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Duo que lock in season 9


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Anet wanted to experiment with limiting duo que in season 9 to 1,6k rating(Plat 2), this change was to improve matchmaking and giving more even games on top tiers and would stop from top 10 rank PvP from duo queuing and stomping any and all resistance against lower ranked players.


I can't say, if match quality has improved, but what I can say me and my PvP partner, we have an issue now. We play together and been doing that since season 3 and most times hovered around plat 1 or 2 anywhere from 1,5k to 1,7k and this the new duo que being locked at 1,6k we can't que anymore until we lose games.

We don't care about the leaderboards, just want to have fun and ranked gives the best MMR, because unraked is awful and unrewarding, so in order to stay sub 1,6k we had needed to basically play bad builds, none meta builds, try new classes do anything and everything to NOT play to our level, because what's the point of playing for us, if we will have to que alone.

I feel bad at times for loosing duels, because I didn't want to win or leaving people not stumped, because not wanting to win... I feel bad for my team, but what else I'm going to? I can always DC and make sure they don't lose rating and basically waste their time.

If I'm an ass for not wanting to get above 1,6k now after the duo que lock I'm an ass and I'm sorry, but PvP is meant to be fun for me and duo queuing is my fun, but I will make sure my teammates won't lose rating, because of me, that's the only thing I can do.


So I would hope that Anet will increase the duo que limit to 1,7k or better to 1,8k, prevent the top top players from not working together, because they are that good that they can't be matched together and lose or at least that happens rarely that they lose or gives us duo que ladder or let us have duo que team rating, give us something, because 1,6k is too aggressive, since I don't believe plat t2 is that prestigious that it needs to be locked for solo play.


Soo yee that is my story... forced to play subpar, let my team down all to keep my current team together and avoid plat t2 and I will gladly do that for my teammate.

This is my feedback to the new changes, dam I hope it gets changed.

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wow, what a surprise banning people from playing w their friends encourages map manipulation and ruins fun. just as many of us predicted it would.


I would say make a solo queue ranked, then make a queue for teams of 2, 3 and 5. sure you could argue the playerbase is too small, but actually adding group play back to the game would bring players who left when it was removed, and maybe get some new blood too.


sure, solo queue heroes w no social skills will cry- but they are crying about matchmaking anyhow. so, why cater to them? they cry regardless, and only count for one player because they don't have any friends. catering to people with friends and social skills is going to build a better community and bring more players anyhow.

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> @Ziggityzog.7389 said:

> Solo que. or team que of 2-5. 2 separate LB and they may actually start to fix PvP.


> You can be on either or both if you play group and solo.


> Butttt this is too easy it wont happen.


Quaggan would like to point you can't make 2-5 que, it has to be 2/3/5.

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > @Ziggityzog.7389 said:

> > Solo que. or team que of 2-5. 2 separate LB and they may actually start to fix PvP.

> >

> > You can be on either or both if you play group and solo.

> >

> > Butttt this is too easy it wont happen.


> Quaggan would like to point you can't make 2-5 que, it has to be 2/3/5.


Fishy thing you can have a group of 2 3 4 or 5. What did i miss?

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@Ziggityzog.7389 said:

> > @Morwath.9817 said:

> > > @Ziggityzog.7389 said:

> > > Solo que. or team que of 2-5. 2 separate LB and they may actually start to fix PvP.

> > >

> > > You can be on either or both if you play group and solo.

> > >

> > > Butttt this is too easy it wont happen.

> >

> > Quaggan would like to point you can't make 2-5 que, it has to be 2/3/5.


> Fishy thing you can have a group of 2 3 4 or 5. What did i miss?



In 2 3 5 system, teams can be composed like a 2+3 or 5 directly. If you make 4 man party matchmaking, the last guy will be a solo q player which may not bring and good results.


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Or instead of confusing party size restrictions, just make the group queue for parties of 1 to 5 players. Then after a couple months, remove solo queue because only a handful of people use it anymore. Like what happened 3 years ago.


