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Duo que lock in season 9


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My 2 cents would be to create a solo q and a team q that have 2 separate leaderboards and rework the rating system to factor in performance within a match, not wins/losses. People who play super well regardless of a loss should be rewarded for their skills not punished for the lack of their team's skills. A possible way to do that is take the statistics currently measured during matches and use those (plus some other things) to measure how well a given player contributes to a match and then create some sort of fancy formula to calculate how much contribution is necessary to lose rating, stay the same, or gain. Then you will end up with a system where performance and individual skill determine where you place, not 4 randoms who are more than likely bad.


As for the "manipulation" problem: The community caused this, they can deal with it.

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It was idiotic to mix duo and solo q in the first place, giving the duo Q a huge advantage. But the community welcomed it at that point because the older system of mixing even larger premades and solos was even worse. Solo Q has made the ladder more competitive and meaningful, even though many issues remain (balance, mandatory classes, wintrading). Please don't fall for "mimimi, solo Q ruined my bromance". If you want to play with friends, form a team for an AT, play unranked, or organize scrims on a server.


Please leave Ranked as it is now, or enforce Solo Q regardless of division. 2v2 tournaments might be an option for the future, but in the current balance it would make no sense, since virtually every high lvl team would be FB+Scourge.

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