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Should there be a GW 3? - [Merged]


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No more DPS-DPS-DPS-DPS-DPS-DPS-DPS-DPS-DPS classes; nine is enough.

No more "armor class doesn't matter" classes.

No more jumping puzzles; this isn't Mario Brothers.

No more vertical mazes like Dry Top, Silverwastes, and HoT.

No more aggro-every-square inch like PoF (ANet needs to figure out what "challenge" means; that's not it).

No more story mode with horrible idle animations and female characters with breasts so large they should fall over.

No more spawning mobs on top of players or immediately behind the focal point of the camera (ANet needs to figure out what "challenge" means; that's not it).

No more instantly respawning mobs players have just killed (ANet needs to figure out what "challenge" means; that's not it).

No more in-game store where you MUST buy perks and gear or you will very definitely be a second rate player.

Lots of "no more's"...

Then, maybe -- just maybe -- a GW3.

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Personally I would like to see all four of the original Guild Wars games re-invented using modern programming, modern mapping and basically creating it out of the tools the game makers have at the moment because at the moment the original game feels 'lacking' compared with the far superior Guild Wars 2. I want to play the stories suggested of the GW2 game, I want to visit those lands before and during the Charr invasion. It would be a glorious way to introduce Guild Wars 2 to new players by allowing them to play the original games - in a new format. I appreciate the effort involved in doing something like this, but so much lore is there to be explored that so many of the players I meet (and have met in the last five years) are completely unaware of.

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its ultimately about money. Would Gw3 bring be more profitable than Gw2. They wouldn't shut down gw2, though most likely they wouldn't be making new content for it either. Its 6months after the expansion release and it seems PoF is not doing as well as HoT did. And here's the challenge how to bring in more players and keep existing players happy? they released Gw1 in 2005, and Gw2 came out 7 years later. so gw3 is possibly in the works.


The release of Gw2 made arena net mega profits. Why wouldn't they try that again??


Personally I hope there is a gw3, that would be kool. However it would be at least 5 years away.

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> I have too much invested in this account to switch to a new game. If GW3 happens, it will be without me.


Yeah, I don't think I'd switch either. That's the thing about MMOs people get invested in them and don't really want to switch to a new one with far less content, even if it's a sequel. In that respect the main competitor for GW3 would be GW2.


The way WoW works would be better, incremental graphic upgrades to the existing game.

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No, they should develop GW2 the same way it is being done with WoW. It's a good game, and can have many patchs and expansions. Also, i don't believe new MMO's today would have the same success they had in the past, plus the main target would be people who played GW2/GW1, which would be on average in their early 30's.

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No, I am not moving again, look at what we lost that we loved from gw1 to gw2. Only our names transferred. IF gw3 becomes a thing it should only be if EVERYTHING from gw2 gets transferred over. gw2 imo still has tons they can do not to mention we have seen how they can expand the world map so it has plenty of room to just keep growing and adding new playable races (TENGU!!!!, Kodan, Jotun, Ogre, Grawl, Skritt...etc...etc..) more mounts, new weapon types...etc...etc...etc Guild Wars 2 FOREVER or Die!

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It's not needed. Instead of putting all that money into developing a new game, they should instead invest in overhauling the game engine and bringing in support for modern hardware. Any new content or ideas they could put into a new game can be added to Gw2 via expansions.

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As a gamer, I wish for a new game....Who wouldnt? But as a economist, I find it hard to believe that it would be worth it, the reason Gw2 was so popular, was because their innovating gameplay, they simply created something new, more alive. It felt like a single player game inside a multiplayer game.

But now, 5-6 years after the games release, many of its competitors have simply done the same, and the game is going to a more hardcore heavy grind system, where only players looking for a way to waste time is joining. If I was not part of the game back then and gradually gained all the "new" gear/setup max out you can get, I would not have joined in now, all the 10 star reviews or the 9 star all evolves around the things Gw2 used to be, realistic in the way you move attack/look (everyone used to look somewhat like what I would expect in that world, but basically looks like a power ranger now), innovating based on the world living and your not just part of a train mill you have to do, you can jump in and do w/e without stopping signs everywhere etc. This of cause, can not remain for long.


If they somehow create a game, that also is somewhat innovative, and "realistic" towards what is capable (like if a big cow, had the ability to go stealth, he would not be able to teleport around 9 times like in a Dragonball show" then it might be a success, but I highly doubt that, which would mean it would be ignored by many reviewers that did make Gw2 a success, and even if they do review it, I guess it would fall with Wildstar. Even though it was Gw2, just more grindy, people did not like it.

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> @"Kenneth.7536" said:

> In my opinion, there shouldn't be a GW3. Why? Because GW3 would separate players too much. Some would be playing GW2, others GW3. All innovations should be implemented to GW2 and then everyone could play the game at their own pace. Of course, they could do that if GW3 is released, but honestly, I don't see a point in GW3, just because GW2 is a great game on its own and it has a lot of potential. People complaining about graphics? Come on, graphics shouldn't be an argument in an mmo when the core game itself with all of its expansions is great.


