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Is Thieves Guild Any Good?


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My main issue with Thieves Guild is and has always been the cast time 1 1/2s plus the 180s baseline cooldown. Similar "Elites":https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elite_skill have half to two-thirds the cooldown (or even less if part of PoF) relative to the cast time of the Elite. The only exception being Warrior Battle Standard for being the only immediate on target highest AoE ranged non-conditional revive (ie top or 2nd highest support Elites in the game).


The early August update helped with the damage component to make to Thieves Guild slightly better for the huge risk to cast (outside of stealth). The other main issue is if you use any stealth, the Thieves give your opponent a sense of direction or perhaps exact location of your movement (plus they can still be targeted for opponents to attack/weak) which gets you killed in WvW.


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Thieves Guild is the elite I pick for playing the story and soloing bosses in PvE (like HP challenges in the desert). Not for the additional damage but for the cc. A fight usually doesn't last longer than my thieves and these guys are spamming cc on the target. Basilisk Venom is only useful in a group (that knows about stacking) and Impact Strike is a one time use in a fight and you need to time it and stand on the target's feet. With Thieves Guild, you don't have to worry about a defiance bar showing up, they **will** break it.

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Thieves guild provides a decent damage steroid in Raids. The CC is not worth relying on as it can be random if they choose to use it or not. They double as body guards, and can accept any boons that the thief may throw out. They aren't like normal AI, in the sense they are super aggressive and will not stop attacking or pause.


All in All... they are pretty good. More reliable than Dagger Storm.

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