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Spellbreakers in wvw


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Any thoughts on Spellbreakers and the new meta they are forcing?


Playing WvW a lot since the last patch and i have noticed the massive abuse of the spellbreaker bubbles since the last patch.


Here is how it works against T1 and T2 servers for us.


We have maybe 30 in a squad most of the time on EB for example, while the main T1 or T2 servers like BG, Mag or JQ have 60-80 or more.


Most of the opponents team is rangers and scourge with a few thieves and healers on the side.


The thieves and mesmers in the group stealth the masses of spellbreakers in their group (usually 7-12 or more) and they all run in stealthed on push. All at once, they all pop the bubbles and these bubbles cover a wide area and prevent the enemy (us) from doing any damage at all except melee.


The bubble convert boons, prevent casts and also prevent ranged damage.


At one point this week, just because of sheer numbers on the YBBL/Mag/FA matchup... Mag had a string of bubbles all the way from the smc gate to the green keep doors, 2 bubbles wide which in turn wiped out our entire force in one push.


I hope there are plans already in the works to nerf these or at least tone them down a little


Right now the fact stands that the bubble is just too wide and large and prevents too much damage inside it. They are basically a walking free kill zone for anyone unfortunate enough to get caught inside them. There is really no counter to them in mass like this. Popping a bubble IN a bubble does nothing because the cast is negated.


Basically it comes down to whomever gets the bubble off first and whoever has the most massive numbers, making the over stacking of servers like mag and bg even more apparent.


When they are misused like this, it kills the game



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> @trueanimus.4085 said:

> Any thoughts on Spellbreakers and the new meta they are forcing?


> Playing WvW a lot since the last patch and i have noticed the massive abuse of the spellbreaker bubbles since the last patch.


> Here is how it works against T1 and T2 servers for us.


> We have maybe 30 in a squad most of the time on EB for example, while the main T1 or T2 servers like BG, Mag or JQ have 60-80 or more.


> Most of the opponents team is rangers and scourge with a few thieves and healers on the side.


> The thieves and mesmers in the group stealth the masses of spellbreakers in their group (usually 7-12 or more) and they all run in stealthed on push. All at once, they all pop the bubbles and these bubbles cover a wide area and prevent the enemy (us) from doing any damage at all except melee.


> The bubble convert boons, prevent casts and also prevent ranged damage.


> At one point this week, just because of sheer numbers on the YBBL/Mag/FA matchup... Mag had a string of bubbles all the way from the smc gate to the green keep doors, 2 bubbles wide which in turn wiped out our entire force in one push.


> I hope there are plans already in the works to nerf these or at least tone them down a little


> Right now the fact stands that the bubble is just too wide and large and prevents too much damage inside it. They are basically a walking free kill zone for anyone unfortunate enough to get caught inside them. There is really no counter to them in mass like this. Popping a bubble IN a bubble does nothing because the cast is negated.


> Basically it comes down to whomever gets the bubble off first and whoever has the most massive numbers, making the over stacking of servers like mag and bg even more apparent.


> When they are misused like this, it kills the game


> Opinions?


It doesnt convert boons... It rips them. It doesnt stop you from still casting inside it othewise i wouldnt be able to warrior shield #5 in it. You did however get the last bit right, blocks ranged projectiles :^). Leave sb alone.

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> @Blood.5607 said:

> > @trueanimus.4085 said:

> > Any thoughts on Spellbreakers and the new meta they are forcing?

> >

> > Playing WvW a lot since the last patch and i have noticed the massive abuse of the spellbreaker bubbles since the last patch.

> >

> > Here is how it works against T1 and T2 servers for us.

> >

> > We have maybe 30 in a squad most of the time on EB for example, while the main T1 or T2 servers like BG, Mag or JQ have 60-80 or more.

> >

> > Most of the opponents team is rangers and scourge with a few thieves and healers on the side.

> >

> > The thieves and mesmers in the group stealth the masses of spellbreakers in their group (usually 7-12 or more) and they all run in stealthed on push. All at once, they all pop the bubbles and these bubbles cover a wide area and prevent the enemy (us) from doing any damage at all except melee.

> >

> > The bubble convert boons, prevent casts and also prevent ranged damage.

> >

> > At one point this week, just because of sheer numbers on the YBBL/Mag/FA matchup... Mag had a string of bubbles all the way from the smc gate to the green keep doors, 2 bubbles wide which in turn wiped out our entire force in one push.

