >25 stacks of burning

Scourges has 5 skills available while the other are still available (1 to 10) >31 stacks of bleeding

Thieves has backstab, a lot of initiative, cleanse condition while evade, 3 evades, invisibility... > 20 stacks poison

Mesmers has distortion, cleanse with shatter, invisibility > 15 stacks confusion


And the warrior? Resistance 6sec from healing skill, 4 sec from berserker stance, 2 from Full Counter with 12 sec CD.

Moral of the story: I'm forced to play with condition and overpower classes.


Power Revenant = Better after balance, but is very dificult to clean condition

Power Holosmith = Better after balance, for to play with exilirs to stay alive

Power Warrrior = For to play with resistance skills in utility skills.

Power Mesmer is the only full of transfer and cleansing


*sorry my poor english. not my first language



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> @danserafim.7051 said:

> Firebrand has 15 skills from Functions keys. (5 from F1 + 5 from F2 + 5 from F3) >25 stacks of burning

> Scourges has 5 skills available while the other are still available (1 to 10) >31 stacks of bleeding

> Thieves has backstab, a lot of initiative, cleanse condition while evade, 3 evades, invisibility... > 20 stacks poison

> Mesmers has distortion, cleanse with shatter, invisibility > 15 stacks confusion


> And the warrior? Resistance 6sec from healing skill, 4 sec from berserker stance, 2 from Full Counter with 12 sec CD.

> Moral of the story: I'm forced to play with condition and overpower classes.


> Power Revenant = Better after balance, but is very dificult to clean condition

> Power Holosmith = Better after balance, for to play with exilirs to stay alive

> Power Warrrior = For to play with resistance skills in utility skills.

> Power Mesmer is the only full of transfer and cleansing


> *sorry my poor english. not my first language




+ 5 sec from the 30 second CD SB spell.


Are you expecting 100 Resi Uptime without boon Duration?

Haha ....No

If u want 100% Resi, invest for it.

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PLEASE ANET REBALANCE ALL TRAITS from ALL CLASSES, and ALL SKILLS from ALL WEAPONS. This is VERY IMPORTANT than Microtransactions to sell mounts

PLEASE 3 different maps for each Bordeland. Alpine + Desert + ANY OTHER ONE.

PLEASE restrict the PvP season ONLY to whoever purchased the game or one of the expansions.

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> @danserafim.7051 said:

> Anet allows WvW for all free accounts. With this, toxic players play only with the OP classes. In addition, the game is full of cheaters, both in WvW and in the PvP season.


> As for the warrior, I do not want to be forced to fill my utiliy skills with only resistance skills. Any condition remains much longer than 9 sec and confusion + torment is absurd. Go to WvW, do roaming and see for yourself.. only have thieves and mesmers with cancer builds.


+ Spellbreaker with auto immune, triggered immune, unblockable counter, 80% resi uptime

+ Soulbeast

+ Holosmiths

+ Weaver

+ Firebrand


I see diversity...

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I've been WvWing a lot since the patch, both roaming and zerging, and I actually like the new Berserker Stance. The original 13+ seconds of resistance was a bit awkward for both sides, the skill often being the deciding factor for the fight outcome. I feel that the shortened CD opens a more dynamic play from both parts, where you react more freely to condi bursts (that is, if you get hit by the burst). I haven't tried it in PvP though, maybe it' worse there (with players insisting on standing inside of AoE).


Would you mind sharing your build (what you have to deal with condis), and maybe give some feedback on your gameplay? Maybe you're being countered by specific builds in particular? In my case, I use Brawler's Recovery, Healing Signet and Berserker's Stance as my sole condi management, along with the Durability runes (they give resistance) and I feel quite okay with that. I've learned many common patterns of condi builds, and can more or less manage to avoid their bursts in the first place. Of course, condi heavy classes in the hands of experts are lethal for me, and I don't insist much on fighting them - I accept that these counter me, as I myself counter lots of other builds.


It is known that conditions are a bit over the top since HoT. They wanted to open some builds to the community, as well as appeal to more casual players, condi builds offering an easier learning curve and better rewards early on. Unfortunately, balance is made with PvE in mind (and alas raids included), and competitive player vs. player has suffered a lot from this. It is unlikely that things ever improve in that regard, all the more that conditions and boons lack depth in their design. Of course, PvE is still as enjoyable as before if that's your thing.

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> @danserafim.7051 said:


> **Reduced duration from 9 seconds to 4 seconds.**

> Increased adrenaline gain per pulse from 3 to 7.

> **Resistance per pulse has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second.**

> Reduced recharge from 60 seconds to 30 seconds.

> Fixed a consistency issue where effect application would sometimes be delayed.



> **Increased recharge from 8 seconds to 12 seconds in PvP and WvW only.**


> This isn't balance. Condi Mesmer, Condi Scourge, Condi Enginners, CONDI EVERY!@#!@$!@$

> Why are you balancing the game so badly? Trolls from Reddit???? Please, undo this crap


**Adding this as well

Revenge Counter: November 07, 2017 - Reduced the number of conditions transferred from 5 to 3 in PvP and WvW only.

With the nerfs above, least they could have done was to leave the transfer to 5.

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Warrior is actually super balanced right now imo, it's just that Anet keeps giving other classes so many tools that warrior can't keep up unless they make warrior broken like it was at PoF launch. It's other specs that need to be nerfed really. As a spellbreaker now, you should just avoid teamfights mostly and try to win 1v1s on points that you either own or that are neutral. The scourge spam in fights will make you have very little impact.

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wvw... tried a core warrior that crits everything to death in 4 skills one weapon swap and a dodge?

dunno. except for wvw zergs, where warrior has only one spec (yet one more than atleast 3 professions on the table) it is in a good shape atm.

pve, pvp, wvw (roaming and zerg) with atleast (!) one build working very well.


warrior has got reactive gameplay vs any form of damage. invul-times. and nike-abilities like crazy (3rd best after thief and mirage)

most professions have to carefully decide what they go for: condi defense **OR** power defense. warrior can always run with both. you want more?

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The op is exactly right. SB did not deserve the nerf it got. +4 second to FC cool down is a paper cut of a nerf. It shouldn't have affected SB in the least. Yet SB went from top 3 to somewhere in the middle? Are you kidding me?

The truth is SB was nerfed only 45 short days after it was released. Not enough time to fully test a new class. SB is middle tier now not because of the nerf but because the community fought it so much they now know how to deal with SB (where as they didn't before so they screem NERF). That plus mirage, scourge, FB, and to some extent holosmith are OP as hell so why not play those.

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Yup I had started playing my engi less after PoF and made a viper set for warrior so I could condi/ps/banner. Then they took away the PS and at the same time nerfed SB.


This is icing on the cake for making war a pure bannerbtch in pve, and mid tier at best for pvp/wvw.


Glad I had a holo to fall back on, and learning all its tricks after playing war made me realize how boring war is to play in every game mode.

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While i agree this nerf helps less pasive play , this was pathetic. This is one more nerf in row that really makes no sense. Now we have core build quite ruined, berzeker meh and sb that is now dropping to lowest tier. All use we have for war now wvw vise is stupid bubble that is already terrible mechanic. I really wonder who runs this balance team ?

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