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Think that the nercos are overpowered, wait untill you meet a p/p deadeye...


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hahahaha I fought many of these P/P noobs in WvW, believe me, their worst fear is to fight against a warrior with shield.

Poor noobs, I pity them, they think that by spamming #3 they are going to defeat this PRO, elite, Godly warrior, master of the universe and owner of their souls.

I laugh so hard when they instantly die by means of their own stupidity.


Charr Warrior Master race!

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Surprised this thread is still going on...


P/P excels at catching people off guard...but if you already expect it then it's pretty useless.


At the same time as a Thief (and same goes for Deadeye Rifle)... if you know the enemy team expects you to unload. You can bait out their counters...but this assumes the Thief is smart enough (which, with any type of Thief, is the rarest thing imaginable).


Thieves running those builds run a HUGE gamble and add a HUGE handicap to their team. There are so many counters against it and it only excels against those unfortunate enough not to know what the kitten is going on.

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> @"LUST.7241" said:

> At the same time as a Thief (and same goes for Deadeye Rifle)... if you know the enemy team expects you to unload. You can bait out their counters...but this assumes the Thief is smart enough (which, with any type of Thief, is the rarest thing imaginable).


I play Thief and Engi almost equally in SPvP, where do i fit in your idiotic logic?


Anyway, like others said, P/P can be good in some scenarios, i have a blast with it in unranked, but in ranked it really doesn't do what Thieves are meant to do in a meta environement, which is decap and +1, as you give up a fair bit of mobility and almost all forms of stealth playing it, and obviously you're vulnerable to reflect spam from Mesmers and Warriors among a few others. Its also harder to nuke down priority target (like Scourges) when they're actively being supported which tend to happen a lot the higher you go.

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> @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> Seriously, down within few sec. Theft just spawns one simple skill and can take the whole team down with it.[https://ibb.co/cBNRNw](https://ibb.co/cBNRNw "https://ibb.co/cBNRNw")


I find it rather easy to deal with an unload of p/p as opposed to mindless button mashing scourges. They endlessly apply conditions and keep ripping your boons.

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> @"Griever.8150" said:

> > @"LUST.7241" said:

> > At the same time as a Thief (and same goes for Deadeye Rifle)... if you know the enemy team expects you to unload. You can bait out their counters...but this assumes the Thief is smart enough (which, with any type of Thief, is the rarest thing imaginable).


> I play Thief and Engi almost equally in SPvP, where do i fit in your idiotic logic?


> Anyway, like others said, P/P can be good in some scenarios, i have a blast with it in unranked, but in ranked it really doesn't do what Thieves are meant to do in a meta environement, which is decap and +1, as you give up a fair bit of mobility and almost all forms of stealth playing it, and obviously you're vulnerable to reflect spam from Mesmers and Warriors among a few others. Its also harder to nuke down priority target (like Scourges) when they're actively being supported which tend to happen a lot the higher you go.


I'm curious...you do realize you answered your own question right?

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