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Condi vs. Power - where are we at?


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Hey folks!


I recently returned from a long break (about 1-2 years) and as usual, I am planning on rolling with my ranger. I used to mainly enjoy PvP and WvW but I been planning on giving fractals a real shot, so I started digging into condi vs. power rangers (with soulbeast). At first I thought condi would emerge superior in every aspect (well, except for burst), but then I actually saw some videos hinting towards Power Rangers holding a strong position (at least up to fractal 40).


My opinion comes from a grand mix of videos, but I'll link the main power and condi one that I been looking into below.


My questions:

* For open world, what would the pros / cons be for condi and for power?

* For fractals, how far would a power build be acceptable?

* Which build do **-you-** use and why? :D


Videos if you're interested:

**Power LB/SA (credit to YouTuber wiNar23) **

**Condi SB/DT (credit to YouTuber Mike The Fish) **

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In T3 and T4 fractals condi is superior due to the higher toughness of the mobs and bosses.

Power is fine up to fractals level 50.

For open PvE you can use both but power kills faster because of your before hand mentioned burst.

I myself use a hybrid soulbeast build (vipers and grievers mixed with trapper-nightmare runes)

I mainly play PvE and its very nice for small mobs because of the better burst than condi and nice for tougher mobs due to the good condi dmg. When i play fractals i swap the griever parts with vipers.

Trait wise i use skirmish,soulbeast and WS.


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> @InsaneQR.7412 said:

> In T3 and T4 fractals condi is superior due to the higher toughness of the mobs and bosses.

> Power is fine up to fractals level 50.

> For open PvE you can use both but power kills faster because of your before hand mentioned burst.

> I myself use a hybrid soulbeast build (vipers and grievers mixed with trapper-nightmare runes)

> I mainly play PvE and its very nice for small mobs because of the better burst than condi and nice for tougher mobs due to the good condi dmg. When i play fractals i swap the griever parts with vipers.

> Trait wise i use skirmish,soulbeast and WS.



Ah! Thank you very much, mate :D I am not planning on pushing fractals that much, so if I can go as far up as 50 then I think that is more than enough so I think I'll stick with my power build then. :)

Appreciate the answer!

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> @Dezember.1295 said:

> > @InsaneQR.7412 said:

> > In T3 and T4 fractals condi is superior due to the higher toughness of the mobs and bosses.

> > Power is fine up to fractals level 50.

> > For open PvE you can use both but power kills faster because of your before hand mentioned burst.

> > I myself use a hybrid soulbeast build (vipers and grievers mixed with trapper-nightmare runes)

> > I mainly play PvE and its very nice for small mobs because of the better burst than condi and nice for tougher mobs due to the good condi dmg. When i play fractals i swap the griever parts with vipers.

> > Trait wise i use skirmish,soulbeast and WS.

> >


> Ah! Thank you very much, mate :D I am not planning on pushing fractals that much, so if I can go as far up as 50 then I think that is more than enough so I think I'll stick with my power build then. :)

> Appreciate the answer!


It will get tougher though the higher you go.

Try to slowly graduate to condi when you hit T2 fractals.

Maybe hybrid will do. Best way to find out is to try it out. If you struggle to keep up dmg try to swap to condi.

Np always like to help other players.

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> @InsaneQR.7412 said:

> > @Dezember.1295 said:

> > > @InsaneQR.7412 said:

> > > In T3 and T4 fractals condi is superior due to the higher toughness of the mobs and bosses.

> > > Power is fine up to fractals level 50.

> > > For open PvE you can use both but power kills faster because of your before hand mentioned burst.

> > > I myself use a hybrid soulbeast build (vipers and grievers mixed with trapper-nightmare runes)

> > > I mainly play PvE and its very nice for small mobs because of the better burst than condi and nice for tougher mobs due to the good condi dmg. When i play fractals i swap the griever parts with vipers.

> > > Trait wise i use skirmish,soulbeast and WS.

> > >

> >

> > Ah! Thank you very much, mate :D I am not planning on pushing fractals that much, so if I can go as far up as 50 then I think that is more than enough so I think I'll stick with my power build then. :)

> > Appreciate the answer!


> It will get tougher though the higher you go.

> Try to slowly graduate to condi when you hit T2 fractals.

> Maybe hybrid will do. Best way to find out is to try it out. If you struggle to keep up dmg try to swap to condi.

> Np always like to help other players.


Alright, will do! Thanks again, mate! :D

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i use both power and cndi soulbeast so ether is good depending on what game type you are in. if you do a lot of wvw i would say go power for the rang and use smokescale for you to get the mist attack like the rev its a lot of fun. if you are in pve same set up is good you can go all the way up to fractal 100 but condi is a little more sustaned at t3 and t4 and can be better if you cant stay up. for me the power and condi are almost even in pve so its up to you what you like and what is better for you. i condi is good in spvp if you want to try that but its all play style typs. i should say i almost never use food so that could change do to that.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> Given that the next balance patch is due to address condi balance, you might want to wait before investing in expensive gear. Just a thought.


That is very good to know, thank you. However, to my knowledge power ranger (at least LB setup) has never been super viable because of the weak AAs. I might be wrong on this though :)


> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> i use both power and cndi soulbeast so ether is good depending on what game type you are in. if you do a lot of wvw i would say go power for the rang and use smokescale for you to get the mist attack like the rev its a lot of fun. if you are in pve same set up is good you can go all the way up to fractal 100 but condi is a little more sustaned at t3 and t4 and can be better if you cant stay up. for me the power and condi are almost even in pve so its up to you what you like and what is better for you. i condi is good in spvp if you want to try that but its all play style typs. i should say i almost never use food so that could change do to that.


Thank you! I am trying out condi with exotic gear as we speak and I find it... Alright? I'll just keep enjoying it for a while and wait for the patch Jugglemonkey mentioned and see where that leaves us. As for now, I enjoy both power and condi :D so I could settle for either at the moment.

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