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Cant play with friends?!??

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Hi, i was unable to play with my friends from my country cause i was on american server where my guild is and most ppl i know. I changed server for 1000 crystals to europe to be able to play with them. Now i cant see nor play with my guild members. We cant see each other not even in guild hall while in party, wtfu? So i decided to change back to america servers and it wants 1800 crystals!... is this normal? is it really normal to pay each idk 7 days more and more money every time just to play with my friends? Am i asking that much? I already sent bug report, cause this is gamebreaking, well what do you guess, 7 days later and no respond, nothing. But if anyone from dev team will read this. What about making servers purchaseable. if somebody will need he will spend idk 10 euro on second world and he will be able to transfer for free, that would be user friendly. But still, Why does it cost 2x much, WHY???, just to suck more money from ppl who bought this game and wants to play it with their friends???? Now I cant even change back because it does not fit my budget since its 2x more expensive.

Well in any case thx for reading, i would appreciate some helpfull comments.

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Submitting bug reports in-game will garner no response, as indicated on the Bug Report window.

Transferring between the EU region and the NA region does, indeed, have a cost in Gems, determined by the population designation of Medium, High, Very High, and Full (which does not allow transferring).


You can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Submit a Ticket' for assistance; perhaps, they would consider moving you back to your original server.


Good luck.

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Needed to read about how transfers work and cost before committing and paying for a change. Sorry it didn't work out for you, but coming and complaining, sending bugs reports for something that has been a part of the game isn't going to change anything. Maybe support will be nice and put you back on the server you want, but if not start mining and make gold and mark it off as a learning experience.

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No, you can't keep switching servers for free. EU and NA are seperate so basically think of it as needing 2 accounts. You have 4 options:

1) Give up playing with your guild

2) Give up playing with your EU friends

3) Buy a 2nd account for the other area

4) Quit playing all together.


Since GW2 was launched, NA and EU have been seperate. It's not gaming breaking, so stop submitting bug reports. You can put in 1 suggestion about combining them, but don't expect it to happen any time soon, if ever. Also, I'm fairly certain when you submit a bug report, it states you won't receive a reply.

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