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Wintersday - Please Allow Premade groups!

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I feel like I ask for this pretty much every year, but this year if at all possible ANET can you PLEASE let us form and maintain premade groups for the Wintersday events this year? Every year I try to get my friends and I together so we can all play Toypocolypse, Bell Choir, and Winter Wonderland together, and every single year it boils down to this extremely frustrating mess of constantly trying to get into the same instance with them to play with them even if we're in the SAME PARTY going in.


This year is there any way we can make all of the games function like dungeon instances, where you have to form parties before you go into the events? Or at the very least give priority to premade groups when going into instances so they don't have to spend hours instance hopping trying to team up with one another? All of the winstersday events are amazing, and I want to experience all of them with my friends not just the Infinirarium...

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