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What keeps you from raids?


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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Shard.4791" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > >Raids in today's MMO landscape is like "Oh wow.. Raids .. that's' like .. so... Umm **generic**"

> >

> >

> > Doesn't that apply for every game mode? :P


> Not at all.


> GW2 is very unique where its' Open World maps **are the game**, as opposed being little more then pointless filler between instance Dungeons and Raids.


> World Bosses, Dynamic Events, and just Open world Fun, like GW2, took a massive dive after ExQ, in lieu of Instance content, because most MMO's had really bad loot division. GW2 took that old school kind of play, and made it fun gain.


> Raids in GW2 are a step back in progress, like.. what next. on the regressive list, Kill Stealing and Ninja Looting?


Hell I just recently I did this Legendary Bounty in Riverlands that was an Ice Hydra and the mechanics reminded me of a beefed up version of a raid boss in Icecrown Citadel for WoW. They should beef up Vanilla World Bosses to Legendary Bounty level to give us engaging content across the whole game.

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I think what it boils down to for me is that I'm burnt out. I had a static for a while back and left because I was going on hiatus, and just haven't been bothered to try and get another static together. Those that I have tried to get together in the past were unreliable, having 6-7 of the members tardy or MIA without a word from them (which infuriates me to no end - you promise to be there at X o'clock then YOU BE THERE or have a damn good reason not to be!). The rewards from raids aren't enough for the effort taken to set up a static with my contacts/guildies, and I haven't joined another experienced static because I'm burnt out on the game in general.


Maybe if I can find my motivation for this game I'll find a static.

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The same things that keep me from dungeons and to a certain extent fractals. I don't like one-off mechanics. I'd rather use the full set of combat skills I've spent thousands of hours practicing in PvE and have them mostly work. I am not particularly interested in hiding behind a pillar, or standing in a colored circle, or not standing in a colored circle, etc. just because "that's the mechanic". It doesn't feel heroic, just algorithmic.


I do fill in with guild teams if they just need one more warm body, to help out my friends. Generally our leaders are willing to accept this filthy casual over the toxicity that happens more often than not whenever they look beyond the guild to find someone more competent/experienced from LFG. That said, I do have a full set of ascended and a "meta" build, and I understand it. I'm just bored the whole time. I'd rather be in the guild hall.

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I'd like to try raids.

I already enjoy T4 fractals from time to time.

The problem is something I've already experienced when I tried to get into CM-groups for fractals: You either did it before and have some way of proving it, or no one's gonna take you with them. Most people who engage in a specific content just want to get it done with for the rewards.

Whenever I found a training-group, the chance was high that there were people who came totally unprepared and wanted to just be carried through or people who had a clue and left after three to five wipes.

Given what I've heard from the forums and some contacts in GW2, it's no different for raids.


I admit I didn't even try to join a raid-group yet. Here's why:

*First: everything I wrote up above.

*Second: I know I need training for this. At least a way to train the boss mechanics while dealing damage. On the occasion I'll find a group that sticks with me, I want to carry my weight. So I've watched youtube guides and trained my rotations at the golem in the aerodrome. But honestly: I find this golem utterly useless in regards of training for raids. The only thing you can train there is which button to press next and where to place what field, under the assumption the enemy doesn't move. There are worlds between spamming a rotation as fast as possible and actually doing your part while keeping yourself upright at a boss.

But right now there is no way to train except for the content itself.

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* Raids are built poorly with little more in mind than "Attack at this time, beat the boss until its deed. Do the simple mechanics when its ready"

* The player-base in raiding as a whole is cancerous and just horrible, I have yet to meet a single person who is remotely chill in raiding. It's all "You need a million Legendary insight, the acheivo for doing X thing in X place at X time. And you need this super rare emoji thing you can send me because reasons. ( I made the last one up)

* With how my jobs are right now, due the holiday season is exceptionally hard for me to sit down and raid. If I have the chance to raid at all, I'd much rather do it in WoW where I can at least play the class I enjoy rather than the cookie-cutter crap this game has become.

* I cant play the way I like to play, I'm excessively aggressive (Play-style.), I love my Rev, ranger and Im currently leveling a necro because Im all about that undead booty. ;o( Shout out to all you necro's out there. Spread the love of the underworld <3)

* My guild which is my family guild refuses to do it because one, we dont have enough people. Two we dont wana recruit really because people are flaky it seems and only stick around for a short time, and again they cant play how they like to play.

* Dont mistake this as I wont, I want to but I dont want to have to do it while sacrificing my play-style and having to spend the mats/time to rebuild my char. I am building legendary weps which is more important to me than doing raids at this time. ( Especially when I can get Legendary armor from WvW )

* Im competitive, but im not a dick. I like to joke around while in dungeons and raids; I like to have fun. The way raiding is handled in this game, it's like a job with no fun at all to be found. I like head-cannon and lore tid bits, I also wana explore and see the raid and look at what there Is to behold in these foreign areas of the game. But the player-base for that content is "Rush to end, get in. Do the boss and get the fuck out, dont watch the cinematic I Want my loot right the fuck now!"

* I dont wana have to find another guild, my family is in this guild. My dad is the guild leader and I have been with this group and these people since I started guild wars when factions arrived and my parents at the time allowed me. Sure Im an adult, but my heart and loyalty remains to where I am; I should **NOT ** Have to find another home/guild to do this content.

* Guild wars is not a game I constantly can put time into, I get borred and come when I have the itch to play. I played for the first few years after launch but then when HoT and a little bit before HoT I just grew tired of the game. The combat is nice, but the story; The world and all the characters are hollow and after Warhammer online age of reckoning I Felt like the game lacked what I sought. There are no real dark class's, Even the necromancer has been "Hello-kittydfied." This game is too kiddy, kiddy and I Cant take it seriously. WoW offers me a warlock, a Demon hunter and a death knight as well a shapeshifting druid with all of these feeling far superior to the class lore and design of guild wars as a whole.

* I suppose I am waiting for some fixes so you can play any build, for any class... so I Can play the way I like with the stats I like and be just as viable. Which is what guild wars 2 was sold as when it launched, when HoT launched and when PoF launched.


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