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A Server Held Hostage by its Population


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> @"Redponey.8352" said:


> Creating a GvG system would be great if it would be done as soon as possible. (Twitch streaming GvG etc would be great to give good entertainment to people and others)

> (I remember Team Aggression [TA] Vs [LaG] Callous Philosophy, Obsidian sanctum were full and with Q , we were easily more than 500 people to watch the stream)

> I can give some idea , i hope that Anet will read this.


These were some nice fights. I also like the idea of GvG in the way it was in Guild Wars1 , but in Guild Wars 2 not implemented in WvW well still face the risk of loosing more people to GvG


I agree with you that a more accurate population calculation in combination with free trans to mid-pop Server would help the momentum.



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I kinda think they missed the moment where they could've changed some things without so many people loosing their hope in them. Every day passing without a deadline being dropped more and more people become super saltyjin.. Not saying they have to fix this WvW mess in a week... its really a wide range of factors influencing this game mode.. But it is imperative that ANET starts to inform people about the progress from time to time... I.E. Just inform us every two weeks so at least we have a date to focus on, so we can show these announcements to frustrated players and give them the feeling of beeing heard again..


Best for your new year goals,


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Sorry, but any system that is for general WvW that prioritizes guilds over general players is not something I'd support.


I majorly roam myself - no rep, alone. So i may have a bit of an idea what your point is but can you please share your thoughts? an additional option for the general public can still be implemented but of course going in wvw as a 'general public' will not merit you the guild benefits.


but i do see where my suggestion could create a problem with the general players

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> @"Seis.4736" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > Sorry, but any system that is for general WvW that prioritizes guilds over general players is not something I'd support.


> I majorly roam myself - no rep, alone. So i may have a bit of an idea what your point is but can you please share your thoughts? an additional option for the general public can still be implemented but of course going in wvw as a 'general public' will not merit you the guild benefits.


> but i do see where my suggestion could create a problem with the general players


i know what you mean , actually i think that u're right and wrong at the same time. Guilds in WvW bring activities (raids , commander , PU leading, event, roam etc... ) but also guildless people use be to an important part because they roam, defend , follow commander etc..


i think that general WvW will give attractives part for Guilds as much as general player. actually there are none attractives part anymore for both


Often Server Communities is form by WvW Guild player

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people is bored from other people . You can not pretend that every people play the class you want with the build you want. On the other side ascended and so are not cheap and casual players prefer to invest for pve contents so they feel frustrated coming in wvw. I play only spvp and wvw ( really lo,w pve) but i also don't have a "meta character" for wvw ( i am roamer and usually i roam with a power mesmer which does not require a strict meta ( marauder,berserker, viper or a little of mix can works too)

but what i have found that in zerg usually people is too elitist and so casual players prefer to go to EOTM or to Open world event. I think one of the first issues for low population in wvw is core population itself who makes casual players run away. It is correct to criticize Anet but i think ay twvw core players and commanders have to rethink the way they often intercat with casual players in wvw . In a 6 years old game it is quite natural that people stop to play and that there is a turn over but if a game mode is "closed" for beginners they will do something else . Another thing that could help wvw is a system as spvp where everyone has access immediatly to the same stuff. This would help a lot core players to try and have fun from wvw.

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> @"Basti.3698" said:

> > @"boolah.1325" said:

> > Merging NA with EU would be awesome..


> Actually really like the idea.. Srsly waiting for some ANET news..



I don't think it is a good idea for lag. if you increase the distance the lag is higher. I play on EU and on NA with an F2p Account and on NA i have more retard in skill execution ( i have a cable )

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> @"PierPiero.9142" said:

> > @"Basti.3698" said:

> > > @"boolah.1325" said:

> > > Merging NA with EU would be awesome..

> >

> > Actually really like the idea.. Srsly waiting for some ANET news..

> >


> I don't think it is a good idea for lag. if you increase the distance the lag is higher. I play on EU and on NA with an F2p Account and on NA i have more kitten in skill execution ( i have a cable )

y, wouldnt be that great for the laggy ones, but more options to solve the population problems..


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more recent issue now is that we need answer and communication from anet... we can discuss forever if we want but with no **BIG** action from dev team this gamemode will die in a not that far time.


I don't even enjoy logging in WvW , with this update i have lost FPS now it's less than 25 in roaming whereas before this i always was over 25+ even in trifaction.....

Now, i should have more FPS playing PUBG and BDO than GW2 in WvW... i though that update should bring improvement and stability in game (maybe FPS Gain)

No change in WvW , No New content or/and meta (meta should have change every 4 Months not staying on WvW over 2 years...) Server community nearly dead..


