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Idea for balance


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1:Nerf every other class boon removal in pve except warrior and necros.

2:Make raid bosses in pve cast boons on themselves and allied enemies, and conditions on us.

3:Create 3 separate categories of game:Pve Pvp and WvW

4:Balance pve necros on on corrupt and condi corrupt like in fractals.



If each class has a role,then those classes can get into raids.If balance patch is needed after all these things. Then by all means nerf necro to balance.

If you support thumb this up for approval.

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I can't support that, sorry... Best way to balance necro is to first accept that boon corruption is only good for PvP/WvW and that there is a need for something else than boon corruption in PvE. Boon hate is necessary on all professions, a profession that have to much boon hate however is toxic. We've already reached past the limit of boon hate the necro can have, so let's admit it, the necromancer need something else for PvE.


Designing the professions in such a way that every group will need a necromancer to corrupt boon would be even more toxic than the fact that they designed druid, and nerf the warrior, in such a way that druid became the most efficient might stacker.

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No, There is already 3 separate gamemode and anet already balanced those separately. Now they also clearly state that between each mode it will only be "number" differences. No mechanism difference boon removal is part of the mesmer, revenant and thief mechanisms, it's even possible that more professions will gain access to it in the futur. The boon corruption niche will always sink further away as time pass.


Be it short or long term it's unlikely that making boon corruption the bread and butter of the necromancer will ever make the necromancer a good choice. And thus even if you nerf others boon removal in PvE specifically. I can even say that it will not be "fair".


At the moment, the necromancer is supposed to support it's allies throught condition management and boon corruption. It's simply impossible to make such a role viable in PvE. You want a solution for the necromancer in PvE? Just give the necromancer access to unique debuff that allow the necromancer to technically bypass the soft condition cap. A unique non stackable debuff that reduce toughness on a foe. It will have almost no effect in PvP/WvW and be loved by the PvE freaks. Just this single thing would have allowed the necromancer to confortably sit in the PvE meta these last 2 years. Instead we got more and more boon corruption that led the necromancer nowhere. It's time to stop to try to put the circle piece into the square hole.

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