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Hi. I wasn't sure the best place to post this question...

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**H**i, there, friends.... This is my first time actually being here, so I wasn't entirely sure where to best ask this question. Is there a section to make suggestions to Anet? Slight things that people think could be improved upon for both convenience and or safety of their players?


I have made a few observations that I feel could perhaps use a little tweaking but I'm not sure the most appropriate outlet to share those views... :/


Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

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If the suggestions are about general gameplay, then General Discussion would be best. If the suggestion would be about something related mostly to PvP, WvW, or a specific Profession, then it would best be posted in the pertinent sub-forum.


Usually, when asking for help/advice from other players, the 'Players Helping Players' sub-forum is best.


Using the identifier, [suggestion] in the thread title is also often used.


Welcome, and good luck.

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To build on what Inculpatus said there used to be a Suggestions section on the old forum but apparently Anet found it hard to use because it moved even faster than General Discussion so topics would get pushed down quickly, and a lot of them had pretty generic titles like "Why can't we do this?" or "Who else thinks this is a good idea?" Both of those combined meant people at Anet found it virtually impossible to find ideas that related to their area of expertise, and if they saw one someone else might want to check out it could end up 2 pages down and very hard to identify by the time the relevant person had time to look for it.


So the advice now is to post it in whichever section it's more relevant to (General Discussion if you're not sure) with a title that makes it clear what it's about. e.g. "[suggestion] New inventory search options" instead of "Am I the only one annoyed by this?"

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