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Should there be a GW 3? - [Merged]


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The transaction from GW1 to GW2 was insanely major.

I can't imagine how great of a game GW3 would be.

I think it might become the best MMORPG in existance.

The poll says when the time is right and i totally agree on that. I also believe that now isn't the time to BRING OUT a gw3.

I think its the right time to take it in conciderance and make it like in a 5 year plan or something.

In my opinion there should be like one more expansion like in 2019. So there is like a triology of expansions and then maybe come with a GW3.

Thats my personal opinion on it. But the idea of a GW3 coming out would be really really awesome.

I also want to thank the creators of GW to listen to the player base and making this awesome game.

If you compare it with other MMORPG's GW2 has the greatest improvements thru the expansions i love how they bring more and more char uniqueness in the game thru story and elite spec customisation. GW2 does a great job in balancing the classes also (you might not agree with this but please play WoW and tell which is more balanced (PS: i am still playing WoW on a daily basis, and if you are able to tell me about afli warlocks and shadown priests not being OP right now)

I even believe that GW2 might be one of the greatest balanced games out right now and i also think thats because of you are able to change your build in the game and choose what build suits you best.

GW2 became my favorite MMORPG because there is also so much to do end game and its all really rewarding, pvp, WvW, map completion, dungeons, raids, fractals, world bosses, crafting its all so rewarding and fun (unlike WoW where you have to do mythics and raids to get good gear no other options). You can really choose which way you want to go and thats what i love i can log in in the game and say oke today i want to do WvW, or maybe some PvP or maybe some map completion, or let me train my crafting so i can make legendary, or maybe i want to do some story quests, or i need some more mastery lets go for that etc. Its really really good, sorry comparing it with WoW again but when i log in WoW i know that i MUST do raids or mythics to get gear, which i dislike a lot.

So great job and thanks for everything!

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i voted other cause if u see WOW its like a brand new game every release... u can do better then that tho just add proffesions maby? races and classes with expasions and maps... u kinda did that already and ppl will get de-attached if it comes a brand new game with all the stuff they have done... thats what WOW is doing right by continuing on the same game ppl have attached to theyr charecters and they can do new stuff with them, its an MMORPG its supposed to take alot of time and adding stuff is good not make a whole new game

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  • 1 month later...

Expansions just prooved to me that gw2 cant be the game I wish it was in the first place. I think the "trinty" suppression was the bigest mistake ever made, and I think Anet kinda admit to it by giving some classes support specialisations, but its too late since there are basic things you just cant do in this game like targeting (this game is all about zoning). Also the amount of CC the absence of castbars, all contribute to have a very confusing pvp in wich is hard to feel in control and also give that limit of 5 players. I have the feeling that even in a game like overwatch that is mainly an FPS I can cooperate more with my allies than in gw2 (and dont get me wrong I know there is cooperation in gw2, it just doesnt feel right to me, like runing behind allies to spam a zone healing or packing into a corner to do a combo)

So yes I really wish for a game, that would keep all the good things that were brought by gw2 like dodge/jump/exploration/craft but that would be much closer to gw1 general gameplay (bring back gvg!).

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We still haven't touched housing and mini battles in GW2,aka there's still a kittenbuttload of money to be made here.

I don't see why they would consider a sequel,not unless they got their hands on technology that would enable them to create content they can't create on their current set up.Otherwise a new game is pretty much pointless even from a player's pov.

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Id like guild wars Next.


Keep gw2 running and replace the engine when needed. The art, storytelling are good. They need to refine weapon sets to make them viable.


GWN would be a different genera. Make it a lobby like gw1, but make it a builder so players have a building toolset and can design maps and quests themselves. Endless content generation, and people could even make the browsers they like for their own maps. Win, win.

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I don't want a new game, but I understand that it's likely the only way to bring the runaway powercreep back in line given Anet's history of reluctance to nerf significantly overtuned skills/classes.


Damage needs to be roughly half of where it is now, but the playerbase just wants big numbers over balance, just like in WoW.

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I'd probably take a GW 1.5 over a GW3. I enjoy GW2, but in my opinion it has already went a wee bit too far on it's vector from GW1. Since 'GW3' implies a continuation of progress, I probably wouldn't play something like that.


I want my build flexibility, the M:TG level complexity, the theorycrafting, and the actually difficult content.

