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Suggestion for Making content more easily accessible.


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As someone who has done loads of dungeons, loads of fractals, and a few raids, I would like to make a suggestion for how to branch the gap.


Here are my main thoughts on WHY before I mention the suggestion.

1 - Dungeons were a good idea having story with content, but that content is now very easy for basically everyone ( and won't ever be updated *cough* AC trap chains *cough* ) and having it be easy enough for 1 player (in the right gear) to do solo is fine.

2 - Fractals then added sort of "end-level" dungeons that are easy at first and get harder as you scale up (eventually requiring full builds etc. to even attempt it)

3 - Raids were then added with HoT which was a "nice" thing at the start but now I think it's divided the community a lot, those that raid constantly, and those that basically never raid.


I am a PvE player and thus - I do not pvp nor wvw, and as I also do not raid anymore, there is 0% chance to get legendary armour ( which is very expensive and I'll probably never get anyway). HOWEVER, I love learning about story and lore and the fights and mechanics etc. of the raids.


So I have a simple suggestion that is so simple people will hate the idea.


Add an Easy mode ( 5-man) for raids, effectively turning them into dungeons, Make it so 5-man cannot get any of the ascended drops, and can only get one legendary insight per raid ( not per boss) per week. This way, People such as myself who don't raid due to (in my own opinion) an elitist sub-community, get to experience the story, the art and the boss-fights designed, albeit easier. So I can then enter a raid with my group of friends ( coincidentally there's a total of 5 of us : D ) and complete it getting the story I love to read and the fights I wish I could do if the community didn't want specific builds for specific sections with specific gear that i(n one case didn't let me raid due to having the wrong runes on my character, right stats and trinkets, but I had 2 trapper 4 nightmare instead of 6 thorns - do not take this as me being salty it's anecdotal evidence, do with it what you will) prevent normal players experiencing it ever.


It came to my attention with the newest raid - Hall of Chains.

As far as I understand - it is basically the underworld and you must fight the end boss who was a character from GW1. A Friend of mine has successfully beaten this raid already, but that is because they have a team full of competent people with the correct gear, while I will most likely never experience this raid, I would like to have enjoyed the story in it, as there are a few intractable objects in the second wing (maybe) of the first raid that changes depending on if you are an Asura or if you're a Necromancer etc. Hiding these bits behind hard content that is "too hard" for normal people is in my opinion, a bit unfair, They can keep their legendary armour etc., but I feel that the story should be freely experienced by everyone.




TL;DR: Add an Easy mode to raids that removes some(maybe all) of the current drops, set it at 5 man party (not squad) so that normal people can experience the story atmosphere and fights.


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Anet has said. directly they are not going to change anything, easy mode, story mode.. or whatever.. is never going to happen. I know what you mean, I feel for you, and all that. But, as harsh as it is, what is, is.


You have a few options.

* Learn to Raid.

* Accept you will never do this content.


How you handle things are up to you. but Anet is not going to do anything, it's all on you at this point.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> Anet has said. directly they are not going to change anything, easy mode, story mode.. or whatever.. is never going to happen. I know what you mean, I feel for you, and all that. But, as harsh as it is, what is, is.


> You have a few options.

> * Learn to Raid.

> * Accept you will never do this content.


> How you handle things are up to you. but Anet is not going to do anything, it's all on you at this point.


Did you even read my post? I want to experience the story and fights, I don't give a monkeys about the loot. ( which is probably what most people are complaining about), and having an easy mode would mean learning mechanics is easier.

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> @Kuulpb.5412 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > Anet has said. directly they are not going to change anything, easy mode, story mode.. or whatever.. is never going to happen. I know what you mean, I feel for you, and all that. But, as harsh as it is, what is, is.

> >

> > You have a few options.

> > * Learn to Raid.

> > * Accept you will never do this content.

> >

> > How you handle things are up to you. but Anet is not going to do anything, it's all on you at this point.


> Did you even read my post? I want to experience the story and fights, I don't give a monkeys about the loot. ( which is probably what most people are complaining about), and having an easy mode would mean learning mechanics is easier.


