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there needs to be a voice when home is being takken


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has often has people zerg middle and let a 2 cap happen. there needs to be a voice saying home has been taken like they do when lord is under attack. so it might break up the zerging. i think its clear by now people just do not watch map or chat. some times i can get a 2 cap myself more more often i end up taking on 2-3 people because my team is to busy with middle. some times it feels like a net is saying ha look david is in gold put him with zergers to get kicked down to silver. i can see them siting back and eating popcorn laughing at me lol

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> @"Deadly Moonshiner.1354" said:

> Well, IMO pvpers should have map awareness and there is enough of a cue on mini-map. If a team can't conclude it on their own then they should live with consequences and deserve to lose that point. So, no. A game initiated voice announcement is not needed.


If you had the choice of team mates. I would be able to agree with you. But since you don't and most of the PvE reward farmers are running around Ranked. With their chats off, and you have to pay the price. I think it's fair to say. That there should be something that lets people know, what's going on around the map.


But again their is nothing we players can say or do. That'll convince ANet to support PvP and the PvP playerbase. Thus all is vain. Either laugh it up in disgrace, or move on. As those before you have. Too many better PvP titles releasing lately to cry over a game, that refuses to support it's PvP community.


Nothing left to do about GW2 but to let loose the Memes.

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With all due respect, this topic gives an idea upon the main problem with PvP. If everything's too easy, then matchs get ridiculous and the gap between average teams and top teams will never decrease.

I remember 10 years ago in GW1 players running builds with exactly 0 damage( no exaggeration), simply winning by outcapping around. Today, builds are easy enough to do everything possible, i'm not sure adding even more is going to help anything..

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I actually wouldn't mind a voiceover shoutouts for some events, similar to what happens in FPS games. The game already has some shoutouts (like, "The enemy has Lion!", "you've lost dragon!", "The artefacts are charging up...!", or "The enemy has all three points, take them back!") - making these baseline and possibly throwing out other bits of advice would be a big boon.


Sometimes these shoutouts can break a person outside of their tunnel vision, and begin paying more attention to the map. While this may seem disadvantageous, said person might be on your team - think on that for a moment.

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There's one thief on your team, you can see the thief icon on the mini-map at a contested point which is home. His/her health is full, has no boons, has no conditions, must be out of combat so you can focus your attention else where. Situational awareness?


Personally would rather see attention put towards profession balancing than adding new voices.

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