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I need a website with information about all the PoF recipes.


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Anet does a very bad job explaining what recipes they add to the game and I often resort to external web pages to look for new recipes added to the game, but this time I have not been successful on the searches. So If someone knows of a web page where I can find all the recipes from PoF please help me.

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You can do a couple of queries to get your results. Note that the wiki is always a work in progress, so I make no claims on completeness ;) .

1. Head to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special:Ask

2. Put `[[Category:Path of Fire content]][[Has subobject::[[Has context::Recipe]]]]` in the top left box.

3. Press "Find result", and you'll get a set of links to the pages.


You'll also want to do a second query to get the ones introduced with LWS4. Use `[[Category:Living World Season 4 content]][[Has subobject::[[Has context::Recipe]]]]` instead.


Addendum: Make sure to set the limit of items to 500, as it seems to bug out a tad with the default 50 for some reason. Also, if things appear to be missing, do let me know. My wikifu isn't the best when it comes to semantic queries, and I may have somehow ignored a set of items (or they're not properly categorized atm, which should be addressed).


Edit: Cleaned up said wikifu. No idea why I had made it harder than it had to be....

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> Anet does a very bad job explaining what recipes they add to the game and I often resort to external web pages to look for new recipes added to the game


Yes, you are absolutely right about that. It really kittens me off as well. ANet seems to believe that, the more complicated and divers the methods of acquisition, the better -- because then people are forced to spend more time in the game. They probably didn't consider the possibility that it would simply drive people away from the game or at least let them stop caring about new stats.


> but this time I have not been successful on the searches.


You could have used the forum's search. ;) [At least the Grieving stats have a complete list now.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/15915/why-do-we-have-two-different-ascended-grieving-inscriptions-and-where-are-the-exotic-recipes "At least the Grieving stats have a complete list now.")

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