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Living World Season 1 Achievements


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Since this topic is obviously directed at me based on the topic in the fractal forums, I will take the time to respond:


Taking something away from people is never a fair solution (unless it was clearly aquired by unintended actions aka exploits).

Anet must either make the old content playable again or add enough new achievement points that the 5k historic AP will look miniscule in comparison. Or at least add enough new achievements that people can reach 39k/42k AP without being a top 10 AP hunter and spending 10 years doing every last achievement.

Adding them to the daily cap would also be unfair. There are quite a few historic achievements that take much more effort than 10 minutes of dailies. The legendary division pvp titles from season 1 to 4 come to my mind as a first example. Would not be fair if people could catch up 4 pvp seasons with doing dailies twice.


Of course they could also keep ignoring the issue until the game shuts down - like they did the last 4 years.


Worth noting: I am missing 20 historic AP myself, forcing me to have to work harder for the top spots also. Basically anyone who misses 0 historic AP could overtake me if they chose to do all the achievements in the game. I would be suprised if there were less than 1000 people who have more historic AP than me.

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> Since this topic is obviously directed at me based on the topic in the fractal forums, I will take the time to respond:

Your post would have the same value if you left out this line.

If you think you've be trolled, don't feed the trolls; don't take the bait if you think you've been baited.


More simply: respond to post based on the merits of the ideas, not because of what you assume might or might not be behind the suggestion/concern. After all, isn't that what you want for your own threads?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> We know ANet has no current plans for adding a replayable LS1. Even if they did, we can be pretty sure that any AP would be offered to both veterans and newer players. I can't imagine that there's any way to adjust the imbalance. There just aren't any "fair" options.


> ****

> If lower AP for LS3 was an oversight, then sure, I would imagine ANet would want to adjust things. But why would any of us imagine that ANet hasn't even considered this before? Do we really think that they didn't read any of the posts made about the lack of AP during the content drought, the smaller numbers in LS2, in HoT, in LS3, etc?


> There's clearly some significant detail(s) that we lack to explain why AP is less generous these days.


> ****

> As for giving newer players a chance to catch up, I'm not at all sure that there's any fair way to do that. It's never wise to remove rewards from players, except in the most extreme or urgent circumstances (and I doubt any of us think this counts as 'extreme' or 'urgent'). I doubt any of us think it's wise to just gift 2.5-4.0k AP to new players just to help them earn spots on the leaderboards. And can you imagine the outcry if ANet introduced content to the game that added say 5.0k of AP to the game, allowing new players to get 100% but veterans to get only half of it?


> Put another way, how exactly would ANet go about making more AP available to new players, without making Veterans feel that they were given the shaft?




Making LS1 playable in some way and the historic AP available via the new episode system would probably be the best solution to the hole they’ve dug for themselves. It would also help players newer to the game have a clue who all these people in the living world are, I only started playing just before tower of nightmares and I still have never experienced the “Hi I’m Rox” and “hur durr Bram go bam” introductions to all these characters which certainly made for an awkward Scarlett fight on the breachmaker where non of the character interactions held any weight at all.


At the end of the day if it is bringing back most of the old and historic AP it offer older players a chance to get any missed, see above comments, and newer players not only a way to bridge what is a big gap but to catch up on who the eff these creepy NPCs are that follow you.

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Overall, you've identified distinct issues. They might be important, but they don't have to be addressed at the same time or in the same way. It's probably better if they aren't, too:

* Does ANet dish out AP generously enough?

* Is it important that newer players can't get access to 4-5k worth of historical AP?

* Is 10 AP/daily enough for newer players?

* Is there a narrative gap between the personal story and LS2?


> Does ANet dish out AP generously enough?

Clearly ANet thinks AP used to be too generous, otherwise we'd be seeing more AP/year than we have now. A lot of players disagree and a lot don't care; the difference is mostly whether folks care about getting unlocks quickly or are patient for 'whenever'. Or just like getting more AP.


> Is it important that newer players can't get access to 4-5k worth of historical AP?

I don't see how it is, except for those interested in leaderboards for AP, a relatively small fraction of the community. It's hard to imagine that it's worth ANet spending a lot of time. And it's hard to imagine that the majority of players would care that much, if ANet was more generous with AP generally. 4-5k AP is a fraction of what's available now.


> Is 10 AP/daily enough for newer players?

Math says: it takes a new player 4 years to cap (if they daily every day). But then again, the original dailies required a lot more work and gave 5 AP/day. Monthlies added another 50/month, for an average of 7/day. The reason some old timers capped in under 4 years was that, for a while, people were able to do extra dailies (beyond the minimum required) and get extra AP. A lot of folks asked for this to be changed: people at the top of leaderboard (who didn't want to feel pressure to do extras to stay at the top) and people who just wanted AP (who felt like it was a lot of work just for one AP).


The current system is the compromise that ANet established. I don't think it's unfair to newer players, because it's less effort. For newer players, dailies accumulate slightly faster than they would have for _most_ players back in the day and slightly slower than for the over-achievers among us.


> Is there a narrative gap between the personal story and LS2?

Absolutely. This has nothing to do with AP, though.

More importantly, the kind of work required to add an LS1 (in any form) is precisely the sort of work that is currently devoted to spitting out the expac and LS for the expansions. ANet isn't going to undermine those efforts, not for something that can't possibly live up to the hype, the memories, or the expectations.


Plus, there are all sorts of other ways to address it. For example, they could split up the recap video that some folks put together and show it in game.

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