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At this point Guild Wars needs a serious upgrade. Specially graphics engine. I still can't understand why FFXIV or TESO works so much better on my PC (60+ fps at max detail) and Guild Wars 2 at mid detail has serious frame rate drops. Guild Wars 2 should make an engine that use the graphic card as well, less cpu use and more compatibility with more stuff. I mean my laptop with NVIDIA 630M works better than my PC with NVIDIA 770.


Another thing. ArenaNet should think about what content includes in game and expansions. Make good dungeons (no more bosses that allows to be killed by "stack all here and destroy them")... As I've seen in fractals they can do it and they know how to do bosses with enjoyable mechanichs... come on, do it more like them!!. Add content that the most hardcore players needs more than 2 weeks of training and casual players needs 3 months or more to down them.


ArenaNet with Guild Wars combat system you can do bosses almost like God of War... do it!. Add more variety of sPvP modes, take a look other mmo combat modes... think on how was Guild Wars 1, think about builds variety of Guild Wars 1 and GW1 sPvP. You can do a great mmo... I don't know if it can be done by a Guild Wars 2 upgrade or need to be done at Guild Wars 3.


I think that GW2 graphic engine can be fixed to works fine and have a decent performance. ArenaNet just think one thing: GW2 should perform better than MGSV, FFXIV, FFXV, TESO on same PC, since GW2 have lighter graphics.

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> @"particlepinata.9865" said:

> If its a corpg (multiplayer game) like the first game yes. With fresh modern mechanics and interface ofcourse. If its an mmo, not so interested. Slowly getting tired of zerging with too many people in the openworld instead of together with a more compact band of players. It takes out the immersion out of everything.


MMo genre is dying people wants shooters

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I really don't expect a GW3 any time soon. I wouldn't mind a sequel _eventually_, but having one just for reasons such as wanting new races, new regions, or what have you, is not the greatest of reasons for making a completely new MMO. That's exactly why expansions exist. Creating a new MMO and maintaining it is neither an easy nor cheap task. I know GW1 is still running and being partially maintained by a small team, but I'm not sure GW2 would be sustained on a split team, with resources being split between GW2 and GW3. As has been repeated throughout the thread, _if_ they were to make a new MMO it would need to be with significant improvements/changes, such as an engine overhaul; a significant change to the mechanics; other stuff that can't be fixed with a simple patch, or be put into an expansion.


I see people commenting that 5 years is already too old, and it really baffles me that these people think that MMOs have lifespans as short as that. I'll just say this; MMOs are not your franchise games that get crapped out annually, to make a quick buck, and you can't judge their lifespan in comparison to those games. MMOs are made to last, otherwise the developers would be haemorrhaging money.

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Nah. I jumped into GW2 solely because of GW1. GW1 was such a game changer and was so much fun to play that I was for sure going to continue with GW2. And I did. However, as much as I like playing GW2, it doesnt have the same impact on me as the first game. The main thing that still draws me in is the lore and the nostalgia from the original game. The current state of the game/balances just left me scratching my head. It’s just so meta heavy and the devs not doing anything much to change that. :/

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I also voted for a new start, because I have the feeling that we are in a similiar situation as in the end of GW1 - where the devs have tons and tons of new ideas but are hold back by old tech and old design philosophies that changed over time. For example:


- Mounts were never considered when the base game started. While I personally find the idea of mounts one of the best things to happen to the game, the old world feels now incredible small because of them

- Healing Classes werent planned. Which led to the design decision that you cannot target your allies. Which makes playing healing/support classes like the druid quite clunky.

- The new action camera cannot achieve its full potential because the old system still is in place.

- New Systems like Masteries and Elite Specialisation are competing with old Techniques like the leveling System and Core Specs. Most base professions were not designed with the poaaibility of elite specialisations in mind. Meaning that same old mechaniques have to be stuffed into the elite spec no matter what (sand shroud for examle)


Long Story short, the game has evolved, but is held back by decisions made with past design philosophies. A new Beginning would solve this problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I voted other. It's hard to explain, but I have been with the GW franchise since the beginning of Prophecies. I remember Drok's runs, 55 UW farming, and trading miniatures with other players. When GW2 came about, I was there with them. I remember trying to decide which race to be, and being disappointed that I couldn't put Norn cultural armor on my diminutive human. I have seen changes (good and bad) and I have chewed through content that has kept me busy all these years. Face it... 2005 is a long long time ago. I just don't know what GW3 would look like. Truthfully, I'm not sure I want to know.


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