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Will Ritualists ever become a playable profession?

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As someone who played GW1 and was a Ritualist main, none of the current playable professions in GW2 fills the empty void of the Ritualist. I thought Revenant would fill that void but it was nothing like the Ritualist at all. Since then, I've just been less enthusiastic about GW2 and haven't even bought Path of Fire. Please don't make them a specialization, Ritualists deserve to be their own profession. If they ever announced them as a playable profession, I would definitely return to GW2 and buy the expansions.

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Nah, ritualists don't really need to come back. There's not a lot that they had that can't make it into the game through other classes. But revenants are criminally lacking still imo. They were designed with the elite specs in mind, for sure, and they don't have nearly enough. One healing, one tank, one power, one support and two condi legends... It's all over the place.

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Yes, I missed Ritualist a lot. But it is not the only profession from GW1 missing in GW2 and that has not been replaced. For example, the Assassin with the skills to be chained: I had such fun at that. There is nothing equivalent in GW2 now.


There were already many threads about what we miss from GW1, and the professions Ritualists and Assassin are always listed, as well as Dervish most of the time, and Monk too.

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Ritualist needs to be the Necro's next elite spec. It needs to focus on buffing summoned creatures, including minions as well as spirits. And it needs to be a power-based spec. Main hand sword new weapon. Sword 2 and Sword 3 are weapon spells. Power/precision/ferocity/toughness new stat combo.


Bloodsong. Shadowsong. Pain. Preservation. Bring it. My body is ready.

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> @Etterwyn.5263 said:

> Ritualist needs to be the Necro's next elite spec. It needs to focus on buffing summoned creatures, including minions as well as spirits. And it needs to be a power-based spec. Main hand sword new weapon. Sword 2 and Sword 3 are weapon spells. Power/precision/ferocity/toughness new stat combo.


> Bloodsong. Shadowsong. Pain. Preservation. Bring it. My body is ready.


Sounds like a one handed Reaper.

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The thing with the ritualists is that engineers have replaced them, mechanically. Before Factions, ArenaNet said the ritualists were basically a fantasy version of engineers; and when you consider that turrets have basically the same role as spirits, and how weapon spells and ash pots would basically have been updated as the engineer's kits... Mechanically, there isn't room for the ritualists.


That aesthetic, though. Damn, were they pretty, not to say unique. I mean, [look at this](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Bloodsong_(PvP)_animation.gif).

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I agree, the ritualist was definetely the most unique class in this game and by far my most favorite one.

I feel like there is plenty of room to bring the ritualist back as an own profession.

Maybe when we go to Cantha at some point we could get the ritualist as an own class and maybe assassin as thief’s elite spec with sword off hand or so.

However the ritualist would perfectly fit in this game.

A perfect mix between support and dps.

Summoning spirits are mostly the utility skills and maybe some staff skills, as well as the signet of spirits as elite which summons 3 spirits.

F1 skills are for example teleporting your spirits to you or consume ur spirits to heal nearby allies or damage nearby foes.

Staff as offensive weapon with channeled strike, essence strike etc.

Spirit weapons would easily work as a buff, like more damage, siphoning life, aoe damage or whatever just like they were in Gw1 and maybe even a spirit weapon skill which works like endure pain which allows u to take 0 dmg for 2-3 secs.

There is so much room for the ritualist, so many weapon choices…

Obviously the usual magician weapons like scepter focus staff etc.

But also weapons like torches and swords fit the ritualist perfectly.

Furthermore they should also get corruptions since they also had sacrifices in Gw1.

It literally fits perfectly in Gw2 in many ways and it really needs to be an own profession.

There is no class like the ritualist in Gw2.

The ritualist would just fit in every game mode.

PvE, PvP, WvW and even raids.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> The thing with the ritualists is that engineers have replaced them, mechanically. Before Factions, ArenaNet said the ritualists were basically a fantasy version of engineers; and when you consider that turrets have basically the same role as spirits, and how weapon spells and ash pots would basically have been updated as the engineer's kits... Mechanically, there isn't room for the ritualists.

