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Idol of Balthazar


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Hey guys!


I know this is a bit of an old topic, but I recently (re-)did the Priory instance where you defend Lion's Arch using the Idol of Balthazar. I decided to do some research on it, since I had only rudimentary knowledge of what it was and how we got it.


So what I managed to find was that the Mane warband find it and there is whole arc about it and the Charr PC's father.


However, I couldn't find anything on it aside from that. So my questions are:

* Where did the Mane warband find the Idol? How did it arrive in Ascalon?

* How old is the Idol? Is it an ancient artifact like Sohothin and Magdaer given to humanity at some point?

* Was it made by Balthazar or by someone else?

* How did the idol end up in the hands of the Priory? The journal entry for [Misplaced Faith](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Misplaced_Faith "Misplaced Faith") claims it was destroyed.


I would appreciate answers on this and any lore I may have missed. Thanks in advance!

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* Most likely Ascalonian ruins. Given "outside the Black Citadel" perhaps from Rin or Nolani Academy. If not made in Ascalon, likely came from Orr.

* Unstated. Most divine magical artifacts are from before the Exodus, however. These idols were likely intended to be a "last case emergency" artifacts.

* Unstated. If not Balthazar himself, then an avatar of priest of his is likely.

* More than one idol, as Gixx says the idol is "no longer enchanted" because Balthazar "is not a deity that likes to use the same tactic twice". Both idols used were one-time-uses. There may have been more.

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