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So... CANTHA? Would you like to explore Cantha in the next expansion!?


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As WP points out in his video:

from years back, Cantha has a ton of lore and content that GW 2 must explore. He also claims that a dev mentioned, if Cantha is something the majority of fans want to see and there is a big demand for it, they would consider bringing Cantha to GW 2. We just need to make it clear that it's something most of us want.


So the question and purpose of this poll is simple. How many of us would like to explore Cantha in the next new expansion!?





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Yessss, yeeeesss, oh yeeessss! It's time for Cantha :love: :heart:


And alot of the playerbase wish and have requested Cantha to make it to GW2 over these 5 years.

We got Elona, why wouldn't we get Cantha aswell? I am sure we'll get it at some Point, hopefully our next expansion! :)

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No, as someone mentioned above, I'd love to see more of the charr lands. I never played the first game, but I would like to see Cantha some time in the future, but I've had enough of human stupidity in the most recent expansion. Plus,l if we go to see the Charr homeland, maybe we;ll get to see some of their awesome massive tanks in action. And I mean the ones you always see sitting around in the Black citadel among other places. They look badass, bet I've never once seen them used for anything except decoration.

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I didn't play GW1, so I have no particular attachment, knowledge, or interest in Cantha. But since it sounds like another land full of humans, I'd rather go somewhere new, with new cultures, races and settings.

Frozen north would be a possibility, though there already is so much of that in the game it seems unlikely. Still, Jormag could make trouble yet.

Oceanic would be a possibility, with islands, underwater cities, maybe extending from underwater to underground, into the Depths of Tyria, where the Asura used to live, and the destroyers hang out now, and Primordius is sleeping.

And new night sky graphics make it clear that our world has a moon. What if we could go there? They could put ANYTHING in that environment.

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Cantha would be interesting in its own right, but I can't help feeling it'd be the second human-centric expansion in a row unless the Tengu are introduced as a playable race. If they can manage that, I'd be in favour. Otherwise, against.


Right now, the Norn and Charr nations are looking underexplored and could do with some more focus - at least in the living story, if not a full-fledged expansion. We have still yet to return to the Far Shiverpeaks where there's an awful lot of Norn history, the Blood Legion homelands where Kralkatorrik came from, and we've never seen the Ash Legion lands at all.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> Cantha would be interesting in its own right, but I can't help feeling it'd be the second human-centric expansion in a row unless the Tengu are introduced as a playable race. If they can manage that, I'd be in favour. Otherwise, against.


> Right now, the Norn and Charr nations are looking underexplored and could do with some more focus - at least in the living story, if not a full-fledged expansion. We have still yet to return to the Far Shiverpeaks where there's an awful lot of Norn history, the Blood Legion homelands where Kralkatorrik came from, and we've never seen the Ash Legion lands at all.



IMO tengu would be better introduced in a primordus RoF/Sea of Sorrows xpac and expanded on for cantha

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Not in the next expansion (story wise, wouldn't fit in my opinion), but I would love to see going back to Cantha. I think we will go back when we will face the deep see dragon. Also it would be awesome if with the Cantha patch we would get a new race as well (Tengu).

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No, please no. It is time for something completely new. I really liked Cantha but it's enough of GW1 content coming back to GW2. It doesn't even make sense that the elder dragons are so concentrated on one tiny spot of Tyria (the planet). If you have ever seen the map of the whole world then you would know in what a tiny area everything takes place. A new area would make more sense and would be more exciting and I'm sure the A-Net map designes would create something awesome. ;-)

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> @Dashiva.6149 said:

> Variation in everything. In HoT we explored a previously unseen area of Tyria, and with PoF we got to see familiar locations and fauna. So basically new, old, new, old, new, old...


> It will probably happen eventually, but we have a deep sea dragon in the way to contend with first!.


I've never been a fan of patterns like that especially when you know you have to spend a year waiting for something you might want. I think overall the story should guide where we go in each expansion and right now there are quite a few plot lines that link to Cantha. The story does keep going all over the place so there isn't anything really focused on that could directly lead to any one area yet.


The main reason I want Cantha is that it holds rich lore that connects to all of the races from the Humans to the reason why other races were locked off from it. It's constantly mentioned in the game and can finally open doors to races that still haven't been explored enough including the Largos, Quaggan, Krait, Tengu, The Forgotten, The Naga, and especially the Underwater Dragon.


Cantha is also a very hot subject among most GW 2 players original and new. The demand for it is high. The potential content that could come from a Cantha expansion is new, relevant, and game-changing among other MMORPGs. It's just a prime choice for the direction of the game. To not go for Cantha at this point in time would be a hugely missed opportunity.



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