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Wintersday Balance Update: Feedback Thread

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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  • ArenaNet Staff

'allo all,


Now that the Wintersday update has gone live, along with its small balance update, we'd like to open up this thread to hear your constructive feedback. Once you've had a chance to play the changes in your preferred game modes, let us know what and **why** you liked a change, disliked a change, felt something went too far, or didn't go far enough within the scope of a smaller update. Be as constructively specific as possible. Thank you!


Keep in mind that the majority these changes are intended to move toward the listed foci from my [earlier news post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/19600/upcoming-wintersday-balance-update/p1):


> This small update has primary two foci:

> * Pushing damaging burst condition toward ramping, sustained damage. This should create more opportunities for counterplay, but also feel satisfying to keep conditions rolling once you’ve ramped them up.

> - i.e. We’re tuning some skills that apply damaging conditions so that they apply less stacks up front, but last for longer. In total duration they’re almost the same before and after.

> - e.g. Purging Flames: Burning has been adjusted from 3 stacks for 5 seconds to 2 stacks for 8 seconds.

> * Re-vamping several passive vulnerability traits to offer more distinct opportunities or create synergy with other traits (rather than being standalone). At small amounts vulnerability doesn’t feel good and adding more vulnerability to something that is capped on it has little value. These changes will offer chances to spike up vulnerability when it is ebbing or encourage new build styles.

> - e.g. Mutilate Defenses: This trait has been reworked and renamed to "Expose Defenses". This trait now causes your first attack when entering combat to inflict 5 stacks of vulnerability for 5 seconds. This ability refreshes whenever you use an elite skill.


Wonderful Wintersday to you all,


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Well, now you kinda fixed Burst application are you going to do something about that CONSTANT never ending application? I mean at least when its Power builds, they fail or miss their biggest hitters they have to wait a few seconds to try again, Condi builds just move to the very next ability that has many conditions connected to to.


Also, Thanks for the Nerf for Ele. We totally needed that. Oh wait...

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"apharma.3741" said:

> Before you run off to wolf down another mince pie, can you clarify if this is the full extent of the changes you were focusing on or if there’s still more planned at a later date but that you felt weren’t ready for this patch?


I wish I was consuming delicious baked goods!


I answered the question you're asking in the other thread, but it may have been a bit buried so I'll quote it here as well:


> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> To re-iterate and hopefully clarify something - this update is NOT an end-all resolution to power and condition builds, it is a step toward the goal of accentuating differences will lead to healthier options in several game modes. This is also a smaller scope update.

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>! Excessive Energy: This trait's functionality has been changed to now cause vigor on you to grant a 10% damage increase.

>! Blunderbuss: Reduced the bleeding stacks inflicted at each tier by 1. Increased the duration of bleeding from 5 seconds to 7 seconds at all tiers.

>! Retreating Grapple: Bleeding inflicted has been adjusted from 3 stacks for 6 seconds to 2 stacks for 10 seconds.

>! Throw Junk: Bleeding has been adjusted from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds.

>! Incendiary Ammo: Burning has been adjusted from 2 stacks for 3 seconds to 1 stack for 6 seconds.

>! Incendiary Powder: Burning duration has been adjusted from 2 stacks for 4 seconds to 1 stack for 8 seconds.

>! Rocket Kick: Burning duration has been adjusted from 3 stacks for 5 seconds to 2 stacks for 8 seconds.

>! Chemical Field: Poison stacks have been adjusted from 2 stacks for 4 seconds to 1 stack for 8 seconds.

>! Crystal Configuration: Zepyhr: Fixed a bug in which this trait failed to remove all instances of the listed conditions.

>! Heavy Armor Exploit: This trait has been renamed Sanguine Array and now grants might when you inflict bleeding.

>! High Caliber: Increased the range threshold of this trait from 240 to 300, and increased the chance to inflict critical strikes from 10% to 15% against foes within the range threshold.

>! No Scope: Increased the range threshold of this trait from 240 to 300. Reduced the internal cooldown of this trait from 10 seconds to 8 seconds. Fury now grants 150 ferocity.




>! Inspiring Distortion: This trait now grants 5 seconds of aegis instead of 1 second of distortion.

