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Nerf don’t fix my cute lil necro. Very sad.


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No run away magic! No chase run away people magic! Limp shroud! No super powered 22,999 thousand power damage bursts like that mean and nasty Charr Mesmer! No 50,000 thousand super power burst like sneaky Deadeye! No good power meelee peeveepee and wvwvw weapons (gs lol)! No fast attacks! Pets worser than ranger pets, and those are bad! No... nothing... except make only good condi builds bad! Oh wait.. we have big health so all good! right...


Creators have no Wintersday heart, and only care to make cute lil Asura necro sad.


Original heartbreaking story...




My bully Deadeye friend making even more fun of me after today!


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I don't see the issue in how it is now.

My conditions lasts longer now. Weaker but longer.


I want to see the ones trying to run from me crippled longer as now I can pick them off even easier.


Burst is gone, but the torture is now there longer.


You're a necro, your job is watching people suffer slowly before they die. I like watching that. It's wonderful.

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