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[SAB] Super Adventure Box Support and Appreciation Thread


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The expansion is out in a few days.

The living story has a solid team with a nice release schedule.

That's all well and good, but after a few months with all the sand, that gets everywhere, we'll need a nice place to lean back and relax.

I'm talking about the Super Adventure Box of course!


Some questions to get the thread going:

What is your best memory from SAB?

What do you like the most about the blocky world?

What do you hope to see in the future areas?


For me, SAB is a nice change of pace and a world where nothing is too stupid to be done.

When it first came out, me and my friend sat in voice chat and laughed at each other as we failed.

Especially so when tribulation mode came out, although then the sweet sweet saltiness came as well.

Very much so when random bamboo spikes come out of the stupidest place.

It's very unique and offers a very unique experience.

And that's what makes it fun for me.


As for the poll, I'd hope it'd show ANet that it's worth spending time on the future areas and finish this "side story" once and for all, because it's something we want, and it would probably be nice for ANet to have it done and finished and removed from the table.

Now, the thread may seem a bit early, as SAB is scheduled for April. But it takes time to develop, and I only hope it's not too late to show support for a world 3 and forward.

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I didn't vote because I didn't want to say it's a waste of time, but I'm not personally interested in it. I love festivals, especially cultural ones and id live one showing off Asura tech, but I find it a bit much that, not only did they make an entire reality, but it was a lone asura with poor resources.

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> @hornswroggle.8023 said:

> I think SAB is perfect as a recurring Festival. I don't really need more of it. The dose makes the poison. I just hope that the Festivals Team has most of the Fests on Autopilot soon as they worked on that for the last year and can go into expanding the Festivals themselves (s.th. like World 3, New Rewards, new Activities, etc.)


Yup, that's exactly the thing.

World 3.

Not more often, but world 3.

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I always wonder why Anet haven't try to make something with the community in order to improve the SAB.


The first reason why Anet have stored the SAB so long is : "we don't ant to waste time/efforts/money/dev team to create more SAB content"


Ok, then ask players to share / contribute /create some level / theme / puzzle jumping (in Minecraft for exemple) and then dedicate a small dev team to mix / polish / balance them and add into some new SAB content.


I'm sure few dedicate players can create entire worlds, better that the actual SAB, in few weeks/months.

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> @Seiken.3176 said:

> I always wonder why Anet haven't try to make something with the community in order to improve the SAB.


> The first reason why Anet have stored the SAB so long is : "we don't ant to waste time/efforts/money/dev team to create more SAB content"


> Ok, then ask players to share / contribute /create some level / theme / puzzle jumping (in Minecraft for exemple) and then dedicate a small dev team to mix / polish / balance them and add into some new SAB content.


> I'm sure few dedicate players can create entire worlds, better that the actual SAB, in few weeks/months.


_sniff_ Theres a sensation in your comment _sniff_

Oh do I smell the sweet scent of Collaborative Development Initiative in there?

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