Solo queue just doesn't work in a team-based game. Solo queue de-values any team-based aspect of the game, is a breeding group for toxic behavior, and doesn't really reflect skill. Winning or losing is largely determined by who has the worst player - not which team plays better. Players will run off to fight others in the middle of nowhere or run into losing battles constantly just because they want to be the best, and when the team loses, they blame everyone but themselves. There's no good argument for a solo queue system.


_Edit: fixing typos_

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Having participated in all the PvP seasons so far and playing this one again as well, I second the issues raised by the OP: This season and the ones before, I used to be in low plat with an occasional drop to high gold or win-spree to T2 plat. As far as I'm concerned, the biggest problem for a player like me was being in low plat and then getting matched against a DUO of top 250 players and getting utterly slaughtered. Apparently there were (are?) simply too few top 250 players playing at the same time to have them get players of similar skill-tier regularly (or they simply avoid playing during primetime on purpose, right bluri/metrix?).


Setting the bar for single-queue as low as 1600 primarily punishes players like me, low plat with ambitions for maybe T2/T3, but likely not consistent enough to ever make it up to legendary. Being able to DUO queue goes a long way for us. In contrast, the kind of players who do make it into the top ranks are perfectly capable to do so on their own if need be. As far as I'm concerned, setting the single-queue at 1700 or 1800 would be the easy kind of fix that addresses both issues: Players like me get a little help trying to aim for that legend rank after all, while low plat players don't get stomped by DUO legendary players anymore. Actually, just stop matching them as low as gold T3 / plat T1 and a duo-queue limit might not even be needed to address this kind of imbalance.

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> @StarDroid.1038 said:

> Anet wanted to experiment with limiting duo que in season 9 to 1,6k rating(Plat 2), this change was to improve matchmaking and giving more even games on top tiers and would stop from top 10 rank PvP from duo queuing and stomping any and all resistance against lower ranked players.


> I can't say, if match quality has improved, but what I can say me and my PvP partner, we have an issue now. We play together and been doing that since season 3 and most times hovered around plat 1 or 2 anywhere from 1,5k to 1,7k and this the new duo que being locked at 1,6k we can't que anymore until we lose games.

> We don't care about the leaderboards, just want to have fun and ranked gives the best MMR, because unraked is awful and unrewarding, so in order to stay sub 1,6k we had needed to basically play bad builds, none meta builds, try new classes do anything and everything to NOT play to our level, because what's the point of playing for us, if we will have to que alone.

> I feel bad at times for loosing duels, because I didn't want to win or leaving people not stumped, because not wanting to win... I feel bad for my team, but what else I'm going to? I can always DC and make sure they don't lose rating and basically waste their time.

> If I'm an kitten for not wanting to get above 1,6k now after the duo que lock I'm an kitten and I'm sorry, but PvP is meant to be fun for me and duo queuing is my fun, but I will make sure my teammates won't lose rating, because of me, that's the only thing I can do.


> So I would hope that Anet will increase the duo que limit to 1,7k or better to 1,8k, prevent the top top players from not working together, because they are that good that they can't be matched together and lose or at least that happens rarely that they lose or gives us duo que ladder or let us have duo que team rating, give us something, because 1,6k is too aggressive, since I don't believe plat t2 is that prestigious that it needs to be locked for solo play.


> Soo yee that is my story... forced to play subpar, let my team down all to keep my current team together and avoid plat t2 and I will gladly do that for my teammate.

> This is my feedback to the new changes, dam I hope it gets changed.


Wow, so you admit playing with the intention of losing. In addition, you admit intentionally causing your team to lose. So you are manipulating matches.


Beyond that, you state that your intention in doing so is to demonstrate your anger at not being allowed to duo queue. That sounds very much like the behavior I'd expect of a much younger person.


I hope that ANET notices this and deals with it appropriately.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> Wow, so you admit playing with the intention of losing. In addition, you admit intentionally causing your team to lose. So you are manipulating matches.