> >

> > I hope there are plans already in the works to nerf these or at least tone them down a little

> >

> > Right now the fact stands that the bubble is just too wide and large and prevents too much damage inside it. They are basically a walking free kill zone for anyone unfortunate enough to get caught inside them. There is really no counter to them in mass like this. Popping a bubble IN a bubble does nothing because the cast is negated.

> >

> > Basically it comes down to whomever gets the bubble off first and whoever has the most massive numbers, making the over stacking of servers like mag and bg even more apparent.

> >

> > When they are misused like this, it kills the game

> >

> > Opinions?


> It doesnt convert boons... It rips them. It doesnt stop you from still casting inside it othewise i wouldnt be able to warrior shield #5 in it. You did however get the last bit right, blocks ranged projectiles :^). Leave sb alone.


I think by "prevents casts" he's talking about "Incoming boons are immediately removed.", which is on top of the standard de-boon going on.


Either way, the skill feels very overpowered.


At 10 targets and that giant bubble and 10 seconds... it's the undisputed king of elites, times 2. At least.

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anet shits on warriors face over and over patch after patch.

then on the new xpack we get a lolly pop and all of a sudden.. everyone starts crying ?

come on.. deal with it..

warriors already fuking weak against condi... they nerfed every single build while boosting every other class .

spellbreakers right now on mass fights is a class that is responsable for 1 thing... going in and using bubble..thats about it..after that..he can die.. noone will care..

scourges will still be fuking everyone with mass condis..revs will still be doing everything a berzerker or vanilla warrior does, just better.

guards will still be mandatory..

ele will still be mandatory as well..

warriors got shitted on the face even on raids.. anet fuked up the PS build.. why? cause groups were actually searching for warriors for raids... now they can just do it without them anyway....

so again..stop crying..it is a strong skill? yes it is..

so what? learn to avoid it.. the scene you described is sure OP as fuk, but mainly because of the stealth and not the bubble. if the warriors were not stealthed you would just avoid them or condi bomb them to death...but since they are stealthed you decide to come here and cry for nerfs on warrior..

and the worst part is.. anet is going to nerf it cause that is the meta for the devs..

'hm..we got nothing to add on the patch this week.. lets just add a new nerf to warriors, just to add something.. that always works"

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Ok first of all, get your facts straight and don't throw out random numbers. WoD does not convert boons, it removes them. It does not prevent casting, it prevents re-application on boons while inside the bubble. It does not prevent ranged damage, it blocks projectiles. That is not the same as preventing ranged damage.


Second, strategic use of WoD is a lot better then wasting it, and spamming it off cool down don't you agree?


Third, here is the counter, all you have to do is literally MOVE OUT OF THE WAY, the same as with any aoe. If you take a lot of damage from an aoe spell, you move out of the way don't you? Why would you act as if WoD is somehow different? Don't stand in the bubble...


What does this skill have to do with MAG or BG?


Learn to stop getting carried by boons, and it won't be a problem for you.



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> @"trueanimus.4085" said:

> The bubble convert boons, prevent casts and also prevent ranged damage.


It doesnt do anything from what you said :D

And i like that skill.... u cant just nobrain push into enemy... you need more now... all experienced commanders makes fake push... to let them put WoD and then move back, aside, then aproach again. Once you are dumb... you are dead in bubble. It puts more strategies on table... how to defend choke points... how to move... tactics like stealt sb putting wod .... or backpeddaling and puting wod defensively...

If your group pushing into 10 bubbles... its really messed up :D also your enemy is not the best... if they make 90 sec no bubble time :D


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I've been a Warrior main since launch and WoD is hilariously overpowered. It's the strongest zone denial skill WvW has ever seen and it can do big damage if traited to. The worst bit is when a wild spellbreaker pops up out of seemingly nowhere and puts it right on your regroup.

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Warriors in general need their damage drastically lowered or their survivability fixed. There's no reason why instant cast "Throw axe" should be critting for 7k damage. Ontop of the constant gap closers, extremely high health regen, and just general ability to cleave everything dead in a few hits while being immune to cc and damage.


Now with the condi meta changing it's going to be mostly warriors in wvw anyway. So enjoy being repeatedly stunned, interrupted, and having more damage done to you in a half a second than you can do to them in 5.


I'd be fine with the damage if a one on one with one didn't involve somehow kiting them despite their charge to your every move, or their random blade tosses that do 7k damage, until their endure pain x 2 wears off. Then it's just a matter of somehow doing enough damage to them before their endure pain is up to actually kill them. I've always found them a lot harder to fight in wvw than spvp anyway though. So maybe they just get too much stat contribution.