Yes I did.


However, my response is not about loot., items, or anything else. I think a story mode would be a fine compromise, for those that enjoy the lore (like how Story mode dungeons don't reward tokens) , but my feelings on the mater are irrelevant, as **Anet**, the developers themselves, have said, **they will not do this**.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @Kuulpb.5412 said:

> > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > Anet has said. directly they are not going to change anything, easy mode, story mode.. or whatever.. is never going to happen. I know what you mean, I feel for you, and all that. But, as harsh as it is, what is, is.

> > >

> > > You have a few options.

> > > * Learn to Raid.

> > > * Accept you will never do this content.

> > >

> > > How you handle things are up to you. but Anet is not going to do anything, it's all on you at this point.

> >

> > Did you even read my post? I want to experience the story and fights, I don't give a monkeys about the loot. ( which is probably what most people are complaining about), and having an easy mode would mean learning mechanics is easier.


> Yes I did.


> However, my response is not about loot., items, or anything else. I think a story mode would be a fine compromise, for those that enjoy the lore (like how Story mode dungeons don't reward tokens) , but my feelings on the mater are irrelevant, as **Anet**, the developers themselves, have said, **they will not do this**.


So no matter how much the community tells them this would improve the game, they will not? EVEN if it would only benefit them by getting more people to experience more story, inviting friends to gw2 to experience it etc etc. ? I don't think a company is so anti-community as to go 100% against them.

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> @Kuulpb.5412 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @Kuulpb.5412 said:

> > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > Anet has said. directly they are not going to change anything, easy mode, story mode.. or whatever.. is never going to happen. I know what you mean, I feel for you, and all that. But, as harsh as it is, what is, is.

> > > >

> > > > You have a few options.

> > > > * Learn to Raid.

> > > > * Accept you will never do this content.

> > > >

> > > > How you handle things are up to you. but Anet is not going to do anything, it's all on you at this point.

> > >

> > > Did you even read my post? I want to experience the story and fights, I don't give a monkeys about the loot. ( which is probably what most people are complaining about), and having an easy mode would mean learning mechanics is easier.

> >

> > Yes I did.

> >

> > However, my response is not about loot., items, or anything else. I think a story mode would be a fine compromise, for those that enjoy the lore (like how Story mode dungeons don't reward tokens) , but my feelings on the mater are irrelevant, as **Anet**, the developers themselves, have said, **they will not do this**.


> So no matter how much the community tells them this would improve the game, they will not? EVEN if it would only benefit them by getting more people to experience more story, inviting friends to gw2 to experience it etc etc. ? I don't think a company is so anti-community as to go 100% against them.


This has been suggested many, many, many times before, thousands of posts, hundreds of pages, both here and on the older forums, for years on end, so much so, that Anet has stepped in and pretty much said "They don't have the means to do this" , but, If it makes you feel any better, I wish you Good Luck.


Maybe you will be the voice they listen to.


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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> Anet has said. directly they are not going to change anything, easy mode, story mode.. or whatever.. is never going to happen. I know what you mean, I feel for you, and all that. But, as harsh as it is, what is, is.


> You have a few options.

> * Learn to Raid.

> * Accept you will never do this content.


> How you handle things are up to you. but Anet is not going to do anything, it's all on you at this point.


There's a third option. Leave the game. I'm not going to, but I'm sure there are people who thought I'd really like that armor and I can't get it without doing something I really don't want do to screw this. I was able to get 14 legendary weapons just by playing how I wanted. Raids really don't allow me to do that. They've added healing and tanking, and the lack of the trinity was one of the big things that drew me to this game in the first place. Raiding would have divided my guild until we decided simply not to raid, but yeah, some people will not accept it and will not raid. Others, like me, will simply be less happy with the game and feel less at home here. That's how it goes.

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> @Kuulpb.5412 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @Kuulpb.5412 said:

> > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > Anet has said. directly they are not going to change anything, easy mode, story mode.. or whatever.. is never going to happen. I know what you mean, I feel for you, and all that. But, as harsh as it is, what is, is.