> Beyond that, you state that your intention in doing so is to demonstrate your anger at not being allowed to duo queue. That sounds very much like the behavior I'd expect of a much younger person.


> I hope that ANET notices this and deals with it appropriately.

ANet will do nothing. If ANet bans people for disrupting the game in order to play with friends, the blowback will be enormous. Other people will leave in protest and the banned players won't come back. It would be brand suicide.


And personal insults will get you nowhere. Finding loopholes in order to do something you want isn't childish at all; it's smart. The smart thing to do is remove restrictions that triggered the behavior, i.e. remove the group size restriction - not impose more restrictions.

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> @Exedore.6320 said:

> > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > Wow, so you admit playing with the intention of losing. In addition, you admit intentionally causing your team to lose. So you are manipulating matches.

> >

> > Beyond that, you state that your intention in doing so is to demonstrate your anger at not being allowed to duo queue. That sounds very much like the behavior I'd expect of a much younger person.

> >

> > I hope that ANET notices this and deals with it appropriately.

> ANet will do nothing. If ANet bans people for disrupting the game in order to play with friends, the blowback will be enormous. Other people will leave in protest and the banned players won't come back. It would be brand suicide.


> And personal insults will get you nowhere. Finding loopholes in order to do something you want isn't childish at all; it's smart. The smart thing to do is remove restrictions that triggered the behavior, i.e. remove the group size restriction - not impose more restrictions.


Quaggan disagrees. If you match manipulate on purpose in ranked, you break ToS, so you deserve a ban (temporary if it's first offense against ToS), company doesn't have to give a kitten why you break ToS, they never should accept excuses, because you will always find some excuses to break ToS - e.g. you throw on purpose to let your friend on enemy team win, when you get asked why you did so, you obviously tell you want to play with fishy frands...

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Thanks for the replies but well I wouldn't like to move away from the subject, if I'm naught or good lets leave that for Anet, because I wanted to bring attention on how bad the system is with locking duo queuing in my view.


I agree with Exedore PvP should be about team-play and only solo queuing devalues team play by forcing everyone to play alone.

Recall the 1st seasons I played after HoT... There were times I would find people that played well together and we just teamed up for that evening started talking tactics even tuning builds and reactions to certain events, sure I got defeated by guild teams using TS and tactics. Ain't that the point of Conquest? This is not 1v1 duels where your own skills only matters and you have none else around you. You have a team of 4 other people vs 5 other people.

Duo queuing is that just in a smaller scale, it lets people work together create synergies, work as a mini team and as annoying it was at times facing top rank people over and over and not being good enough to defeat them in 1v1s or team play at least could play PvP then and I gladly will play those games to the bitter end if need be.


I would pick 5 player teams in ranked, would like to have duo queuing, because could create communities in PvP, some would take the choice and work together and get better and win. I recall time to time seeing in mists people looking for someone to play together with, this season I haven't seen those requests in map chat or I would guess they are a lot less.


I'm poking the bear, but this system at 1,6k is too aggressive and should be adjusted to be less aggressive, if not out right removed, we should be allowed to have fun and play with our friends without that what's the point of Pvping, if its not for fun. I can say I better play against top 1 and top 2(for example) in enemy team then not play at all.

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Some interesting points were already highlighted, but let me throw in two cents from a (primarily) PvP player with mixed levels of activity throughout the years.

When first discovering PvP, I didn't mind playing solo queue at all. After all, I had to learn the basics and interactions with both teammates and opponents.

At a certain moment of time, I started playing PvP with some guildmates. I ended up most games by playing in groups of between 2 and 4 people. I had an amazing time and played significantly more PvP in those days. Eventually most of us went inactive, and I only recently came back after a break of well over a year. I started playing solo queue again, mostly to learn about and adapt to the new (OP OP) builds from PoF. I am also making my way to low plat, and can very well imagine there'll be a time (sooner rather than later) where I'd like to start grouping up again.