How to not get bored with that?!?



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> @"Basti.3698" said:

> > @"PierPiero.9142" said:

> > > @"Basti.3698" said:

> > > > @"boolah.1325" said:

> > > > Merging NA with EU would be awesome..

> > >

> > > Actually really like the idea.. Srsly waiting for some ANET news..

> > >

> >

> > I don't think it is a good idea for lag. if you increase the distance the lag is higher. I play on EU and on NA with an F2p Account and on NA i have more kitten in skill execution ( i have a cable )

> y, wouldnt be that great for the laggy ones, but more options to solve the population problems..



U can do the same merging EU servers .... or linking more servers

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> @"boolah.1325" said:

> Merging NA with EU would be awesome..


I disagree - there will always be the language barrier. Not every German, Spanish, French,... player speaks good English (OK, neither does every NA player... ;) ) and they will be more or less kicked from the game mode. How can you participate in WvW if you don't understand what the Comm wants? If you cant report enemy zergs? ...


An option could be explicit "international servers" with the possibility to transfer there from an EU or NA account. But I don't know enough about the differences between NA and EU (apart from the time zone) to evaluate if that's realistic.



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> @"Bdews.7236" said:

> BB can never be full because it is the only Spanish server.


Because spanish People can't go on european Servers?


Same issue with the italian and british Servers... Hell of a mess /s


And of course you can only join BB if you are spanish...


This Argument is invalid, useless, makes no sense, and so on.

Just Close this Server.



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> @"BIGSPLAsH.4570" said:

> I play WvW on Elona and we have the same problems, many other servers have. We dont have enough ppl to be successfull. So where is the Problem? I guess the Problem is, that the game is getting older and older, ppl stop playing this game and wvw is the game mode which is suffering the most! So my suggestion is, Anet has to close some servers and transfer its players to the other servers. I know very well that anet is earning a lot of Money with this transfers of ppl and guilds. But Anet has to decide what is more important, earning money and let servers like elona die (elona is just a synonyme for the german community) or they start to concentrate all active ppl on only a few servers, maybe with new names. The terrible Serverlinkings already destroyed most server identitys, so where is the problem to close the lowest ones?! Maybe its hard in the first months, but it will help to bring success back in this gamemode. Anet pls be not so greedy and give the right impulse to get us back in good times!


> Yours sincerely Consta :3


They won't. This was proposed like a thousand times before. Even before the linking. Shrink the number of Servers. Close the smallest.

But as they already argumented several times, this would be "unfair", "not Tackling the main issue (????) and would hurt the "Feelings" of a lot of community members.



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> @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> Maybe kdr should play a bigger role in points. This would be better to stop servers from tanking because they just want to attack players in mass. The strongest can go to the top with the populations that can resist their fight easier. It is rumored that some servers purposely tank to get the easier fights, I feel this erodes already weaker servers by demoralizing zergs before they can gain momentum. Holding towers is kinda boring, maybe weaken the walls a little on towers that don't have a waypoint, that way the population can feel like they are progressing more.


Rumoured they tank?? it is factual some servers who we all know who they are do it so they will not get their behind whipped in T1. Why ?because they do not have the gumption to play the game and rather beat the chest about KDR which has no meaning at all.

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Merges do nothing to solve this problem long-term. There's a reason T1 is extremely boring and one-sided: Even with similar populations, players in such large scale gravitate towards groups that win and win often. Top servers have repeatedly intentionally manipulated their capacity status to gain more players despite being a full server. A lost tag to someone quitting on third place in T1 can kill a server overnight as second-rate commanders don't cut it and lack the experience to lead such groups in most cases. Players get rolled and demoralized, and want to move out. Simple merges also don't solve the problems of population coverage disparities, and just bump queues.


The PPT adjustments keep scores closer together, too. 15% is actually a huge margin. It pretty much means you're only ever holding things most hours of the day just from defensive siege bunkering, and not winning or coming close on any fights.


Really, if you want healthy WvW, fix the professions. As it stands, there's almost zero reason to even bother fighting another group when you have fewer people. The roaming scene was a population and PPT balancer, but an overwhelming majority of small guilds quit trying to WvW with all of the changes that came with HoT, and how horrible small-scale combat has gotten since then. Individual skill means next to nothing. There is no contest between the dominant builds and "the rest;" you can't spec to zerg-burst because current zergs have literally zero weaknesses. Everything's been powercreeped so far that people just fall over dead from ranged attackers that have tank stats and multiple immunities. Or you die by cheesy builds that 1HKO and have no tells and super low cooldowns.