I've never understood why people find warrior fun anyway. Thematically, along with ranger, it's the most boring profession out of all of them. But I guess if you can be immortal and hit like a truck, why not?


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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> Warriors in general need their damage drastically lowered or their survivability fixed. There's no reason why instant cast "Throw axe" should be critting for 7k damage. Ontop of the constant gap closers, extremely high health regen, and just general ability to cleave everything dead in a few hits while being immune to cc and damage.


> Now with the condi meta changing it's going to be mostly warriors in wvw anyway. So enjoy being repeatedly stunned, interrupted, and having more damage done to you in a half a second than you can do to them in 5.


> I'd be fine with the damage if a one on one with one didn't involve somehow kiting them despite their charge to your every move, or their random blade tosses that do 7k damage, until their endure pain x 2 wears off. Then it's just a matter of somehow doing enough damage to them before their endure pain is up to actually kill them. I've always found them a lot harder to fight in wvw than spvp anyway though. So maybe they just get too much stat contribution.


> I've never understood why people find warrior fun anyway. Thematically, along with ranger, it's the most boring profession out of all of them. But I guess if you can be immortal and hit like a truck, why not?



tried to gank a warrior with your thief and got pwned? Would you like to show us on the puppet, where the big bad warri touched you? and now coming here and cry for nerfs ...


on topic to bubbles: as xtd said, move out of the way, simple as that.

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I think the bubble is fine. Gives Warrior a real purpose in WvW, I take it upon myself, as I can't get too involved with the blob of players, to watch for any warrior peeling off and try and CC them.


I would say mesmer has far stronger skills, from portal to feed back to mass cloak. And Ele meteor is the most OP crowd skill in the game, 1 well timed ele can change a zergs course or take out siege no one else can touch, and the damage per hit is crazy.

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> @"Shadowresli.3782" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > Warriors in general need their damage drastically lowered or their survivability fixed. There's no reason why instant cast "Throw axe" should be critting for 7k damage. Ontop of the constant gap closers, extremely high health regen, and just general ability to cleave everything dead in a few hits while being immune to cc and damage.

> >

> > Now with the condi meta changing it's going to be mostly warriors in wvw anyway. So enjoy being repeatedly stunned, interrupted, and having more damage done to you in a half a second than you can do to them in 5.

> >

> > I'd be fine with the damage if a one on one with one didn't involve somehow kiting them despite their charge to your every move, or their random blade tosses that do 7k damage, until their endure pain x 2 wears off. Then it's just a matter of somehow doing enough damage to them before their endure pain is up to actually kill them. I've always found them a lot harder to fight in wvw than spvp anyway though. So maybe they just get too much stat contribution.

> >

> > I've never understood why people find warrior fun anyway. Thematically, along with ranger, it's the most boring profession out of all of them. But I guess if you can be immortal and hit like a truck, why not?

> >


> tried to gank a warrior with your thief and got pwned? Would you like to show us on the puppet, where the big bad warri touched you? and now coming here and cry for nerfs ...


> on topic to bubbles: as xtd said, move out of the way, simple as that.


Maybe a very good warrior indeed, it is hard to admit getting killed by a good player, all blames goes to the class instead.


On topic, i am thinking maybe a stationary bubble is too easy to miss, what about put a debuff on whoever walked through the bauble, stay 10 sec and remove all boon on them while it last. Reduce bauble up time...

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Aside from your mischaracterization of what the golden bubble does, as it’s been covered, you need to remember a few things. First, WoD only becomes a strong elite when fighting 5 or more people, otherwise its an improved guard shield 5 that people just move out of and gives you a second to refocus.

Second, in the example you gave, to do a WoD chain of that magnitude takes a significant amount of coordination, even more so if you are actively pushing an enemy blob.

Finally, I would argue that boon spam has gotten even more out of control, and now that there is a balance to the extreme boon spam that started just before HOT, a lot of puglings and less skilled guild groups complain instead of adapting and using counters, such as out flanking the enemy push, fake pushes to bait WoD, using terrain to use ApE ranged attacks to melt enemies in a WoD, etc. Is it strong? Yes. Is it broken? No. It just requires counterplay that isn’t spam, which people whine about.


Other strong elites that have equal utility, some in differebt areas of the game: jaunt (great for roaming), Tempest Elite (great support), Moratar Kit (sees consistent and even use making it one of the most well rounded elites), guardian invuln (great all around use).


Is WoD the strongest of these? Potentially, though I could make an argument that each of those elites is just as string in a different way.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> Warriors in general need their damage drastically lowered or their survivability fixed. There's no reason why instant cast "Throw axe" should be critting for 7k damage. Ontop of the constant gap closers, extremely high health regen, and just general ability to cleave everything dead in a few hits while being immune to cc and damage.