On the one hand, I can see why Anet puts up this restriction. Generally speaking, people grouping up beforehand have access to voice communication, which is certainly beneficial to the chance of winning the game. It allows the experienced players to more conveniently inform and direct the others in the group. Therefore, I understand Anet wants to prevent teams from having this advantage by putting everyone on equal communication methods. Secondly, there are (perceived) issues with matchmaking, where people consider it unfair to be paired up against premades.

On the other hand, let's not kid ourselves about our skill and potential. There's only a very small minority of all PvP players actually competing for something relevant. The rest is just trying to have some fun and claim some of loot from the chest system. Is it fair to take away the fun of the majority in an attempt to make the matches of the minority slightly more fair (but really, how much...)?


Personally, I'm worried that I'll again go inactive once I reach a point where I feel like the game limits my abilities to have fun. I haven't bought the PoF expansion yet, and I don't see myself getting it anytime soon if this is the future of PvP. It wouldnt'surprise me if more people are in this situation. In my opinion, everyone, at all ranks, should be able to play the game with friends. This could enabled through a special group queue or the allowance of groups in the regular queue. So long as people can play the game the way they want, without being limited in the rewards, I believe they will gladly accept longer queue times.

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> @StarDroid.1038 said:

> Anet wanted to experiment with limiting duo que in season 9 to 1,6k rating(Plat 2), this change was to improve matchmaking and giving more even games on top tiers and would stop from top 10 rank PvP from duo queuing and stomping any and all resistance against lower ranked players.


> I can't say, if match quality has improved, but what I can say me and my PvP partner, we have an issue now. We play together and been doing that since season 3 and most times hovered around plat 1 or 2 anywhere from 1,5k to 1,7k and this the new duo que being locked at 1,6k we can't que anymore until we lose games.

> We don't care about the leaderboards, just want to have fun and ranked gives the best MMR, because unraked is awful and unrewarding, so in order to stay sub 1,6k we had needed to basically play bad builds, none meta builds, try new classes do anything and everything to NOT play to our level, because what's the point of playing for us, if we will have to que alone.

> I feel bad at times for loosing duels, because I didn't want to win or leaving people not stumped, because not wanting to win... I feel bad for my team, but what else I'm going to? I can always DC and make sure they don't lose rating and basically waste their time.

> If I'm an kitten for not wanting to get above 1,6k now after the duo que lock I'm an kitten and I'm sorry, but PvP is meant to be fun for me and duo queuing is my fun, but I will make sure my teammates won't lose rating, because of me, that's the only thing I can do.


> So I would hope that Anet will increase the duo que limit to 1,7k or better to 1,8k, prevent the top top players from not working together, because they are that good that they can't be matched together and lose or at least that happens rarely that they lose or gives us duo que ladder or let us have duo que team rating, give us something, because 1,6k is too aggressive, since I don't believe plat t2 is that prestigious that it needs to be locked for solo play.


> Soo yee that is my story... forced to play subpar, let my team down all to keep my current team together and avoid plat t2 and I will gladly do that for my teammate.

> This is my feedback to the new changes, dam I hope it gets changed.


pure contradiction... if you play just for the fun play unranked or if you want team competition go to AT

ranked is for **PERSONAL** rank, and the only way of getting and acurate mesure of **PERSONAL** skill rank is pure soloq, DUO q have to be removed at all from ranked, and measures agaisnt q sync and other "cheats" have to be enforced

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> wow, what a surprise banning people from playing w their friends encourages map manipulation and ruins fun. just as many of us predicted it would.


> I would say make a solo queue ranked, then make a queue for teams of 2, 3 and 5. sure you could argue the playerbase is too small, but actually adding group play back to the game would bring players who left when it was removed, and maybe get some new blood too.


> sure, solo queue heroes w no social skills will cry- but they are crying about matchmaking anyhow. so, why cater to them? they cry regardless, and only count for one player because they don't have any friends. catering to people with friends and social skills is going to build a better community and bring more players anyhow.


That's the problem, Arena Net always tends to cater to the weird minorities, instead of the majority.