At the end of the day, if it's just a numbers game, there's no sense in even bothering when playing without the numbers, which means even a server with tons of people, if not all there at the same time and unified by a tag, will be constantly getting rolled and bleeding players before they can muster a real force.



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> @"takatsu.9416" said:

> Aren't there also more accurate algorithms and data systems to use to determine population? Pip farmers shouldn't be calculated. It should be active players who are moving, moving out of keeps/towers into open field, using skills, using supply, and engaging with actual targets whether inanimate, NPCs or enemy players. Along with ppt and other results. All of these should feed into data and the calculation shouldn't be population but activity based, measured over a week and averaged. I'm pretty sure Anet has access to extremely detailed data and can devise appropriate smart algorithms to calculate.


> As far as I'm concerned, when a player makes an account they're asked to choose a server and it only matters for WvW. This means Anet needs to update and fix up it's wvw system because this server selection is really misleading if it doesn't mean much and has inaccurate data


Honestly I agree, but an easy way to fix population counts is this, when it comes to accounts being counted, lets say for someone who only enters wvw once a week, okay well after 24 hours that person is no longer counted towards the WvW Population total for that server, that would also help create a more accurate picture for servers. Alot of players only go in there once and don't go in for the rest of the week.

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> @"Kay Hude.2910" said:

> > @"boolah.1325" said:

> > Merging NA with EU would be awesome..


> I disagree - there will always be the language barrier. Not every German, Spanish, French,... player speaks good English (OK, neither does every NA player... ;) ) and they will be more or less kicked from the game mode. How can you participate in WvW if you don't understand what the Comm wants? If you cant report enemy zergs? ...


> An option could be explicit "international servers" with the possibility to transfer there from an EU or NA account. But I don't know enough about the differences between NA and EU (apart from the time zone) to evaluate if that's realistic.


> --kay


There would still be servers that are dedicated French, German etc... There aren't and Korean/Thai/Taiwanese servers and they still play the game.


I play with a ping of 250 on EU and a ping of 350 on NA.



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> @"SnowPumpkin.1809" said:

> > @"atheria.2837" said:

> > > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> > > This is something that we are having chats internally about quite often. Essentially server population is a self perpetuating problem and layer on top of that problem region specific time zone population density and you end up in a situation like we have right now. It's not an easy problem to solve, and not a quick one. I can't yet comment on potential outcomes of the internal discussions, however I can comment specifically about this situation in EU.

> > >

> > > With BB topping participation and Kodash surging this week, the difference between the Worlds in 3rd and 9nd (for participation) is only between 5% and 15%. That's actually a good spread if those worlds matched up against eachother... however.... BB isn't listed as FULL and Kodash is. The idea of "Full" server status can mean a number of things, but mostly it's in attempt to balance WvW populations so that servers that get matched together have a equal paying field of participation. That's clearly not working if BB isn't FULL atm when it should be.

> > >

> > > I'll dig into it significantly more over the next few days (on the population/Server Status situation as a whole). Ideally I'd like at least server status updated (and working properly) before the winter break, but it might happen after. Solving the overarching self perpetuation of population unbalance is a larger issue to tackle, that's not a "soon" thing.

> >

> > "attempt to balance WvW populations so that servers that get matched together have a equal paying field of participation. "

> >

> > It's not working on any server any longer except the largest, and not even all the time on those.

> >

> > Undo the links. They've failed.

> >

> > Balance? I have an idea - merge NA and EU servers - or have a cycled server day and night schedule that can adjust for the inequities in numbers on 'off '

> > hours for servers on both EU and NA sides of the house.

> >

> > We're losing more and more people in WvW - and they aren't getting 'replaced' with new players, older ones are just moving to bigger and bigger servers and

> > the 'difference' is exponential between levels and servers - exponential means no 'equal' fights and a lot of 'gee, we took your whole bl for the week'. I just can't see how that's balance in any way.

> >

> > **People want WvW, but not so many numbers that there is no hope to win or even to fight what it 'out there'.**

> I love this idea! That's the biggest issue I've seen. I'm NA and my bf is EU and we have to pick one of the other to play together. Either way there are times when no one is on and we can't really play. International servers would be awesome for round the clock population.




Hole filling would be amazing - but it would take some real math skills - a decent algorithm, and here's the clincher, Anet playing its own game with us ;)

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