> > > >

> > > > You have a few options.

> > > > * Learn to Raid.

> > > > * Accept you will never do this content.

> > > >

> > > > How you handle things are up to you. but Anet is not going to do anything, it's all on you at this point.

> > >

> > > Did you even read my post? I want to experience the story and fights, I don't give a monkeys about the loot. ( which is probably what most people are complaining about), and having an easy mode would mean learning mechanics is easier.

> >

> > Yes I did.

> >

> > However, my response is not about loot., items, or anything else. I think a story mode would be a fine compromise, for those that enjoy the lore (like how Story mode dungeons don't reward tokens) , but my feelings on the mater are irrelevant, as **Anet**, the developers themselves, have said, **they will not do this**.


> So no matter how much the community tells them this would improve the game, they will not? EVEN if it would only benefit them by getting more people to experience more story, inviting friends to gw2 to experience it etc etc. ? I don't think a company is so anti-community as to go 100% against them.


Actually it doesnt benefit them as it requires a major overhaul of all raid wings, number tweaking, mechanical tweaking,troubleshooting etc etc so people can experience story mode once and then never play it again, just like any other story content. Meanwhile the raid dev team is small which means something like this would actively delay future raid development in favor of some sidestory that doesnt even affect the main story in any way, that in itself is a closer right there. So you're asking for content that doesnt provide any replayability, doesnt bring any profit to Anet and gets in the way of the actual game development. I mean atm, there isnt a single logical reason to add story mode apart from people suffering from nostalgia syndromes.

The only possible way for something like this to be implemented would be to get more people on the raid team and create a story mode just like the story modes for dungeons. A somewhat changed instance, tailored to 5 people that has the weakened down versions of the bosses and somehow introduces much more lore that doesnt even exist in the current raids. For example, who the kitten is gorseval, where did it come from etc etc etc. It would need to be something elaborate.

At the current circumstances it's not a matter of Anet willing or not to do it, it is pretty much impossible unless this game focuses on raids as a whole.

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> @Vayne.8563 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > Anet has said. directly they are not going to change anything, easy mode, story mode.. or whatever.. is never going to happen. I know what you mean, I feel for you, and all that. But, as harsh as it is, what is, is.

> >

> > You have a few options.

> > * Learn to Raid.

> > * Accept you will never do this content.

> >

> > How you handle things are up to you. but Anet is not going to do anything, it's all on you at this point.


> There's a third option. Leave the game. I'm not going to, but I'm sure there are people who thought I'd really like that armor and I can't get it without doing something I really don't want do to screw this. I was able to get 14 legendary weapons just by playing how I wanted. Raids really don't allow me to do that. They've added healing and tanking, and the lack of the trinity was one of the big things that drew me to this game in the first place. Raiding would have divided my guild until we decided simply not to raid, but yeah, some people will not accept it and will not raid. Others, like me, will simply be less happy with the game and feel less at home here. That's how it goes.


Yup, I agree with you, on all points.

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> @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> You didnt add anything that isnt already discussed in the 5(?) threads about easy/story/training mode raids. I really dont get this kind of behaviour, is the plan to overload anet with millions of forum threads saying the same thing over and over again until they oblige?


I did a stupid thing - I made a post before looking for other posts about it.

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> @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> You didnt add anything that isnt already discussed in the 5(?) threads about easy/story/training mode raids. I really dont get this kind of behaviour, is the plan to overload anet with millions of forum threads saying the same thing over and over again until they oblige?

Hey, it's how raiding got into the game in the first place...

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In my opinion you don't need to make raids easier or add more difficulty levels to it. It's more about the community perception of raids, putting unrealistic requirements and expectations onto people looking to start raiding. Anyone who has raided in other mmorpgs will tell you that the raids in gw2 are very simple by comparison, and until the community realises that nothing will improve. You DON'T need full ascended gear to take part in raids. You DON'T need the perfect team set up with all meta builds to beat the bosses and you certainly DON'T need to have 500LI to know not to step in the fire.

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