Losing team queue was a big loss in terms of enjoyment. I can say that out of my friends that would team queue with me, only 2 of us now play pvp, and this is out of a Universe of ~8 guys that would rotate in the team. Of those, more than half, also quit the game entirely.

Sure it wasn't JUST the loss of pvp team queue that did that, but while we could use pvp to keep on playing together and having fun during the down times, that was lost.

And Tournaments ddidn't help with that, because it's the classic case of "too little, too late". By the time they rolled that in, most of my friends had quit the game already, and honestly, every time i wanted to give tournaments a go, there was never one available, to the point, that now i just ignore their existence.


Because lets face it, tournaments would have been a **decent**, not good, a decent idea if they had been rolled out in tandem with the discontinuation of team queues. That way people that had guild teams and the such would transition to tournaments. But by the time they rolled out tournaments, the damage was done, and those teams were mostly disbanded. So a big chunk of the tournament players are LFG, which is pretty much the same as ranked, or unranked.

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I disagree ranked should not only be solo.

If Anet wants to go for pure solo queuing, then ranked need to be split into Solo and Team/Duo(1-5 players) with same rewards, because both are legitimate ways of PvP and should be rewarded as such, same or similar MM with ratings, with its own leaderboards so people couldn't avoid top players.


Solo queuing doesn't help PvP nor its community it only drives people apart and there isn't really no other alternative, unraked is just bad with no proper MM and no progression, and bad rewards, ATs are decent, but they are at set times only and its too much effort to get a group of 5 just for a single game at worse.


I will give that, if people want solo queuing then Anet needs to give them solo queuing, but not at the expense of people that want to play in a team/duo, they need to go full way not half and if PvP community can't support 2 ranked modes then well... perhaps options for playing the way you want would help that in long term.


If duo queuing is removed, if rank is for solo only, then I have a question...

What does GW2 PvP stand for? What does conquest stand for? What is the point of team play, if only solo play is encouraged? How can PvP grow that way? How can the PvP community really grow?


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I agree they should implement solo Que and a Duo Que separately. That way all of us people who like to play with friends can, and those who don't want the challenge of fighting people on comms never have too. They did it in League of Legends and its worked wonders.


I personally hope I don't reach high lvl PvP in GW2 again as like a lot of people, The only reason I play Gw2 is so that I can play with freinds and **GUILD** mates

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I think it's unjust to simply shove 'people who play to have fun' to the casual / normal game mode, as was suggested a few posts above. The casual game mode is a place where people should be able to get aqcuinted with PvP, a new class, or a new build. Naturally, you should still try to win, but you don't really screw your teammates' progress or rewards if your supposedly OP build turned out to not work very well. It's important to have a somewhat realistic testing environment, although I am not sure to what extent people still try to make and optimise their own builds.

Ranked is the gamemode where people go when they want to 'tryhard'. I for one find satisfaction in winning a game as a result of tryharding. This is what I consider to be 'fun'. As far as I know, tryharding is not limited to invidvidual performance. A group of people can also tryhard. Which is, quite frankly, more often than not more successfull than the extent to which an individual can tryhard. Therefore, if you truly want to create the best competitive environment, Anet should encourage rather than discourage people to group up.

The fixed tournaments are a good example of this, but there is a very large step between an open, solo queue ladder system and a 5 man premade event at fixed times. A duo / team queue would fit this gap perfectly.

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> wow, what a surprise banning people from playing w their friends encourages map manipulation and ruins fun. just as many of us predicted it would.


> I would say make a solo queue ranked, then make a queue for teams of 2, 3 and 5. sure you could argue the playerbase is too small, but actually adding group play back to the game would bring players who left when it was removed, and maybe get some new blood too.


> sure, solo queue heroes w no social skills will cry- but they are crying about matchmaking anyhow. so, why cater to them? they cry regardless, and only count for one player because they don't have any friends. catering to people with friends and social skills is going to build a better community and bring more players anyhow.


Using your logic, the team queue heroes have daily and monthly tourneys. They are still crying. Delete monthly tourney and all team options. The group that needs to be carried by others will whine regardless of what is done.

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