While indeed there's a number of common characteristics between engis and ritualists, saying that because of engis there's no room for ritualists is about as much correct as saying that there's no room for guardians because of warriors.


The whole feel of these two professions is different, and not for the aestethic reasons. Ritualists were a support profession, leaning on spirits to do most of the damage. Spirits might be similar to turrets, but ashes and weapon spells were completely unlike kits. Weapons were straight buffs (unique, and unremovable), and while ashes could potentially be implemetned mechanically in the way similar to kits, they were also significantly different (for one, they weren't weapons).



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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Etterwyn.5263 said:

> > Ritualist needs to be the Necro's next elite spec. It needs to focus on buffing summoned creatures, including minions as well as spirits. And it needs to be a power-based spec. Main hand sword new weapon. Sword 2 and Sword 3 are weapon spells. Power/precision/ferocity/toughness new stat combo.

> >

> > Bloodsong. Shadowsong. Pain. Preservation. Bring it. My body is ready.


> Sounds like a one handed Reaper.


But it shouldn't depend on shroud. I actually like what they did with Scourge by making life force a type of energy source instead of a second skillbar/lifebar. They should continue this design in the future.


Perhaps each spirit consumes a small percentage of LF every 5 seconds and when your LF reaches zero, all your spirits die.


I just see a lot of potential with this design. For example you could have an F key detonate a spirit, which will do an AOE explosion damage (plus Death Nova if traited), but add 15 or 20 seconds to the base spirit recharge. Spirit damage scales with your Power spec.


And what Necro in their right mind wouldn't want Weapon of Warding??? :D


Ahhh, it's just a dream anyway.

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The core Mesmer is essentially a Rit/Me with mobile spirits.( Though the spirits are far weaker and channeling / restoration have been stripped ) Also scourge Sand Shades are much like damage spirits.


Those are superficial. I'd love to see a proper Ritualist in GW2 and a return to Cantha. *The problem is that I am not confident that it would be done well.* As a Mesmer main, I'd also like to see a true domination Mesmer...

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Deathok.2914" said:

> I agree, the ritualist was definetely the most unique class in this game and by far my most favorite one.

> I feel like there is plenty of room to bring the ritualist back as an own profession.

> Maybe when we go to Cantha at some point we could get the ritualist as an own class and maybe assassin as thief’s elite spec with sword off hand or so.

> However the ritualist would perfectly fit in this game.

> A perfect mix between support and dps.

> Summoning spirits are mostly the utility skills and maybe some staff skills, as well as the signet of spirits as elite which summons 3 spirits.

> F1 skills are for example teleporting your spirits to you or consume ur spirits to heal nearby allies or damage nearby foes.

> Staff as offensive weapon with channeled strike, essence strike etc.

> Spirit weapons would easily work as a buff, like more damage, siphoning life, aoe damage or whatever just like they were in Gw1 and maybe even a spirit weapon skill which works like endure pain which allows u to take 0 dmg for 2-3 secs.

> There is so much room for the ritualist, so many weapon choices…

> Obviously the usual magician weapons like scepter focus staff etc.

> But also weapons like torches and swords fit the ritualist perfectly.

> Furthermore they should also get corruptions since they also had sacrifices in Gw1.

> It literally fits perfectly in Gw2 in many ways and it really needs to be an own profession.

> There is no class like the ritualist in Gw2.

> The ritualist would just fit in every game mode.

> PvE, PvP, WvW and even raids.


can this please happen? I desperately want a ritualist as own profession in gw2... and new classes in general are very welcomed

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I do not think GW2 will ever get new professions now since we got the Elite Spec system instead, sadly. As a veteran/played the old good days in GW1, it was so much better having a whole new profession rather than a new weapon mechanism and fancy name along with traits binding to that sub-class. Nightfall and Factions professions :heart: :heartbreak:


Anyway... I do hope and really wish as I have also suggested Ritualist to become Revs 3rd Elite spec in our next expansion, that would have been awesome! Along with the true Assassin "sub-class", Dervish and Paragon-alike sub-classes! :)

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