>! Chaos Vortex: This skill now attempts to face the selected target before firing when it's targeted on foes beside or behind the caster.

>! Ether Clone: Torment duration has been adjusted from 2 stacks for 5 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.

>! Portal Exeunt: This skill now performs a range check before activating to prevent unusable portals from being created.

>! Arcane Thievery: In addition to its previous effects, successfully hitting a target now inflicts slow on the target for 4 seconds while granting quickness to the mesmer for the same duration.

>! Mantra of Recovery: Healing has been increased by 25% when fully charged.

>! Mantra of Pain: Increased might stacks from 8 to 12.

>! Mantra of Concentration: This skill now grants quickness for 5 seconds when fully charged, in addition to its previous effects.

>! Mantra of Resolve: This skill no longer grants resistance when fully charged. Instead, it now removes all conditions.

>! Tides of Time: Improved the consistency of the returning wave in situations where the outgoing wave impacts walls or terrain.

>! Imaginary Axes: Increased the confusion stacks applied by the player from 2 to 3. Increased the duration of confusion stacks applied by both the player and clones from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.

>! Phantasmal Seeking Axe: Increased torment duration from 3 seconds to 4.5 seconds.



Condi Engi was allready in the lowest tier, even the last romantic engiplayer gave up and you nerfed like a lot of condi-dmg skills even on power-weaponsets wich makes no sense at all. Condi Mesmer is top tier on the other hand and as one of the biggest condiburst offenders has changed ONE condiskill. Please help me understand this.

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I'm actually gutted that rev got nothing to deal with condi.

Surely adding an extra condi removal to staff 4 is acceptable? Or even one to Herald f2?

Burst condi is bad but long duration is still bad if you can't get them off which power rev can't do.


Deathstrike buff is ok but it still misses a very high % of the time against players, so I guess more attempts might mean a few will hit.


Overall I was hoping for more but that's my fault.

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Can you please explain the thought process behind increasing the dps of the rifle on thief? My understanding was that nobody wanted a buff to the rifle but everybody wanted a buff to deadeye?


I worry it will become another thing like DH traps but it will still remain totally useless.

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Elementalist fury changes are completely terrible. They've achieved absolutely nothing. Builds running Fresh Air got enough fury anyway from swapping to air so much while build not using air just received a pretty major damage nerf. 20% crit chance is a pritty big deal.

Also, why can mesmer still apply 10+ stacks of confusion under 1 second??

Otherwise a welcome change patch.

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buffed FB, Scourge and mirage- the three S tier PvP classes.


nerfed core warrior, ele and rev. all classes that were not great.


I'm uninstalling as we speak. the bad balance in PvP has just become even worse.




**all the hard work done by @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" in the PvP forum, trying to give us hope. trying to make the game better. well, that's all just been undone with this patch. it's made an already bad situation even worse. great work**


I'm sorry that this happened to you Ben. you're a cool guy, and you don't deserve to have your efforts wasted :-(

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Conditions mesmer was already very, very strong. They can apply 20 stacks of confusion (which means any skill you use will down you), with cover conditions, while invulnerable for 5s at a time, meaning there is little to no counterplay. Why did it receive a buff to condition application while every other condition skill received a nerf? What was the reasoning behind it?

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i have to say that you should nerf all conditions of all classes. Elementalist especially the weaver elite uses a combination of power and condition to deal damage. nerfing that much the conditions wasn't that good idea. Ele never stucked insane ammounts of bleeding or burning like scourges or firebrands. i think you have to reconsider the nerf to conditions in some classes

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> @"Funkyshit.9126" said:

> i have to say that you should nerf all conditions of all classes. Elementalist especially the weaver elite uses a combination of power and condition to deal damage. nerfing that much the conditions wasn't that good idea. Ele never stucked insane ammounts of bleeding or burning like scourges or firebrands. i think you have to reconsider the nerf to conditions in some classes


Hell, some classes either didnt get touched or got buffed. Weaver has to be full zerk (or Zerk + Fresh Air) in order to deal damage, yet they still decide to nerf us!? Why!?

These changes are nothing but a buff really to condi builds. Longer duration, easier to stack them.

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