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The single biggest issue with Mounts (interacting [F] in the Open World)

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This is _not_ about wishing we could hack n' slash enemies on our Mounts with Lances, Spears, Swords, etc. like you would do in games like the Dynasty Warriors series or Samurai Warriors series.


Nope. This is about 'interacting' with things when using [F] while on our Mounts **in the Open World**.


Other than interacting with nodes we have to use our harvesting tool on, axe on, or pickaxe on (requiring our characters to dismount), every time we interact with ANYTHING while we are on our Mounts (from NPCs to Chests, etc.), it automatically dismounts our character from our Mount. Over time, this becomes very irritating.


If we are on our Mounts, let us stay on our Mounts consistently throughout our traveling **in the Open World**. When in any of the big towns or playing Storylines, I can understand, where players are clustered together, but in the Open World where players are so spread out, this should not be a thing when we are doing Hearts or Map Completion.


Please fix. Thank you.

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> @"DearlyMe.5320" said:

> I assume it's like that so other people can also see what they're trying to interact with.


Correct. That should be a thing when we are in big towns and the like, including all the exclusive areas we get access to from the Gem Store, when everybody and their grandmother is surrounding NPCs, but _not_ in the Open World where players are so spread out. Pardon me for not being clearer in my OP.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"DearlyMe.5320" said:

> > I assume it's like that so other people can also see what they're trying to interact with.


> Okay, maybe that should be a thing when we are in big towns and the like, when everybody and their grandmother is surrounding NPCs, but _not_ in the Open World where players are so spread out.


You need to take into account when there are new living world story episodes or festivals, often an NPC can have a lot of players around it, this would be far worse if everyone was still mounted.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > @"DearlyMe.5320" said:

> > > I assume it's like that so other people can also see what they're trying to interact with.

> >

> > Okay, maybe that should be a thing when we are in big towns and the like, when everybody and their grandmother is surrounding NPCs, but _not_ in the Open World where players are so spread out.


> You need to take into account when there are new living world story episodes or festivals, often an NPC can have a lot of players around it, this would be far worse if everyone was still mounted.


That still does not mean it has to be a thing in the Open World when we are 85-90% of the time soloing around, exception to the rule when in the big towns, or as you brought up, when playing Storylines with other players. The issue is an issue to me notably when playing in areas where there are Hearts and the like.

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In LW4 episode 1, Daybreak, there is this part of the story where you have to pass the falling bells trap in Fahranur. In that instance, you can interact with the chains while being mounted (you don't press F, you use the special actions skill button). So there is a way to avoid the constant dismounting, it's just that Anet chose not to implement it outside the instance. Maybe because it would cause bugs, maybe not, my point is that they have already experimented with something that could address the iussue (for those who think this is a iussue. It's just a minor annoyance to me).

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long story short, there were gamebreaking glitches when interacting with prePoF elements. (Crashes, or errors, don't know)

They had the choice of keeping the game uniform or segregating prePoF and postPoF. They chose to keep the game uniform.

Its not an issue that can't be fixed with a quick patch, the devs already commented on this on the very first MMA.

I'm not saying your complaints are invalid, but you'll only hurt yourself if you let yourself get bothered by it because anet has already started they can't fix it anytime soon

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> @"Martnor.1746" said:

> I think it's just a bit of a realistic issue as well. Who mines/chops a tree/harvest vegetables from on top of a mount?


Where did I say it makes sense to mine, chop trees, and harvest vegetables while riding a Mount? Nowhere, because it makes no sense, yet talking to NPCs throughout the Open World _without_ getting dismounted every time _does_ make sense.


> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> long story short, there were gamebreaking glitches when interacting with prePoF elements. (Crashes, or errors, don't know)

> They had the choice of keeping the game uniform or segregating prePoF and postPoF. They chose to keep the game uniform.

> Its not an issue that can't be fixed with a quick patch, the devs already commented on this on the very first MMA.

> I'm not saying your complaints are invalid, but you'll only hurt yourself if you let yourself get bothered by it because anet has already started they can't fix it anytime soon


Then to that I say Anet should not have even thought about releasing Mounts (they had a WHILE to figure it all out) until they figured it all out, and the interacting [F] mechanic itself is a _very_ core/basic thing throughout the game. How did they manage to mess that up or not get it right?


My thing is I would have much rather had a more polished Mount system than what we have now, Anet knowing full and well more work needed to be done, yet instead we get Mounts that can't even interact with NPCs and the like throughout the Open World without dismounting. It is one of those annoyances that has the potential to get to somebody over a period of time, constantly dismounting and having to mount again, and again.


Some players here are saying, "Oh, well, don't let it get to you!" Well, it's getting to me, and I cannot help that, especially when players are now using their Mounts constantly throughout their gameplay.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> Shortly after PoF launch, they said there were several types of interactions that bugged out when performed mounted (they didn't specify what types, iirc) so they chose to dismount for everything.


Exactly. And given that remounting takes 1/2 a second, I personally don't have an issue with it. If mounting took 5 seconds like it can in other games, then I'd have more issues.


It can already be a bother to try to find that one person that is being covered up by a group. Let alone when griefers drop ton of crap that makes it so you can't interact with what you want because others are then in the way.

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