> Now with the condi meta changing it's going to be mostly warriors in wvw anyway. So enjoy being repeatedly stunned, interrupted, and having more damage done to you in a half a second than you can do to them in 5.


> I'd be fine with the damage if a one on one with one didn't involve somehow kiting them despite their charge to your every move, or their random blade tosses that do 7k damage, until their endure pain x 2 wears off. Then it's just a matter of somehow doing enough damage to them before their endure pain is up to actually kill them. I've always found them a lot harder to fight in wvw than spvp anyway though. So maybe they just get too much stat contribution.


> I've never understood why people find warrior fun anyway. Thematically, along with ranger, it's the most boring profession out of all of them. But I guess if you can be immortal and hit like a truck, why not?



Are you mad? Pointing out how lazy cheap and easy it is to -play most warrior builds is? You'll anger the swarm! No one is going to admit their class is skillessly easy to play otherwise that would be admitting they could be getting skills because of their class rather than how good they are! this goes for every class, look at all the thives disagreeing with how broken DJ is and just saying "L2P" rather than admitting a very strong skill, is very strong and a very strong class is very strong.

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > Warriors in general need their damage drastically lowered or their survivability fixed. There's no reason why instant cast "Throw axe" should be critting for 7k damage. Ontop of the constant gap closers, extremely high health regen, and just general ability to cleave everything dead in a few hits while being immune to cc and damage.

> >

> > Now with the condi meta changing it's going to be mostly warriors in wvw anyway. So enjoy being repeatedly stunned, interrupted, and having more damage done to you in a half a second than you can do to them in 5.

> >

> > I'd be fine with the damage if a one on one with one didn't involve somehow kiting them despite their charge to your every move, or their random blade tosses that do 7k damage, until their endure pain x 2 wears off. Then it's just a matter of somehow doing enough damage to them before their endure pain is up to actually kill them. I've always found them a lot harder to fight in wvw than spvp anyway though. So maybe they just get too much stat contribution.

> >

> > I've never understood why people find warrior fun anyway. Thematically, along with ranger, it's the most boring profession out of all of them. But I guess if you can be immortal and hit like a truck, why not?

> >


> Are you mad? Pointing out how lazy cheap and easy it is to -play most warrior builds is? You'll anger the swarm! No one is going to admit their class is skillessly easy to play otherwise that would be admitting they could be getting skills because of their class rather than how good they are! this goes for every class, look at all the thives disagreeing with how broken DJ is and just saying "L2P" rather than admitting a very strong skill, is very strong and a very strong class is very strong.


You're playing post-HoT/PoF gw2... is there any class that requires high skill to succeed? But his comments and prediction about warrior demonstrate some serious l2p issues for sure.

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> @"trueanimus.4085" said:

> Any thoughts on Spellbreakers and the new meta they are forcing?


> Playing WvW a lot since the last patch and i have noticed the massive abuse of the spellbreaker bubbles since the last patch.


> Here is how it works against T1 and T2 servers for us.


> We have maybe 30 in a squad most of the time on EB for example, while the main T1 or T2 servers like BG, Mag or JQ have 60-80 or more.


> Most of the opponents team is rangers and scourge with a few thieves and healers on the side.


> The thieves and mesmers in the group stealth the masses of spellbreakers in their group (usually 7-12 or more) and they all run in stealthed on push. All at once, they all pop the bubbles and these bubbles cover a wide area and prevent the enemy (us) from doing any damage at all except melee.


> The bubble convert boons, prevent casts and also prevent ranged damage.


> At one point this week, just because of sheer numbers on the YBBL/Mag/FA matchup... Mag had a string of bubbles all the way from the smc gate to the green keep doors, 2 bubbles wide which in turn wiped out our entire force in one push.


> I hope there are plans already in the works to nerf these or at least tone them down a little


> Right now the fact stands that the bubble is just too wide and large and prevents too much damage inside it. They are basically a walking free kill zone for anyone unfortunate enough to get caught inside them. There is really no counter to them in mass like this. Popping a bubble IN a bubble does nothing because the cast is negated.


> Basically it comes down to whomever gets the bubble off first and whoever has the most massive numbers, making the over stacking of servers like mag and bg even more apparent.


> When they are misused like this, it kills the game


> Opinions?


It's a messed up, forced meta that can't be stopped - the numbers involved are exactly as he states - 60+ vs 23-30 - all day, every day, on most servers.


Where is the skill component we used to have?



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