This is what happened when they went from GW1-->2 . Lots of people still play gw1 and will be the same about 2--> 3


I think they should also NOT do mobile gaming. Please god no. I get the business behind it , but please no.


I made a far bigger investment into thid game and would hate it to be all just blown away like that. Because when you log in , no one around anymore, you trying to solo dragon stand or something hahah. I know that my investment will wash someday but gw2 has the potential to go for the long run ^_^


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Why are we having this discussion now? No is my answer and it will continue to be my answer until development on GW2 stops. And when that day comes (which will hopefully not be for another 5 years at least) I would rather ANet not make yet _another_ MMO sequel. I love the world of Guild Wars and I would love more games set in Tyria, but I would prefer something different. Ideally a co-op RPG experience. Something that can be more timeless than the transient nature of full blown MMOs.

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Unlikely to happen anytime soon imho. To justify another sequel they would need to come up with a new engine that would offer a significant jump in terms of both gameplay and graphics, something that cannot be done by simply refining the current one as they've been doing.


I don't think Anet has that kind of technology right now and even if they did, releasing a "next-gen" game right now would probably be futile as your average gamer's PC wouldn't be able to handle it.


I mean, just imagine what hardware it would take to run a game with FFXV's graphics for example while having 40+ player's on screen at an acceptable framerate.


We're just not there yet.

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I want a GW3, eventually. I want them to finish wrapping up the stories of GW2; the elder dragons, the missing Gods, etc. Then I would like a GW3 set maybe, 300-400 years in the future again. In a magicka steampunk future. Lions Arch is now a Megalopolis, Air Ships are how everyone gets around. Basically Rata Sum and the Black Citadel had a love child and the Sylvari and nature lovers are pushed to the edges. I imagine it being Divinities Reach sized x10 and all sorts of stories involving corporate espionage and what not. Then you could actually live up to the moniker of "Guild Wars"; you form player guilds that provide the Lions share of your income via control and trade. IE you form an "Iron Guild" and you with your guild fight to control the local Iron mines in a region you set up in. The more tightly you control it and the more you upgrade it the more money you get paid out on a daily basis. Put in some blocks to encourage "Tall" guilds vs "Wide" guilds so everyone has room to play. Obviously leave looting and market trading as an income source for those player that like that but Guilds that actually provide a tangible benefit would be awesome. The end game could be the usual raiding and progression coupled with fighting the various power that be; Governments, NPC guilds, etc that try to rein in your guild. You'd have a whole guild eco system where wealthy trade guilds support the existence of mercenary guilds in order to defend against or target other wealthy trade guilds. That would be my preferred GW3. You then can allow for really freedom of play. A player could be a "sky pirate" and raid player and NPC guilds. Another player could be a "bounty hunter" chasing down NPC pirates or PC pirates (there's some PVP for you) expanding your Guild mine, or lands or whatever by securing and clearing new areas and/or protecting it from NPC threats would be a big part of PvE on top of any overarching story Anet wants to include (your usual nation toppling dramas). Hostile take overs of opposing guild resources would be the WvW replacement. Especially if you encouraged Guilds to form Consortiums or Trade Unions so the 10 biggest Guilds on a server work together to fight the other biggest 10 or what have you. Going back to what I said previously, as long as you put in checks and balances and various blocks to encourage "Tall" focused guilds vs "Paint the map own everything guilds" you could have plenty of room for everyone to play regardless of how little they want to PVP.

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> Should the GW series continue with an entirely new sequel? Or should GW 2 simply continue with expansions?


Since your OP has been edited after my initial response, a new response is in prder:


I wouldn't mind if GW2 continued on forever with expansions (and some better policies in certain departments), but there would need to be engine adjustments: **performance optimization** and **proper hardware utilization** (!!!), and texture and model improvements some time in the future.

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I would like to see GW3 eventually, in the sense that I’d like to see this setting’s world and lore continue to expand and develop. GW is the only mmo franchise I’ve ever really gotten into! And of course I’d love to see GW evolve with the times and update its mechanics and graffics in a 3rd flagship game someday.


However I think we’re several years away from that, and I’m perfectly happy to stick with GW2 until whenever Anet decides it’s time to move to “GW3.”


I think GW2 still has a lot of years left in its lifespan, even if the graphics become outdated over time.


No clue what I’d want in GW3. I don’t want it to stray too far from high fantasy genre (and become an entirely sci fi or steampunk world). But it might be cool to see Future Tyria, or even some of the continents none of the GWs games have explored. Otherwise it could be neat to go back in time to the infamous “Guild Wars.” For a game named after it, it’s bizarre how we never experienced it firsthand. XD

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Yes,but i saw some companies waiting for death of their current popular mmorpgs, they simply try to make as much as money they can i hope Anet isnt that greedy cause if you do it after your mmorpg is death or when your mmorpg is still satisfying for gamers you simply fail, so timing is critical i believe...

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