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[Suggestion] 4th Specialization Slot

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With the current state of hard hitting and a little tanky mobs in path of fire map, some profession just feels a bit weaker and die easily especially when not properly dps geared, while the proper geared one could kill them in a matter of seconds, what if in the next expansion Anet upscale the enemies to lv.. says 88-90 but add 4th specialization slot for us to use but still one elite spec at a time, for purpose of balancing just implement it on pve environment so It wouldn't create an overpowered build in wvw or pvp, this way we still have a horizontal progression without the need of increasing level caps and grinding higher lv gears I don't know if this already been suggested before but I think this should be fun to play.

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How does this even out anything besides introduce more power creep? Your basis for this suggestion is supposedly for the benefit of players without sensible gear, yet it will undoubtedly further enhance the efficacy of players who do, which then further trivialize PVE content. Then in order to normalize PVE content, ANet's already-questionable balance methodology would face an even greater challenge.


Wouldn't it just be easier to have players realize "Play how you want" does not mean they do not need to put effort into their build considerations?

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